Thursday, March 31, 2005


Greetings, guardians of the eleventh hour!

So now, if we are to give creedance to the Eleventh Century prophesies of the Irish monk, Saint Malichi, the next to the last of the final of the anointed heirs of Saint Peter, and wielders of a legitimized temporal power;.... A power originally derived from the Emperor Constantine on October 28th in the year 312, is about to shed this mortal coil.

To be frank, I am surprised he has lived as long as he has.


Although it remains undeniably germane that he has failed to reinstate the strictures of Pope Pius XI, (in the early part of the 20th century) and to reverse the fatal and likely permanent effect and infiltration of the Western Church of Rome by subversive Masonic elements as well as formerly outlawed Modernist agents and theologians, it can still be said that he was probably one of the greatest pontiffs to occupy the Chair of St. Peter in the last several centuries.

But the greatness of this man may never be fully understood.

The reason for that failure may be a failure of the man himself...... Ironically, it may be that his work and its effect was... "too little, too late," by reason of an inability to completely address the wounds in the body of the Church.

It may also be the penalty to be paid in a temporal currency for spirtual transgressions.

The "contra mores" dogmas and effects of these formerly proscribed "NWO" elements were first rehabilitated back into the body of the Church by Pope Pius XXIII in the late '50's and subsequently embedded by Paul IV in 1965 via the aegis of the second Vatican Council.

The result of the triumph of this readmitted school of thought, was the intuitive, instinctive, and generally subconsciously motivated abandonment of the Catholic Church by huge numbers the formerly faithful laity in the middle and late 1960's as well as a decline in general of the Moral authority of the Holy See; an authority which had formerly been acknowledged in effect, if not in theory, by all the subsequent denominations of Christianity that the Western Church has spawned since the Reformation.

As we have already discussed, the complicity by active means, as well as by default, in the rehabilitation of this poisonous doctrine may have been the reason why Pius XXIII fainted in public when he read the third prophesy of Fatima before the assembled Cardinals of the Faith in 1960. It may also have been the reason for the suppression and sealing of that prophesy immediately thereafter.

Whether or not the life work of Pope John will endure, in view of the fact that he chose to predicate it on a foundation that is severely compromised by a growing encroachment of NWO style heresies and perversions, remains to be seen.

My personal feeling is that, not unlike the reforms of the Kuprili Family in the declining years of the Ottoman empire, this man's work may only serve to delay the end logic, and the result gained, when a person of good intent attempts to revive a human institution already infected by the contradictions of its moral antithesis, an institution who's body is therefore suffering from an advanced case of "corpus sine pectore."


Greetings, Future Meat Products and Other Reactive Life Forms!

I remind everyone once again that Terri Shavio is not the real issue of the Terri Shavio event. Her death was not only ordained, but desired as necessary by the forces of Modernism and Humanism.

She, and the metaphysically infused event that has transpired about her, are both only means to an end. A means for demons to wear the mask of Angels, and at the same time, a means for the mask of angels to be ripped from the face of Demons. We are given that choice and opportunity, at which to fail or succeed.

From the perspective of constitutional legalities, the Zeta talk analysis is in fact a stingingly correct indictment of what is happening in that venue.
What has occurred in the political arena that is so well and correctly exposed by the Zeta talk analysis, It is not the main core issue however, it is a desperate hijack of an issue for political and social ends.

It may well be no accident that we are forced to address trumped up issues such as those that were attempted by the Executive branches of the State of Florida and the US Government.
The continuing swirl of spun-off eddies such as the attempted hijack of this issue for political ends by the powers that be, serve a purpose to continue to divert and obscure the emergence and affirmation of the moral issue that lies at the core of the event. Instead it casts the already NWO (read: Humanist) controlled political process in the role of moral arbiter.

For above all things, the affirmation of the centuries old Western tradition of Human morality is to be feared the most by the Modernists and Humanists of the New World Order.....Thus they will do anything to divert the issue and the focus of the general public away from possibly measuring the Shavio event and all those like it, past, present, and future by such a yardstick. They will always attempt to insert their own conjured definition of measure instead.

For they well know that they indict themselves as the corrupters and perverters of Truth if they allow that Truth to emerge from the womb of this or any other such transubstantiated event. ..... That Truth being.....that to deny the incarnation of a human form the basic means of sustenance; and that sustenance being the mortal, corporal necessity of both food and water, and that denial being the sole cause that effects the death of that form, then that action is immoral, contradictory to two thousand years of moral behavior and truth, and is in fact, murder.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


: "The needs of the one sometimes outweigh the needs of the : many"

: Star Trek: The Search for Spock

*** Greetings,

I observe that occasionally an event such as that of Terri Schiavio comes along.

The event may not be unique, or perhaps, by reason of its profligate number and occurrence, is even mundane and worthy of little usual notice.

Nonetheless, certain disparate circumstances now and then combine to infuse the energy of a former mundane and common event with the supra-natural powers possessed of a spiritual and moral looking glass.

This pollination of the intangible by the physical, then becomes the medium where inescapable past, present, and future moral and social commentary is reflected back to us as a stark and un-buffered image. A photo negative of our true state of affairs, if you will, and a place where more than just the emperor has no clothes.

It becomes the mirror of Dorian Gray. Its powers are brutal, as only the powers of truth can be. It disabuses us of our spiritual complacency and the social comfort of our self deception. We are found wanting in its presence and remanded to a communal and private purgatory in which the only atonement is the unconditional acceptance of the unpleasant truths about not only our community of fellow man, but that of ourselves as well.


Into this transubstantiated looking glass, even the most unwilling are obliged to peer.

As with the oracles of antiquity, one may divine a great deal from the duress of such a compulsory introspection. We may choose to learn or we may choose to not learn. We may see ourselves as others see us or we may deny the truth thrice before the dawn breaks.

But most terrifying of all, we may see in any such event, the end result that is our commonly constructed fate; a fate awaiting us in a place where the creation devours the creators, one and all, on the other side of the looking glass.

Today, as we look upon the dying face of Terri Schiavio, we are witness to an event that tells us much beyond the obvious of yet another disconnected life-support system.

In it we see ourselves as a People that no longer have the foundation of values upon which an enduring national dream may be built.

In it we see the undeniable end-logic and destination of a world where the spirit of Man is reduced to a factor of the equation instead of the totality of the sum.

In it we see the spiritual alienation that we affect to deny. We see the moral road that once led to Camelot, its distant zepher'd pennants beckoning to us from down a far path; a path from which we were once seduced, and that we will never walk again.

Our senses are indicted by the accusation of a verity that we have voided and deflowered the values and affirmations of the labor of two thousand years of social moral constructs, human history, cultural heritage, and the essence of salvation striven to be achieved by past generations of men and women.

And, in it we read, written in the blood of our fathers, that redemption of the venial is a worthy goal and that there is valor and virtue of enduring substance in the aspiration of attainment to the higher spiritual qualities of Man.

But most of all, in this looking glass, the rightly horrified viewer gazes into his own eyes, that, like two hollow coals of steel-cold fire, peer back at him.

And he comes to know therein, the eyes of his own executioner.

Hither he falls into the eternal damnation of his own looking glass, whilst thither about him scurry the demons of his blackest nightmares, methodically constructing the workings and mechanics necessary to contain the once and future inhabitants of the coming slaughterhouse of the soul.


Sunday, March 27, 2005



By: CliffMickelson

Date: Sunday, 6 March 2005, 5:50 a.m.


"Australia will come to the defense of Taiwan if attacked by China. "

-Australian Foreign Minister, Alexander (the) Downer:

Greetings, My Fellow Sweaty Bomb Shelter Diggers!

What say we all put down the shovel for a moment and take a well-deserved break!
Let us consider whether or not to take the measure of the above quote as an indicator of the necessity for making the wife and kids dig too!

My take on the significance of Mr. Downer's "downer" remark would be that the honorable Minister is simply reading us a bedtime story. It is a standard ditty and one that he is plagiarizing directly out of the "Once Upon A Time" section of his textbook, entitled:
"Statecraft 101" (sub-title) "International Power Politics and the Maintenance of The Balance of Power."

