Saturday, March 26, 2005



By: CliffMickelson

Date: Thursday, 3 March 2005, 6:10 p.m.


Anti-Clericism...What is it?

It is a term we North Americans may occasionally hear associated with Mexico, or perhaps with the French Revolution of 1797.

It strikes many as rather odd, that such a term can be applied to nations and peoples, long viewed as possessing deep historic and religious ties to the Faith.


Few, outside of Mexico, or the rest of Latin America, truly can understand the nature of the role played by this force in the history of the Spanish speaking nations of the New World.

The emotions the term evokes south of the border can often strike us as incomprehensible.

However, it is important to remember that the power of this force is a dynamic that has defined who and what Latin Americans are today. It is one that has been seen to be exceptionally pronounced in all Latin based cultures. This is true in both the New as well as in the Old world.

Thanks to the lust and greed of Henry VIII, (Conveniently enabled by the rationale of a need for an heir) the Anglo Saxon New World sprang forth from the forehead of it's founders, relatively free of clerical encumbrances.

Not so, the Latin Nations and Colonies. There, the prerogatives, powers, and the justification for the monopoly of the State, (based on a mutually agreed compromise reached in prior centuries) continued to remain founded upon the opaque and unassailable monopoly of the doctrines of the Church.

There, each of the two ruling classes, political and spiritual, supported the oppression of the other, dividing the people between them as chattel of both the physical and of the spiritual world.

Unlike in the Germanic North American world, this "Oppression of dualism" was transferred, completely enfranchised from the Latin Old World, to the Latin New World.
It was a system that had achieved perfection in the triumph of the oppression of power. It left no area, physical, spiritual, nor intellectual, free from it's absolutist imperium.

It is in understanding the nature of such a system of symbiotic oppression that we are able to understand the nature and the reasons for the stark divergence of the destinies of the new nations whelped by the sons of Rome as opposed to that of those born of the heresies of Luther and enabled by the subsequent emergence of the Anglo-Dutch Mercantilist theory and it's spawn, the capitalist class.

It is ironic to note (in Mexico's case) that the "Grito de Dolores" was raised by a cleric. However, he was a lowly friar, A mestizo, and was more a member of the class of common man, than a Don of the elite halls of church and state.

Following the establishment of Itubide as first president of Mexico, the revolution remained uncompleted. The encomienda system was for all intents and purposes still fully entrenched and the people, (as so often happens) soon found that they had only exchanged one of their masters for another, while leaving the other more or less enabled in it's spiritual power.

The discontent of a job unfinished, would not find it's voice for another 100 years in the Republic of Mexico. When it finally did, it was a long, bloody, and unfortunate affair. We, in the North, would not know this kind of Struggle for there had never been a need for it. Not so, in Latin America

The revolution begun in November 1910 by the forces of Poncho Villa, served as a testimonial to the achievement that was the perfection of the oppression established by the Old Latin World "contract" of compromise/solution between church and state.

Today we may look back across the chasm of time and see the canyon that history has formed between the peoples of North and South America.

Two separate peoples, each fated to separate destinies. Both brought forth and related by blood as sons of the same spiritual mother. But one son was fated to be fathered by a union of absolutist oppression; one deeply rooted in the Counter Reformation, while the other son; a bastard gett of the development of ruling class political and economic oppressions peculiar to the Anti-Roman heresies of the Germanic, was destined to be fathered out of a union mothered by the Reformation.



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