Dear Bonnie:
You must remember that the bill known as Patriot Act II would have passed no matter who was president. "We the people" are no longer in control of our own destiny. Neither have we been for some long time.
There is no turning back for us at this point. The system is terminally corrupt.
Perhaps a constitutional convention could save it, but it's doubtful. The nation we call "America" was hijacked many years ago. This place where we now dwell is not our America. That America lives on, but it now found only in our hearts.
The most telling and blatent notice of the hijack of "our" America, was when Kennedy was murdered. But the clues to that crime go much farther back.
It is worth remembering that it is now more dangerous to be a patriot than it is to be a communist!
The sovereign States have been reduced to little more than political conveniences. That is the legacy of the War between the States and the constitutional crimes of Lincoln.
You ask about George Bush and his agenda?
Yes, it is true that the creature you often see on the TV looks like George Bush, but it is not George Bush. It is just a reasonable facsimile thereof. You see, George Bush, THE real George Bush is a hijack victim too!
There is no difference between the agenda of Geo Bush as President and the agenda of a would be President Al Gore. There would be no difference in the agenda if you or I were president.
That is because the agenda that is happening is not the agenda of the America we once knew and that now lives in our hearts. It is not even the agenda of the Presidents that propose it.
It is instead a twisted characature of deformity, a hunchback on stilts, disguised by the cleverly purloined death mask of what was once the greatest of nations where man could dare to dream.
At this late date, were ever a true difference in direction to be attempted by any president, that President would be removed or neutralized. The message of Dallas comes through loud and clear. And so, the two political partys attend the masquarade Ball each on the arm of the hunchback. They are just two faces of a shadowy neather world from whence issues the imperial beast.
That beast will grind your children to make it' bread and grind you as a citizen under a work load until you too, are dead.
Never forget: It is your patriotic duty to work until you drop over and are buried. Do not entertain the antisocial fantasy of retirement. The American Sheeple now sit blissfully ignorant in the cush comfort of the velvet glove that cradles them. Little do they suspect that beneath that velvet lies a fist of iron that prepares to crush them already. The fate that awaits them when their usefulness to the agenda is over, can be seen in the story of Central and South America. It is the fate of leaders like Allende, and the peoples of , El Salvadore, Kosovo, Argentina, etc... the list seems endless if one draws it up.
So.... Anyone who tries to tell you that the Republicans or the Democrats are the ones to stop the madness, is either blissfully ignorant and suffering from political naivete, or is an agenda agent themselves, intent upon deliberately misleading you with disinformation.
Look past the window dressing. Do you see the continuous line?... LBJ to Nixon to Carter to Bush .....Clinton to Bush II.
On it goes... All the same. All the same choreography. The same puppet master.
Has any true National issue been resolved in the last 50 years? Has one even been raised?
There is no National dream is there? It is no coincidence that it too, died in Dallas.
This deformity that has hijacked our America reveals itself to with greater and greater impunity. The fear of the People has been replaced by contempt.
It trumpets the intimidating news that it can read your license plate from outerspace! But then claims it is impossible to stop illegal barefoot peasants from crossing miles of open desert?
The examples are legion.
The mask lowers further. Does madness fear to reveal itself before those whom the gods have made blind?
No. And I can assure you that at this late date, it won't, either.
There is no where left to run, but there are still a few good places to hide.
Bonnie, You made a wise decision when you moved out of LA.
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