But be warned, because the Surgeon General and the state of California have established that bedtime stories have been know to cause nightmares.
Not to worry, my blister-handed friends...The nightmare is already here. (If you don't believe me, just move to California!)

Further...It is a well established fact that among nations......
The pack will always seek to pull down any wolf that grows too tall.
In the unending shifts of alliances between nations, the common denominator is a socialist paradyme on the equality of players.
This, in and of itself, is not necessarily a bad thing.
(Among nations, that is)

The military application of the concept that our Aussi Foreign Minister is so impolitely reminding us of, can be seen as occurring in force, time and time again, back through history.
No matter how out of kilter the world's balance of power may be at any given moment in time, (it is currently VERY out of kilter) The applicable rule states that: The enemy of my enemy is my friend, etc. (and variations upon the theme, ad nauseum)

With this in mind, the Situation with Taiwan is a worrisome one. It is one that is fraught with the possible emergence into dominance of random chaos potentialities.
For all intents and purposes, the Mainland Chinese claim to Taiwan is absurd. If for no other reason than by reason of the one that I have just now invented, and have decided to dub (ya): "Cliff's International Statute of Reasonable Time Limitations"! (AKA, Com'mon' youze guys!... It's been YEARS!.. Give us a break!)

The sound and fury signifying the true nothingness comprising Beijing's weeping and gnashing of teeth over Taiwan, provides a heaping plate full of instructive entertainment for apprentices in the disinformation field as well as serves up an excellent second helping of motivation among political catastrophists to experience the virtues of fresh air and the benefits of physical exercise. (Hey, buddy, ya' got'a spare shovel?)

Our peevish Mainland Neo-Mandarins kindly provide the audience with an enlightening example of how to create a new political reality.
They dazzle those of us who live on the World's pumpkin wagon by the exhibition of a marvelous sleight of hand, wherein, they make an insulting assumption about the level of human intelligence by waving the sacred semantic wand of false illusion above a formerly empty box, all the while, informing us that it really contains the a living, breathing, reality.
This apparent impossibility they then pull out of the box, (via their hat) much to the endless mystification of all who can pass a literacy test.

However, at risk of life and limb, my sources tell me that the secret ingredient used by the Peking prestidigitators is the relentlessly generated repetition of a false or partially false set of facts and claims! (So THERE!...Chou down on THAT one!)

In other words, We don't need no stinkin' true facts cuz we aim to change 'em!
As we all know much too well, After a while, the lie becomes truth and the truth now becomes the lie.

Taiwan has been an independent nation and recognized as such since long before the mainland Chinese obtained similar recognition.

Remaining conscious of this then, if we closely observe the attitude and tactics of Beijing as per Taiwan, we will be able to most likely discern what they infer for the rest of the world at some point in time.

One verity, above all others, remains self evident in the world and life of the common man as well as in the more rarefied Olympian heights of international power politics:
And that is:
The way that the words are assembled in the effort to enable how any problem is approached, will always betray the agenda, the motivation, and/or extended intent of the participants.
This is the reason that political analysts as well as Intelligence agencies are so meticulous with every nuance of a world leaders speeches and statements.

You will recall that Hitler told Chamberlain that he only wanted the Sudatenland. ...Uh...Oh...and by the way, a corridor through Poland to Danzig!

Taiwan is a tiny and insignificant speck compared to the huge bulk of the Chinese mainland. What skin is it off the tail of the People's Republic to let the Taiwanese decide their own destiny?
Isn't this what Self determination of nations, world peace, and the attendant organizations charged to guard and insure the above are all supposed to be about?
But...When it comes to Taiwan, where are the vociferous voices in the United Nations that cry out so often and so loudly for the oppressed peoples of the world? The same voices that are so silent now were buying Taiwan radios and knick knacks 20 years ago. Now they buy from China.

Taiwan is a representative republic with freely elected representatives.
This is not a boast that the bully boys of Tienamen Square can also advertise.
I believe that it would speak much better of the long term intent and agenda of the mainland, were they to allow the free expression of the will to the people of Taiwan to be respected.
That they are unwilling to do so is ominous.

It is also important to remember that it is the Mainland that is keeping this issue alive and not the other way around.... But then, I suppose if we applied the yardstick of what I wrote above to Tibet then we will know what is in store for Taiwan in the near future.
Northern Vietnam, Mongolia, India and the Russian far East had better get ready for the inevitable, because Taiwan is but a small morsel and will only whet the appetite for equally or even less valid and honorable claims upon their national territories.

Australia will find itself, willing on not, as much an eventual front line target of Chinese expansionism as it was to the Imperial Japanese who bombed Darwin. Fortunately, the unforeseen victory by the US Naval forces at the Battle of Midway removed any serious Japanese threat of an invasion of Australia. The Chinese may not be as unlucky as to have a squadron of American bombers catch them with their planes on deck, fully loaded with fuel and bombs.

In my opinion, the fate of Southeast Asia turns upon how successfully India matches the ante-up of Beijing.



Dear Bonnie:

You must remember that the bill known as Patriot Act II would have passed no matter who was president. "We the people" are no longer in control of our own destiny. Neither have we been for some long time.

There is no turning back for us at this point. The system is terminally corrupt.

Perhaps a constitutional convention could save it, but it's doubtful. The nation we call "America" was hijacked many years ago. This place where we now dwell is not our America. That America lives on, but it now found only in our hearts.

The most telling and blatent notice of the hijack of "our" America, was when Kennedy was murdered. But the clues to that crime go much farther back.

It is worth remembering that it is now more dangerous to be a patriot than it is to be a communist!

The sovereign States have been reduced to little more than political conveniences. That is the legacy of the War between the States and the constitutional crimes of Lincoln.

You ask about George Bush and his agenda?

Yes, it is true that the creature you often see on the TV looks like George Bush, but it is not George Bush. It is just a reasonable facsimile thereof. You see, George Bush, THE real George Bush is a hijack victim too!

There is no difference between the agenda of Geo Bush as President and the agenda of a would be President Al Gore. There would be no difference in the agenda if you or I were president.

That is because the agenda that is happening is not the agenda of the America we once knew and that now lives in our hearts. It is not even the agenda of the Presidents that propose it.

It is instead a twisted characature of deformity, a hunchback on stilts, disguised by the cleverly purloined death mask of what was once the greatest of nations where man could dare to dream.

At this late date, were ever a true difference in direction to be attempted by any president, that President would be removed or neutralized. The message of Dallas comes through loud and clear. And so, the two political partys attend the masquarade Ball each on the arm of the hunchback. They are just two faces of a shadowy neather world from whence issues the imperial beast.

That beast will grind your children to make it' bread and grind you as a citizen under a work load until you too, are dead.

Never forget: It is your patriotic duty to work until you drop over and are buried. Do not entertain the antisocial fantasy of retirement. The American Sheeple now sit blissfully ignorant in the cush comfort of the velvet glove that cradles them. Little do they suspect that beneath that velvet lies a fist of iron that prepares to crush them already. The fate that awaits them when their usefulness to the agenda is over, can be seen in the story of Central and South America. It is the fate of leaders like Allende, and the peoples of , El Salvadore, Kosovo, Argentina, etc... the list seems endless if one draws it up.

So.... Anyone who tries to tell you that the Republicans or the Democrats are the ones to stop the madness, is either blissfully ignorant and suffering from political naivete, or is an agenda agent themselves, intent upon deliberately misleading you with disinformation.

Look past the window dressing. Do you see the continuous line?... LBJ to Nixon to Carter to Bush .....Clinton to Bush II.

On it goes... All the same. All the same choreography. The same puppet master.

Has any true National issue been resolved in the last 50 years? Has one even been raised?

There is no National dream is there? It is no coincidence that it too, died in Dallas.

This deformity that has hijacked our America reveals itself to with greater and greater impunity. The fear of the People has been replaced by contempt.

It trumpets the intimidating news that it can read your license plate from outerspace! But then claims it is impossible to stop illegal barefoot peasants from crossing miles of open desert?

The examples are legion.

The mask lowers further. Does madness fear to reveal itself before those whom the gods have made blind?

No. And I can assure you that at this late date, it won't, either.

There is no where left to run, but there are still a few good places to hide.

Bonnie, You made a wise decision when you moved out of LA.


