Saturday, March 03, 2007

by Cliff Mickelson

Greetings, Virtual Reality Fans!

Ever notice how thin the line between fact and fiction can be?

Ever consider how fiction is often nothing more than a preview to coming attractions?

Well, hold that thought for a minute as we consider the link pasted below taking us to the trailers for the new Frank Miller movie…“300”

“300” is a latter-day visit to the hallowed battlefield of Thermopolye. For those of us who were doodling cartoons during History class, Thermopolye is often ranked among one of the most important 20 battles in Western History.

I personally tend to place its importance a bit lower on the History meter…but the stand of King Leonidas and his Spartan Phalanxes at the narrow Thracian pass did manage to buy enough time for the beleaguered Greeks to assemble a fleet at Salamis a few weeks later and send the Persian king Xerxes packing with a thorough and sound drubbing.

Ah, yes..,I digress….

Mr. Miller’s extravaganza brings to the screen a stunning buffet of cinema-cartoon graphic fantasy served up on a steamy platter of questionable historical fact.

But what the heck, eh? Most Americans have no stomach for history any way.

Our modernist “dumbed-down generations haven’t got the slightest taste of a clue when it comes to arcane matters such as the roots of our cultural heritage. So… Historical accuracy to the side… “300” promises to be worthy of a trip to the theater just to savor the truly tasty Epicurean delights brought to us by Frank Miller’s artistic genius.

Now, let us return for a moment to discuss the thin line between fantasy and fiction and how fiction is often uncanny in its power to predict our onrushing future.

Does it strike anyone as curious that this movie, an epic review of the age-old conflicts raging since time immemorial between East and West, is coming to a theater near you as once again the beleaguered descendants of Greek cultural heritage ramp up to slay the onrushing Asiatic hordes?

Oh, that’s right. I almost forgot…It’s that History thing again…You see..”300” spares no pains to paint the Persians as larger than life boogie-men!

Does that sound familiar? No? Well consider this…

Is it a coincidence that the modern name for Persia is …Iran?

Synchronicity anyone? Don't count on it!



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