Saturday, March 26, 2005


Excerpt below taken from:

Naomi Klein Reveals New Details About U.S. Military Shooting of Italian War Correspondent in IraqDemocaracy Now!

Friday, March 25th, 2005


[Please note]...For full background on my commentary of the snip below, you may follow the above link to the full text of the interview.


***(Begin snip)

"and the way she explains it, she had to go through a U.S. checkpoint in order to get into the Green Zone.You can only access this road through the Green Zone. It's very, very difficult to get into theGreen Zone. When I tried to get into the Green Zone, I had to go through six checkpoints -- sixdifferent passport checks. So, the idea that the American military didn't know that they were on theroad, that they -- that didn't know about their presence is impossible, if she was, in fact, on aroad that emerged out of the Green Zone. And I think that the idea that there was a mobilecheckpoint set up for Negroponte obviously supports this claim very strongly. What Giuliana wastalking about was what she was -- the only thing she could figure out is that the people who theychecked in with in the Green Zone, the U.S. soldiers they checked in with in the Green Zone in orderto get in, didn't radio ahead to these mobile checkpoints and warn them that they were coming. Andfrom her perspective, that could have either been a mistake, or it could have been some sort of actof vengeance and anger, you know, and we know that there's a lot of anger at the idea that Italiansmay be paying very large ransoms for the release of prisoners"(end snip)


Greetings, Semantic Savants:

The above snip, excerpted from the interview, seriously concerns me.

Having previously effected to establish a premise in absolutist terminology, we now suddenly encounter conditional modifiers in a paragraph that additionally begins with a prima facia contradiction between parties, or in a worst case assumption....a lie.

This is either an accidental offering of extreme carelessness on the part of the interviewer, Naomi Klien, or is an exceptionally clever parachute.

For what ever reason, the typical intransigence of the American Military command to offer into evidence the vehicle, only compounds the already seriously compromised establishment of truth in this matter. Suffice to say that it can be expected that such public relations stupidity only bolsters the circumstantial assumptions of a level of higher complicity and/or perhaps something to hide.

Such an assumption however, is the only product to emerge from this affair that has claim to the royalty of a greater dominion over the increasing number of parties involved;... all of whom seem intent on clamoring for citizenship in the kingdom of stupidity.

So, at this point, we have an ex post facto situation in progress where all current public parties involved, (excepting Ms. Guiliana) are determinedly vying to take turns shooting themselves in the foot in order to impress the public with their version of the truth.

As an aside, therefore, the next question than must be routinely asked is:

Who benefits from the fallout resulting out of the death of this Italian intelligence official, and who stands to gain by the attempted death of this high profile Italian journalist, were it to be perpetrated in such a blatant and open manner?

Is this attack consistent with established protocol for ridding one's self of a staunch allies' high ranking intelligence agent?

And/Or ....

Is it a cost effective, plausibly deniable, and approved methodology for killing "agenda hostile" world famous journalists who are also citizens of one of a shrinking number of firm allies, considering that the same party had just been released from a captivity that involved both governments and the media attention of the world?

.....and...if we are to assume the veracity of what Ms. Klien relates as to the fact that it was a 50 caliber machine gun, (four inch) round that killed the officer and wounded Ms. Guiliana, and we are to accept that indeed, there were 3 to 4 hundred rounds that entered the car, then we must also invoke the mystery and the wonder at the work of the hand of God, who's power it was that allowed the driver to pull over, get out, and make a phone call home.

I have seen what 50 caliber rounds can do. Were I the driver of such a car, and an Atheist, I would find myself investing my time with my first phone dime, in acknowledging the existance of the divine.

We must also wonder at the marksmanship of the American soldiers and give credit to the Air Force for winning the war on the ground.

I will add that In my experience, any survivors of this kind of an attack in progress, other than that of an immediately perceived accidental or unauthorized occurrence, are usually shot when they emerge.

If for some reason they are not, then they are spread eagle'd with a M16 at the back of the head until military Intel. arrives and carts them away at once to green room "debrief." That rule applies across the board. Friendlies or no.

Considering the life threatening wound by a bullet that would knock over an adult elephant, and the shock and suddenness of events as they occurred, not to mention the time spent in the "black hole" of captivity as a hostage, one can only be impressed by Ms. Guiliana's presence of mind in the course of the situation.

I doubt highly that were I to be in the same situation that I would be able to mark such details as the stretcher, the phone call, and the order to stop the phone call, all this and more, with such accuracy of recall. (See full interview)

So it seems that the blind continue to poke the blind in the eye at this point and the only one who's vision is lost, is Truth.

We know that there was a savage and murderous attack on an innocent and unsuspecting party of three in a land where the value of life is currently suffering sever deflation.

The principle actors in this tragedy continue to remain mute and standing in the wings.

As for the sound and fury of the supporting cast of players currently strutting about on stage; due to the requirements of their pending citizenship in the kingdom of stupidity, there is little else that we truly can say we know.




By: CliffMickelson

Date: Friday, 4 March 2005, 9:07 a.m.

As the events of the early 20th century begin to fade into the mists of time, it is not uncommon in our day and age to find that few people have a true understanding of one of the principle causes of the most costly and bloody war ever fought in Human history.

World War One, AKA "The Great War, or "The War to End All Wars" was a conflict so traumatic and so ghastly, that when it finally ended, not only had the map of the world changed beyond all recognition, but the world itself would never again be the same.

Those with a passing knowledge of this life and death struggle between the Titans of Europe, often cite the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand by a Serbian student anarchist as the cause.

This is a common misconception. World War One would have been fought regardless. For 50 years, the events that would one day eradicate an entire generation of youth had been simmering with an increasing intensity.

England and Germany,… England, Germany and France,… England, Germany, France and Russia....In the frantic quest for the Imperium that characterized Europe in the nineteenth century, many European nations came and went, but.....there was always England. And England had no intention of brooking competition.

-But competition, there was!

The competition between England and the Germanies had become particularly vicious prior to the successes of Bismarck over the Austrians and the subsequent unification of the Electorates. These Two world class powers, second cousins in both language and culture, had long possessed a keen rivalry reserved for the domain of siblings.

The British assault of 1898-1902 upon the hapless but indomitable Boer population of the South Africa only exacerbated hard feelings between the two powers.

One nation, already wealthy and Imperial, and the other, chaffing to share in the rush to riches, were both destined to sooner or later come into overt conflict.

And then there was....Austria! Or, more correctly, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, held as a personal fiefdom of the House of Hapsburg.

Prior to the ascendancy of Prussia and the union of the Germanies at the behest of Bismarck, The House of Hapsburg had long proved itself a thorn in the side of their Anglo-Saxon cousins across the channel. The signature of this competition was written upon the straits of the Bosporus and on the waters of the Euxine and the rocky islands and shores of Greece.

Added into this mix were the Slavs, who, in combination with the Austrians, had ambitions of their own in the regions that London felt were of strategic Imperial interest.

It should come as no surprise then to discover that English foreign policy in the last half of the Nineteenth Century was decidedly Anti German and anti Slav.
Perhaps the greatest architect of English Imperial policy during this period of time was the remarkable politician and four time prime minister, William E. Gladstone.
It was the Anti Slavic and Anti Hapsburg containment policies of Prime Minister Gladstone that were destined to lay the much of the ground work for what later became known as World War One.

But what can we use as a starting point? What event can we point to and say:
"Aha! There it is...HERE it is that the road to war emerges!"
Does such a starting point exist?

Yes, I believe it does.

World War One began in a tiny little village, 20 miles west of the walls of Constantinople in the year 1878!

A place known to the Greeks as San Stefano.

It was on a cold November day in San Stefano, that a victorious Russian army halted in anticipation of the final surrender of the Ottomans to the might of the Czars!
Despairing of help from England or France, and decidedly beaten, the Turks agreed to sign the document known as the treaty of San Stefano.

But at that very moment, unbeknownst to both the Turks and the Russians, sailing at top speed up the Bosporus to the very doors of the "Divine Porte was an English fleet.

Meet William E. Gladstone!

As a result of this gunboat diplomacy and the subsequent effective use of diplomatic power and intrigue by Gladstone, a case can be made that on that day, the true genesis of both the Great War, and it's subsequent sequel in 1939 were ordained to be.

Both World Wars of another century, can be actually traced back to the forced revision by the English, of the treaty of San Stefano.

That treaty between the Ottomans and the Russians had confirmed the gains of the Russian victory in the Russo-Ottoman war of the same date. The centuries-long goal of the return of the Orthodox to Constantinople and the symbolic mass at a re-sanctified Haiga Sophia, appeared at last to have been realized.

However, this pan Orthodox quest was fated to never come to pass.
As they had so many times in the past, the principle powers of the West determined to thwart their fellow co-religonist over matters of State. The Gains of the Russian armies were surrendered to the intrigues of the English.


To this very day, one man alone is held to account by both the Russians and the Austrians for the defeat of a policy pursued for two centuries; centuries spent in blood, in war, and in the nurturing of an implacable hostility by the Austro- Russian Balkan alliance toward the decayed Empire of the Ottomans.

So it was that the English presided as midwife at the stillbirth of the Slavic dream of the redemption and re-Christianization of the second Rome through the aegis of the third Rome
Prime Minister Gladstone, with his usual efficiency, had obtained the connivance of the French in forcing a summit that we know today as the "Congress of Berlin." It was at this "congress" that the treaty of San Stefano was "ex-post-facto" rewritten to suit the imperial interests of the English.

When the dust cleared, the Treaty, it's provisions and its grants had been completely eviscerated by the activities and intrigues of Whitehall's emissaries. The Russian and Austrian gains of the recent Russo-Ottoman war were completely reversed!

The Russians and the Austrians, never forgot that robbery. If it hadn't been for the unforeseen assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914, and for the fact that for over 200 years the Austrians and the Russians were as much competitors as friends in the Balkans, it would not have been beyond the realm of possibility to have seen the Russians fighting in W.W.I on the side of the Central powers.

And THAT, my dear readers, is one of those inscrutable... "What if's?"
It is one that would have changed the course of history!




By: CliffMickelson

Date: Thursday, 3 March 2005, 6:10 p.m.


Anti-Clericism...What is it?

It is a term we North Americans may occasionally hear associated with Mexico, or perhaps with the French Revolution of 1797.

It strikes many as rather odd, that such a term can be applied to nations and peoples, long viewed as possessing deep historic and religious ties to the Faith.


Few, outside of Mexico, or the rest of Latin America, truly can understand the nature of the role played by this force in the history of the Spanish speaking nations of the New World.

The emotions the term evokes south of the border can often strike us as incomprehensible.

However, it is important to remember that the power of this force is a dynamic that has defined who and what Latin Americans are today. It is one that has been seen to be exceptionally pronounced in all Latin based cultures. This is true in both the New as well as in the Old world.

Thanks to the lust and greed of Henry VIII, (Conveniently enabled by the rationale of a need for an heir) the Anglo Saxon New World sprang forth from the forehead of it's founders, relatively free of clerical encumbrances.

Not so, the Latin Nations and Colonies. There, the prerogatives, powers, and the justification for the monopoly of the State, (based on a mutually agreed compromise reached in prior centuries) continued to remain founded upon the opaque and unassailable monopoly of the doctrines of the Church.

There, each of the two ruling classes, political and spiritual, supported the oppression of the other, dividing the people between them as chattel of both the physical and of the spiritual world.

Unlike in the Germanic North American world, this "Oppression of dualism" was transferred, completely enfranchised from the Latin Old World, to the Latin New World.
It was a system that had achieved perfection in the triumph of the oppression of power. It left no area, physical, spiritual, nor intellectual, free from it's absolutist imperium.

It is in understanding the nature of such a system of symbiotic oppression that we are able to understand the nature and the reasons for the stark divergence of the destinies of the new nations whelped by the sons of Rome as opposed to that of those born of the heresies of Luther and enabled by the subsequent emergence of the Anglo-Dutch Mercantilist theory and it's spawn, the capitalist class.

It is ironic to note (in Mexico's case) that the "Grito de Dolores" was raised by a cleric. However, he was a lowly friar, A mestizo, and was more a member of the class of common man, than a Don of the elite halls of church and state.

Following the establishment of Itubide as first president of Mexico, the revolution remained uncompleted. The encomienda system was for all intents and purposes still fully entrenched and the people, (as so often happens) soon found that they had only exchanged one of their masters for another, while leaving the other more or less enabled in it's spiritual power.

The discontent of a job unfinished, would not find it's voice for another 100 years in the Republic of Mexico. When it finally did, it was a long, bloody, and unfortunate affair. We, in the North, would not know this kind of Struggle for there had never been a need for it. Not so, in Latin America

The revolution begun in November 1910 by the forces of Poncho Villa, served as a testimonial to the achievement that was the perfection of the oppression established by the Old Latin World "contract" of compromise/solution between church and state.

Today we may look back across the chasm of time and see the canyon that history has formed between the peoples of North and South America.

Two separate peoples, each fated to separate destinies. Both brought forth and related by blood as sons of the same spiritual mother. But one son was fated to be fathered by a union of absolutist oppression; one deeply rooted in the Counter Reformation, while the other son; a bastard gett of the development of ruling class political and economic oppressions peculiar to the Anti-Roman heresies of the Germanic, was destined to be fathered out of a union mothered by the Reformation.



Posted By: CliffMickelson

Date: Saturday, 10 April 2004, 4:43 a.m.

According to the US Navy Table contained in the link above, the moon is supposed to rise on April 10, 2004 (at my particular latitude) at 12:46, Standard or 1:46 Daylight savings time.
You can use this table (A) to calculate sun rise and moon rise in your particular location. Pretty darn cool, eh?

Well, except for one small detail.....

It is now 2:38AM and moon has yet to rise! There is only a faint glow begining to show.
Also, it seems that our Moon is one confused puppy! The poor thing is rising farther to the WEST again, each succeeding night this month, just like it did each night in March.

Folks, ...this is a very naughty moon!

Doesn't our silvery orb know that each night, following the full moon, it is supposed to rise farther to the east?

Think about it, and you will remember that Diana's chariot normally rises each succeeding night, farther to the East.

So, what's the deal here in the Northwest over the last two months?
Who ever heard of a moon rising farther to the West each night?

The very idea is unAmerican!... Next thing you know NASA will want to take all the credit!

Say..... You don't suppose they are messing with too much Strontium 90 over at Hanford, do you?
I can't speak for any other locations, but I sure can verify mine! .....And, Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm here to say that this particular moon needs a serious tune up,!

..... Oh yea, one other thing.... Has anyone seen the Milky Way lately? I'm broken-hearted because I think it left me!

Thursday, March 24, 2005



(begin snip by Mammonator, Rumor Mill News)


One thing I have noticed is that the moon's 'rotations' have been consistent any night I look more than once. Always clockwise and apparently consistent based on the general timeframe



Greeting, Mammonator:

You may be interested to know,(As I am certain U.E. would be) that the statment above is no longer the case. As such, there continues to be indications of other forces at work.

As of the first week in December, the rotation shifted clockwise so that the Sea of Crisis, (The right eye of the man in the moon) was no longer rising at the 2 o'Clock position. (It's traditional and time honored post)

This change shattered the rythem of a pattern that had not varied since it began with the full moon of July 3, 2004.

From The first week of December until the current lunar cycle that is now just ending, the moon followed the new pattern of rising "cocked back" clockwise with the right eye now rising at the 11:30 position. The degrees of rotation stayed the same however, but as it had always done since July, only occurred from zenith to within 45 degrees of set to the west. It NEVER rotated from rise to zenith.

It seems that this latest pattern is much shorter lived than those prior. Draw from that whatever conclusions you may, but the fact is that beginning with the lunation now ending, the right eye, upon rising, now appears in the 12 O'clock position.

Additionally, the rotation begins before zenith, which it has never done before, and it also appears to be slowing down in the amount of time it consumes to rotate. I suspect that we are about to see the emergence of a completely new pattern with the new moon of the comming cycle. At best, a return to ancient patterns of transit may occur. However, my intuition tells me that this will not be the case.

You may feel free to post this if you wish.




By: CliffMickelson
Perhaps one of the greatest military tacticians of all times is a man who's name is rarely heard in this modern age. But, the inovative and revolutionary military skills of this man rank him along side Hannibal Barca of Carthage and Alexander the Great of Macedonia.
His given name was "Timur" but we generally know him in the west by the name of "Tamerlane." This name became common in the English world due to a play written by the Elizabethan author and playwright Robert Marlow.
Circa 1590 or so, Marlow published the first half of a work that he entitled "Tamerlane." This was one of his master works and one that was to become a very popular centerpiece of the literary circles of the day.
At a later date, the American poet, Edgar Allen Poe, also wrote a popular piece with the same title.
Of Course, Tamerlane is an English language corruption of the appellation "Timur-il-link" which is Ughar /Turkic for Timur the lame. (Timur meaning 'Iron' in the Turkic vernacular.
Timur was lame from early in adulthood when he took an arrow in the thigh while he and his brother or a close friend, were attempting to steal livestock.
The first half of the life of Timur was unremarkable and held no hint of the promise of military genius that he later displayed.
Here in the West we tend to overlook or just briefly pass over the campaigns and warlords who made the history of the middle and far east. This is an unfortunate loss because some of the most outstanding feats of arms and examples of consummate generalmanship can be found in the ancient and mediaeval exploits of the leaders of the forces indigenous to that area.
Timur was a world class chess player and would often be found on the evenings before and after battles in his tent engrossed in a chess match with his eldest son, Shah Rok. The night following the battle of Angora, one of the Tarter Khans was able to personally capture Sultan Bayazid as he attempted to flee the field. Timur was so intent upon his chess match that when a guard attempted to approach him with the news, (which you would think was important stuff!) that he grabbed a saber and chased the poor man down. Needless to say, the fallen Bayazid, a famous conqueror in his own right, and the Padashah of the mighty Ottoman Empire, was kept waiting in chains until the chess match was over!
Two other brilliant leaders of that region and time come to mind. One is fairly well known and the other is less so. They are Heligu, a grandson of Ghengis Khan and the destroyer of Baghdad and exterminator of the Assassins of Alamut, and of course the well known Kurdish Mamluk, Sahl-a-din, or Saladin as he is more commonly known.
As per Alexander:
It was at the River Granicus that Alexander was first confronted by the forces of three of the great king's Satraps, (Governors)
They were, Aristes, the Strap of Phrygia, Arsamenes, the governor of Cilicia, and the well known Spithradates who held an appointment over Lydia and the Ionian Islands.
The three Satraps took up a position high on the opposite bank of the river and lined the bank with their cavalry instead of their infantry. This was an exceedingly stupid mistake and one that the keen eye of Alexander spotted at once. He sent his infantry forward into the river and directly at the Persian horse. As the Infantry reached the far bank, the Persian Cavalry charged. But the long sarissas of the Macedonians easily repulsed the charge with a heavy loss. At this point Alexander plunged into the water with his horse guards and forced the center of the line.
Parminio held the Persian flanks in check and the fighting swirled around the standards of Alexander and the three Satraps. At one point a Persian noble even got close enough to lop off the plume on Alexander's helmet, and another had moved behind him, and raised his saber, intent upon stabbing Alexander in the back. However, Clietus, a Macedonian officer,(who some years later was killed by Alexander in a drunken rage) Saved the young king's life by a timely spear thrust.
The Persian center gave way, two of the Satraps were slain on the field and the third, Aristes, escaped, only to commit suicide the next day rather than face the displeasure of his master.
Alexander didn't actually confront King Darius until the following year. (333 BC)
Following the victory at the River Granicus, Alexander paused to do some kingly sightseeing and to recieve the homage of the Ionian Greek cities. As he slowly moved his forces east, Darius was mustering the hosts of Asia. It would be at a place called Issus that the two greatest lords of the age would clash for the first time.
It was at Issus that Alexander repeated the tactic that he had used to save the day for his father, Philip, less than 5 years earlier. There, a furious charge by Alexander and his cavalry, routed the Athenians and the hoplites of Thebes. Issus was a carbon copy. Alexander drove straight for the king's standards. Darius fled and the battle was lost. However, the tactical deployment of the Persians had left much to be desired anyway.
At Issus, The Great king had marched along the coast of Cilicia with a huge host, conservatively numbered at nearly 600,000 men. Included in this number were over thirty-thousand Greek mercenaries alone!
As Darius moved west along the coast, Alexander remained inland and moved his forces east. Coming down off the high Anatolian plateau, the Macedonians passed through the narrow Cilician gates and came out on the coast in the rear of Darius. They then force marched west, encountering the vanguard of the Persians at Issus. Despite the vast superiority of numbers enjoyed by the Persians, Darius with his characteristic imbecility had consented to give battle on a narrow plain between the shore and the mountains. Of course this was a huge tactical error and it effectively prevented the Persian deployment of their cavalry as well as the maximum use of superior numbers of infantry.
Alexander realized that this error was his opportunity and he moved forward at once. The fighting was hot and heavy nonetheless, until the standards of Alexander were seen to approach to chariot of the Great King. At this point, Darius lost his nerve and fled, leaving his Army, his Treasure and all his several dozen wives, including his mother, Sisygambis and his queen-consort, Statira!
Needless to say, the Persian Army, upon seeing Darius beat feet, lost heart and gave way. Alexander would only encounter Darius one more time, (At Gaugamela) but that battle would have to wait a year as Alexander now turned south, intent upon the submission of the Levant and Egypt.
Alexander had taken the measure of Darius at Issus and no longer considered his defeat to be a pressing matter of strategic importance.



I recently engaged in an interesting series of emails with an Internet acquaintance of mine.

In the course of our exchange, the subject turned to the particular quirks of random chance that so often affects past human history, and thereby determine the present and future shape of our world.

We both agreed that the great flow comprising all that we are today, can be distilled out as the sum total of the current present and past "emergence and dominance" of an ongoing and transitory number of competing and cross purpose forces known as..... historical potentialities.

The universal totality of the above described force, is that of one possessed of a living energy and so encompassing in its universal totality that it's very existence is rarely even perceivable by those who would dream of someday living in the forest ... but currently find themselves forced to dwell among the trees.

Historical potentialities are forces in possession of a power that is enfranchised, not only by the collective and individual consciousness of all past and living humanity, but also by the omnipresent sponsorship and active interference of the physical and metaphysical realms of the universe.

A short allegory may help us visualize the nature of how these forces function.

All card players know that in the deck of 52 cards, the eight of clubs precedes the nine of clubs and follows the seven. Further, it is a given assumption that there will be four different suits of cards and that in each suit there will be one card that will bear the same exact number.

This knowledge creates an agreed upon communal illusion...a "Matrix" within which the card player interacts with other players in the communal game.

The common knowledge of the parameters that limit and define the reach of the above "matrix" that is the game, is an assumed premise the individual card players take for granted as being an accepted "given" by all in the game

It is at this point the synchronized illusion of a common matrix now become the communal reality. It is now a valid experience...Each player contributes an important portion of validation to the mutually agreed upon illusion All merges into oneness....A oneness that is enshrined within the now living matrix by the contract implied by the agreed consent of the participating parties.

One result of this is that the universe of the matrix becomes proactive.

Originally created as a means to an end, (the game) it soon begins to develop an inertia that carries it inexorably beyond the mandate of the intended reality it was created to vector. This inertia develops in the realm of abstract potentialities and forms a sort of self propelled vehicle that moves the game and the players toward an end-logic that slowly becomes based not in the ongoing game, but in some point that doesn't yet exist... This then is the emergence of the potentiality of the Future.

The development of the expectation of events yet to occur, obtains a certain predictability as the game develops and soon becomes a projected subset of the current reality of the game. This happens because of a natural predilection that develops within the group and is born out of the dynamic nature of the game. The common matrix responds to a subtle assignment by all the players to assume a role that now exceed its function as per the parameters of the game.

Thus, the Matrix AND the game become the medium by which the future of the game, (and all games) can be predicted by players with a reasonable amount of certainty. All this comes about due to, and based upon, the requisite acceptance as "reality' of a commonly agreed and created intangibility or "Illusion" by the group.

As the game progresses, so does the growth of the potential for effect of the current matrix within the realm of future potentialities.

In a card game, commonly agreed upon rules and knowledge can therefore lend themselves as a statistical certainty. They can, (and are) frequently used by the players to aid in the estimate of the amount of risk to consider and how that risk may aid or impair winning the game.

The card player's estimate of the potential risks of an any play he may make is based on computing the statistical odds affecting the cards that have past and presently emerged on the table. He will estimate how they may then relate to those currently in his hand.

The final function the player must perform is to apply the results of the prior two processes in order to estimate the potentiality of the future order and the odds of the future order, as both relate to the potential emergence of the remaining cards in the deck.

The sum of all these considerations will likely then indicate to the player that the chance potentiality of one type or number of card being played next, is higher or lower than another. Upon all this, the astute player will make his play.

So it is with the grand deck of cards we know as human history. It is a deck from whence many potential cards may emerge. Each one remains unique but related to all those that came before it. There will also exist a specific statistical ratio to the nature of the present dominant historical potentiality that is always in tandem with the sum of the past. It can be used to deduce the possible nature and order of potentialities in the future. other words, those cards yet to be played.

The events of history, broken down in such a way, can be seen to function (roughly) as would the play of cards, each defining and refining the odds applying to the nature and order all of the remaining cards as well as to the emergence of the next or "dominant" play in the game.

Potentialities are forces that move through time and space in a competing statistical flow. Each will strive to emerge as dominant. Only a certain amount, based upon the successful interaction with related or modular predecessors, usually succeed in doing so.

It is a given then, that all past potentialities that have emerged upon the "table" of history will normally bear a statistical relationship with the current dominant emergence we experience at what ever moment it may be that we choose to know as the "present."

To reiterate, In a card game, our willingness to take risk and our estimates of our future success are based upon what we know of past "cards" laid on the table and those in our hand.

Similar historical mechanics, therefore, also lend themselves as a benchmark of historical "risk and probability factors."

They can be used to determine the odds of events of the future and give us an uneasy amount of future predictability to apply to human history.

But, (as with most systems of order) there is almost always a big fat fly to be found doing the backstroke somewhere in the soup de jouir!

In cards, we know this meal-stopper as: "The Joker" Among the flow of historical potentialities it is known as the "potentiality of random chaos"

It is interesting to note that many of the events that have changed the course of human history have been situations where the "potentiality of random chaos" has unexpectedly emerged as the dominant potentiality of the moment.

This "joker's" emergence creates what is usually seen as no more than a small "glitch" in the Matrix of human historical events. It is rarely even noticed.

But, upon occasion, the disturbance created, begins to gain increasing amplitude. At that point, the after effects of this "glitch" begin to self sustain and to magnify.

When this occurs, it invariably has come to pass that the flow of Human history has been hijacked and the course of history has been changed. It's just the nature of the game...

This is the reason we would all do well to expect the unexpected, and (of course) and to always remember that....History has proven more than once that, out there somewhere, there is always....a joker in the deck!



By: CliffMickelson
Greetings, (In a most Orthodox manner!)
Recently, a spate of reports have been circulated that openly suggest that Russia and/or a combination of Russian-led nations are considering the option of war with the United States.

I would check under the hood of the vehicle carrying that message before I bought it.

I find the possibility of "hot" war with Russia to be very remote, albeit in a different time and place, the Russian justification on the grounds of provocation have certainly been established over the last 15 years.

What I find more likely is the use of a stratagem every bit as effective, (In most cases) as is "hot war."

A concerted and well planned attack upon the dollar would serve notice upon Washington that the ancient polity of a balance of power is to be restored to the world. If there is any harmony of action by nations of the world to curb the hegemonism of Washington City, it will assume this shape.

War is, after all, but a child of Economics and does but sit at it's knee.


Only an attack upon Iran will suffice to justify the risk and to overcome the difficulty of creating such cooperation between the principle nations who can effect such an attack.

It became apparent some years ago with the Clinton adventure in Kosovo, that the engagement of the Slavic world on a playing field of rational and enlightened policies; policies built upon a view to the long run as the goal, was a possibility not listed on the game plan in Washington City.
I,(And frighteningly few others here in the United States) found myself very dismayed at what portents were to be read in the entrails of that administration's stunning squander of an emergent historic potentiality; the likes of which rarely present themselves in human history.

Now we begin to see the fruit of such a policy's profligate husbandry beginning to assume the deformed and thorny shape we will all shortly harvest.

In truth, it is a sad commentary to be forced to make; that myopia and rapaciousness, as once did Charybdis and Scylla, now wreck the blinded hopes of the world upon the rocks of false premise and devour the wealth of nations in an endless whirlpool of debt and bad faith.
But then, for a thousand year, such has been the short sighted policies of the Western world vis a vis their Orthodox brethren.

So I suppose we should expect nothing less of either Clinton or Bush, or for that matter, of either of the two women destined by design to be the next President.

They are all simply the cultural progeny of the Franks and the Venetians, voyaging ostensibly to Egypt, but lusting in fact, for the ruin of Constantinople.

In this way, does a man of God do the work of the infidel.



China unveiled a law Tuesday authorizing an attack if Taiwan moves toward >formal independence, increasing pressure on the self-ruled island while warning >other countries not to interfere. Taiwan denounced the legislation as a `blank >check to invade'' and announced war games aimed at repelling an attack.

(End snip UPI)


Greetings, My Fellow Orwellian Test Subjects!

Is it possible to see in the excerpt above, how those who establish the control of the semantic high ground are empowered to dictate the reality of perception.

What Sophist logic contained above is at hand that gives the lie to the premise seeking an illegitimate validation ...?

And... What are the internal contradictions of the paragraph excerpted above? Conclusions can be drawn from the very order of the words in this excerpt.

These are important conclusions, the likes of which are affecting you and I both at this very instant.

So.......What are those conclusions?

Let us examine the not so obvious forces at work here. Who will we see when we pull back the curtain that hides this particular wizard of Oz?

To gain perspective in doing this, we must first place the particular details of the struggle to determine the destiny of the two nations involved, (as revealed in the excerpt) off to the side. They are irrelevant. The faces will forever come and go. It is the game that will always remain the same.

Further.... It remains vitally important that everyone recognize the implications and effects of the powerful tools being employed in what is really a life and death "game."

It is also vital that the detection of the hallmarks that advertise the context and employment of such tools and techniques, become instantly discernible.

Knowing that those who use this tool, give to it a substance formed as would be the intent of a speeding arrow. It is a shaft deliberately aimed at the eye of the mind.... And, in addition, to know the importance of the detection of any such work as being a well crafted subversion; one who's essence is no less than a deadly missile launched from the bow of a competing power of a doctrine, philosophy and/or a belief system heresy.

For if by the very fact that there exists,at any given moment in time, an established state of being in the order of human affairs that we can adjudge as being "our current reality" then we do so by beholding its presence as a universal and agreed upon of contract of belief. We are therefore able to accept this contract as proof of the established existence of this construct and we thereby assigning it value as an established truth.

This construct is by it's nature the target of many arrows sent speeding forth from the bow if ill intent. To slay it's victim it must be formed of the corruption attendant to the fabricated perversion of it's antithesis.

Thus we may see that, there exists simultaneously beyond the mundane words printed upon a page of ink and paper is the pestilential lethality of a non physical and falsely planted conciet. An illusion. This phantom is the tool that enables the archer. It is then, a wraith most fatal to those who are cuckold into believing that it is in fact the substance formed of an arrow in flight.

It is into these unfortunate breasts that the missle will indeed, plunge.

We advantage ourselves in the metaphor of the arrow by giving ourselves a practical grasp of what is the difficult conception of a lethal metaphysical missile. It possesses no tangible form nor physical shape. This is remains true until it finds and strikes down those who have come to believe it exists. It is as but one among many similar instruments born out of the armory of another world.

These special darts are brought forth, nestled amongst kith and kin, in a crowded quiver possessed by the implacable and immortal prodigals of darkness and often vectored by friend and foe alike of any particular established or dominant order of human perceptions and/or socially agreed upon morality or truth.

Upon the battleground of ideas, we behold it as a peculiarly quilled shaft bearing a tell tale barb dipped in the metaphysical waters that flow out of falseness and Distortion. This is a malevolent and turgid stream that endlessly assaults the dikes that contain it. It follows a sullen course who's origin is found to lie beyond the mirage that shields the mountainous abyss of it's bitter and alkali source.

In this poisonous liquid we easily behold the medium so often assumed by the many incarnations of a Great Deceiver.

It is as one such alias; that which we call Deception, who is the author under whose aegis marches a formidable legion of often unknowing, insensible and controlled vectors. These are the first to be slain by the illusion of the arrow, becoming subsequently, the incubus for the tools most often used to further the overthrow of existing human perceptions of order and morality.

Any assassin of Truth readily accepts that the pen is mightier than the sword. Therefore, he will aim his arrow to achieve his intent by piercing heartstone and the foundations upon which his targets are predicated. This speeding illusionary feathered bolt of fabrication then, is the nature of the object which the archer launches at his quarry.

Soon to be formed from the field of the slain are those apologists who render service by claiming that the murder of Truth is not all all what it appears to be. They would have their congregation of listeners drink justification from the same waters from which they were poisened. The would hope to whet thirst among the gullible by claiming that their master's fatal undertakings are nothing more than proof of the end-logic of what is essentially an amoral creation.

It is argued further that as such, this is an exclusionary environment; that it is not subject to the artificial jurisdiction of human morality or judgment, and so, being inherently neither good nor bad, but, superior to both, Therefore is stands to reason that not only established moral precepts, but all things includingDarkness and light, Good and evil, are ones that simply "exists" in and of their own right in a timeless universality. They are simply self-evident manifestations of the process's by which the human perception of right or wrong are extracted as derivatives. They are then further reduced by rending them in the ash and lye of subjectivity. This then places all things mortal within their proper role of manufactured dependencies who's powers are the result of a universal mandate and as a result are always substantially sequential and subservient as are any effects to a cause.

In this disingenious way they seek to justify function as a form and by-product of the necessary groundwork required of all communal human equations and social contracts.

Further, it is therefore maintained that it be logically proper that human morality be cast in a role as a subset of power. It's interpretation is defined, (conveniently) as existing in a state that is subjective to perceptions of reality and that perception is, after all, ultimately to be determined in the end by the success or failure of the flight of their master's arrow.

This argument is self serving, if not hypnotic. For the very essence required in any manufacture and/or produce of the Metaphysical, remains eternally the spawn of that domain. It's genesis lies forever outside of the frontiers that sharply limit the boundaries of and the worldly power of the human mind to define the form and nature of it's own physical existence and environment.

The Metaphysical remains always, the inscrutable domain from which are drawn the intangible waters that nurture the human experience. They flow downstream to us through time and space, flooding into the human construct, giving life and sustenance to those who inhabit it's further reaches.

In this way does the intangible become transformed as life and death tangibles. This process alone is the human enabler. It is a unique transubstantiation by which the medium of the chalice wherein the water is held, becomes the miracle of the wine.

Within this mystery of transformation is found the enigma that defines the riddle of the human experience.

It remains to be affirmed that the worldly embodiments of the power of the human mind over in's own reality is the exclusive and special dominion possessed by the spirit of man.

Hence we understand the otherworldly nature of the soul.

Man's single most distinguishing achievement raising him above the clay is constantly exhibited in the aforementioned transubstantiation of the metaphysics of the "Idea" into the functional tangibility of physical form and substance.


The energy given out from the mating of two unlikely worlds in the crucible of human constructs is a life giving sustenance coveted by one of those world's less physical embodiments. It is also a part and demonstration of an energy most greatly feared by the same. Therefore, the world of Man is to be gingerly farmed in a controlled environment of darkness by forms that fear the light.

Thus, Earth is the farm who's bounty is the harvest of souls. The essence of the spirit is the target and the goal of the husbandry of darkness and deception. The aim is the control of the creative spiritual electrolysis by which the elements from another world are combined with those of this. Here, the synthesis of the metaphysical power of the light is joined together in the fires of the physical and forged into unity within the soul of Man. Knowing it's peril, Evil seeks to sustain itself upon this nutrient by a cautious agenda of control and manipulation. It too, will score it's overtures in the Metaphysical to be orchestrated and performed in this.

These are technique not unlike that of the deliberate farmer. His crop is the negative energies of grief, pain, hate and fear. This is the harvest that he will sustain himself upon. It stands to reason therefore that for this dark farmer, in order to survive, he must insure that his crop will never realize the value of their own produce or the nature and power of light that it alone is gifted to produce.

The slave must never know that he is many and that his masters are few, or that it is he himself who forges the chains used to bind him in darkness.

So it is that truth is corrupted by falsity, and the parasite of darkness shields itself from exposure to the fatal remedy of light. In the battle for the minds of men lies the eternal struggle to control all earthly creation resulting out of the meld and divinity of a formlessness of another world, with the substance of the physical plane and the form comprising the momentary order of the human world.

As a leech seeks the lifeblood, so too, the diversion, control and consumption of this defining human product is the sole object coveted by the assassins of the spirit who awaits in the shadow.

But all is not lost. For the archer's dark aim to succeed, he must labor under the limit of peculiar requirements.He is aware that to slay Achilles, he too, must dip his arrow in the waters of the River Styx. This is because all that lies within the constraints of the physical order of the human world, actually exists as a "effect." It is brought forth out of a cause, as is an end forged from out of a means.

This "effect" is in fact, a well crafted illusion. It suffers to endure this reality as would a mortal child conceived of the intercourse between the gods and man.

All that which humanity creates is originally of material derived out of the light. As a result, as would a bastard child of kings, Man, through the affirmation of spirit, has claim to the succor of blood and the patrimony of divinity. In this we begin to see the first truth that we must know to stand in the light ... that the Godhead is indeed the source of all things. Good is the first born of twins, born into this world out of the same womb as evil.

It is Man's legitimate claim to a royal kinship, not to mention the potential terror of the discovery and subsequent invocation of his origin out of the Godhead by humanity in general, that forces deferment by evil to the metaphysical requirements of any illusion it may propose to bring forth.

Evil may only subvert good on a chess board of equal opportunity under divine law. These are rules where filial obligations are required by the king to be acknowledged by the royal pieces but are only demanded of the pawns should they prove themselves worthy of reaching the King's row.

It is in this rarefied universal game, played out on the chess board of imperceptibility of form, that the war for the control of human destiny and ultimately the soul, is most fiercely waged.

And so...To destroy the corporal child conceived of an ethereal form, (to which he is kin) darkness is obliged to shape his arrow out of the unity of a common matter hewn from the opaque and inscrutable province of the gods.

In this way, the archer's metaphysical bow speeds it's arrow of non existent illusion formed out of a common clay of origin.

As it is with the product of the light, the intangible formlessness of darkness is compelled to seek to be enabled through the union of it's shapeless essence with the tangible form created by human belief. Only in this way may it slay the moral substance of the targeted human reality and succeed in the hijack of the soul.

It is the corruption and theft of the divinity of Man that is the object of the game. Only by devouring that nectar which is made possible by the Godhead and brought into this world by the imprisoned soul from within the containment of it's mortal vessel of transient flesh and blood, can all that owes fealty to darkness continue to sustain itself.
This is the reason evil eternally seeks dominion and diversion of that corporal creation that houses the soul of man.


Herein lies the reason and the importance of the struggle for the ultimate control of any and all intangible fabrications of the mind. It bears an importance revealed by the vitrol of the attacks upon it by those already lost to darkness, as being illusions of an illusionary war over a non-existant conception. But, in fact, the struggle is anything but imaginary. It is an apocalyptic combat to control and determine the perceptions and therefore the port of destination of any and all human vessels sailing on the riverine waterways of their mortal world. The success or failure of the struggle between two princes determines who will harvest the passengers on board ship, and the treasure they produce. This is the prize of one world that is sought to be gained by the next.

Within the inconceivability of that world, a sphere spinning itself out beyond the measured toll of time are found the infinity fields of Elysium, a place where now the Titans clash.

Yet the din of battle is often only dimly sensed for it lies far beyond the pale reach of Man's five feeble, earthbound senses. It is in this distant dreamless place that all that was, all that is, and all that will be, shall someday once again, come to pass.


Saturday, March 19, 2005



As the inexorable and vibrant national momentum of Quebec moves it's native French speaking peoples towards a destiny that was interupted 246 years ago on the Plains of Abraham, the question is often asked:

"What is to become of the rest of Canada"?

The answer may lie in examining the nature of what passes today as the self image and national identity of those north of the 49th parallel who are not native French speakers.


It may well prove decisive that English Canadians have always been provided with a curious tendency to process their national identity as a product of endless low level reactions to their southern cousins.

The roots of this (modern day) artificial and negative state of being go back,(In part) to the loyalist attitude of the Tories who relocated to Canada following the events of 1776 in the 13 other English colonies.

This originally valid political and economic attitude of a displaced social strata was co-opted long ago by the ruling class in Ontario, for use as the politics of fear in order to forge a tool of internal imperialism. That legacy began in earnest in 1867.

This tool of "fear" was then poorly, and somewhat later, welded onto a high sounding moral premise known as the "Quebec" Option/connection.

This awkward construction was in truth, simply the means used by the capitalist class based in York (Toronto) to gain an end. This end served not only the self interest of the Ontario ruling class, but was additionally what was desired by their masters in London. That "end" was the monopoly exercise of a colonialist home grown economic protectionism and monopoly via the aegis of the traditional moneyed powers controlling Ontario.

This class was Canada's first true group of NWO internationalists. They viewed the rest of the country, (especially the West) not as a potentially great and viable nation, but as simply their own private golden goose. This class had, (and still has) no loyalty to Canada, but they cynically use the concept as brainwash, to further their agenda.

This is the group who as always served at the behest of the capitalist in London. As such, they had one all consuming fear, and that was the nightmare of being overwhelmed by the far greater and more powerful moneyed class of Wall Street, who if not kept cleverly and discreetly at bay, would possibly deprive them of the golden geese that comprised their kingdom.

But all good things must end eventually. The predestined failure of the Quebec option to define a successful identity for English speaking Canadians was, (On the surface) the failure of a magnificent concept. In truth, it was a magnificent concept that cloaked the reality of much less magnificent motives.

It was, by it's very nature, doomed to fail. It was never a sincere national desire on the part of either the French or the English. It was instead an artificial construct designed to rationalize and institutionalize the traditional cultural, political and economic imperialism emanating from the back rooms of power in Ontario.

The reason that this experiment has already failed in all but name, are legion. A few of the reasons are even traceable right back to John MacDonald. I won't go into them at this point.

It generally fails to occur to Provincial citizens west of the Red River that the historic axis of Ontario/Quebec has been the nexus long used by the Ontario establishment to dominate, colonize, and economically reduce to feudal possessions, the culture, resources and people of the Provinces of the West.

This internal imperialism has been enabled by the clever and never ending magnification manipulation of a constant environment of low key fear. This environment is conveniently predicated on the artificial sustaining of two centuries of traditional Tory hostility to the United States.

Since Confederation, the old guard Ontario establishment has skillfully used this tool to great effect. For one hundred years they held the West in what can only be described as feudal bondage. Nonetheless, beginning with the discovery of how to viably refine the Athabasca tar sands and continuing on in a host of other ways, the West has been enabled to assert itself.

In doing so, it has slowly dawned on nervous Westerners that they do not need Ontario. However, they still have yet to realize that Ontario does need THEM!

And....that Ontario has always used Quebec as a foil, vis a vis the United States, to maintain its hold over the rest of the country.

Now the ropes on the grappling hooks that Establishment Ontario has used to impose it's will upon the people of Quebec have begun to fray. When they finally sever, Ontario will have a big problem out West.

We shall see what becomes of Canada. The problem may really be no problem at all. For two hundred and fifty years, the lines of political, economic and cultural reality have run north and south. Not east and west.

In the end, that reality has always proven to be the historic determinant in human affairs that matters the most.



Greetings, Footsore and Cranky Travelers!


(If Today is Tuesday, This Must Be Rome!)



There exists within the human invention of time, a great expanse of river. The headwaters of this stream are born in the high and distant reaches of this invention's formless conceit of measurement.

These waters, issuing forth, are the murky waters that form the sum and substance of all human history.

It is a treacherous and uncertain stream. It carries upon it's stormy back, the sails of an ever evolving shape and shift of illusion, a phantom ship, the product of human necessity seeking the perception of refuge in a frail and battered craft.

Here, on a precarious and tempest tossed deck, dwell the current ship's roster of passengers. Resigned to the fulfillment of the inevitable inheritance that was the legacy of their fathers, they are travelers and pilgrims, one and all.


As must all those indentured, whose chains of heritage shackle them to the bondage of 3d mortality, they stoically endure their ancient sentence of endless transportation into a new and unknown world.

We are these voyagers. Our world is this craft and it is to this tiny deck that we afix ourselves in a community against the unknown insecurity of unfathomable waters all around.

Yet, from without the self imposed limits we inflict upon ourselves, we remain frighteningly able to perceive in our acknowledgment of this mighty stream, the singular form of reference from which we may quench the innate human thirst to define ourselves and all that exists around us.

And so, drinking deeply, we draw forth and merge in its universal sustenance.

Thus, since time immemorial, this has been the elixir that flows both within us and "without" us. It's essence, once and forever, is the eternal lifeblood that hallmark's individual, as well as communal, human identity.

To draw from this river of curious liquid is to imagine that we become enabled and empowered. And indeed, in this continuum, we do. For though we fear our creation, it is fated to be our springboard to freedom.

In it's potions we come to know the "value" of knowing, and through it, we chart the successful negotiation of past pools and rapids where once sailed those who's bequeathment is the testament of their posterity here in our present.

The path of our future, to where the waters that carry us someday will meet the sea, can only be known with certainty as being within the dominion of future generations.

We are presently blinded at the point where our chart reaches the edge of our known world. What lies beyond remains forever inscrutable. Only a distant rumble may now and then signal the ominous rage of a torrent whose fury is occasioned by what cataracts lie ahead.

As a result, those wishing to divine the emergence of the potentiality of events that may determine the time traveler's future, are reduced to pay homage to the labor of tortured waters, and to solace themselves with the insecure wage paid so poorly by conjecture.

Nonetheless, by understanding the nature of the medium others have already sailed over, and by knowing how it's flow has led us to where it is that we currently find ourselves, a certain confidence can be gained. This understanding is a gift and not a right, yet it is one that enables us to reasonably sound the opaque potentiality of waters we have yet to reach.

The fate of those in the past who have been stricken from the vessel's roster and who's worlds have perished with them, serve as stark notice that sailing upon waters plumbed in the present as "mark Twain" is no guarantee of the potentiality of the sudden and unforeseen wrench and tear that signals the emergence, from out of blackest of depths, of a future "tom sawyer."

In both the physical and metaphysical world, these occurrences are often difficult to anticipate. They are usually best seen from the vantage point of hindsight. They are denizens of the realm of lurking and submerged potentialities; events who's physical emergence are but a worldly embodiment of the ethereal forms assumed by the metaphysical torpedoes of seemingly random chance.

They exist in perception of caprice, and, (in our particular 3d continuum) as a function of numbers so vast as to reduce to a complete impotence the power of humanity over the calculation of it's own destiny,

These forces have usually already surfaced to wreak the changes that will eventually be wrought on subsequent human history before being noticed.

This is often accomplished via the aegis of events of insignificant inexactitude, inflicted at moments that warrant little or no attention.

In this way is divine notice served upon mortal hubris. Eternal 3d limits are placed, as well, upon overweening arrogance rooted in the belief of our unlimited ability to manipulate our environment and exercise ultimate control over our own destiny as a people, a nation, or a species.

We are then sent, scrambling pell mell, back to the beginning of the text book, to begin working all over again, upon an equation who's already established subtotals no longer add up.

In other cases, history is changed by events who's genesis has sprung forth from the forehead of the unanticipated numbers that chaos is predicated upon.

They then simply grow ever greater as a dynamic, to eventually become a self evident determinant to all future generations.

Thus is the pride of man brought low from the unexpected or unrecognized occurrence of random potentialities. As with the best laid plans of mice and men, so it is that these "events" are the true determinants that drive the flow of history and thereby, so often dictate the future form and disposition of the waters our ship will someday sail upon.
