Friday, August 19, 2005


Greetings, Poly and the Psy-fie's

And... welcome to the shell game:


You think things are looking rather grim for the (so called) "Majesty of Constitutional Law" these days, do you?

Well, stick around a bit 'cuz You ain't seen nothin' yet.

Consider the fate of the "peace" Democrats of the North during Mr. Lincoln's war of aggression.

Following the election of "Honest Abe" Lincoln and the Republicans, the Democratic party was badly fractured.

The two most visible public factions were the "War" Democrats and the "Peace" Democrats.

The Peace Democrats soon became known as the "Copperheads."

The appellation was originally a slur cast against them by the Republicans but was accepted with pride by the Democratic Peace party who sported copper pennies on their lapels to show their opposition to what they considered to be the Constitutional illegality of the Lincoln administration and its therefore unlawful acts.

The most popular of the Copperheads was Democratic Congressman Clement L. Vallandigham, who in 1862 introduced a bill in Congress to imprison the President.

Vallandigham and his supporters held that Mr. Lincoln was guilty of unlawful acts and of subverting the Constitution, (true, IMO) and of high crimes and treason against the State and the People.

Instead, Vallandigham and a large number of other Democrats, including judges, newspaper editors, politicians, and antiwar activists, quickly found themselves arrested and imprisoned without trial on the orders of Lincoln and Secretary of War Stanton!

Habeas Corpus was unlawfully suspended making the potential for arrest to be dependant upon the whim of "Honest Abe."

Lost on the people of the time was the fact that this thereby proved the case for Congressman Vallangdigham, "ex post facto"!

When a righteous fear of the people and deferential respect for the Law of the Land is replaced with contempt for both, it naturally follows that one Imperial presidential transgression soon breeds another.

True to form, the Suspension of Habeas Corpus followed hard on the heels of the even more unlawful Executive Order #1 issued by Lincoln in order to facilitate the Sanctification of the first of many eventual stakes in the heart of the Republic yet to be planted by a rump Congress unable to even form a Constitutionally required quorum.

To turn a phrase, Lincoln and Stanton were a couple of true co-conspirators who had decided to drop any pretense of due process in dealing with persons they considered "guilty of any disloyal practice."

Basically, what that meant was...Anyone who disagreed with their intent to pursue a policy of aggressive war against the People of the South.

Not only did Lincoln and Stanton have the power to do so, but both were also quick to borrow a page from Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest who's formula for victory was to know the value of "getting there first'est with the most'est."

Both men were much more politically and socially savvy than their plodding Constitutionalist opponents.

Both men knew how to use that power to paint "those who would hold the Koran on their lances" into an indefensible corner. shades of deja vu.....These outrages were accepted passively by the buffaloed American people.

Naturally, this public quiescence only emboldened further criminal acts of the Executive branch who eclipsed all their former frauds by the outrageous boldfaced theft of the 1864 election from the very popular (with the enlisted men) General George B. McClellan, AKA "Little Mac"

This martial robbery was accomplished via the aegis of paid thugs and commissars posted to the field army and to all its polling booths to insure that the vote received was the vote paid for in Washington City.

Hence, Lincoln was enabled to continue his pet project based on the precedent of fraud and empowered by a presidency of dubious legality.

Does any of this sound familiar to contemporary observers?


Thursday, August 11, 2005


I would like to share this with you now, dear readers, since I am beingdirected to communicate it to those I care about and those open to listen and/or become aware of the need to know.

My friends, it's very many months ago I had this two week window in August pegged as being an exceptionally dangerous time for us all....

And.... Usually I have pretty good sense of what it is that is coming.

But for some reason all I am sensing this time is a multiplicity of confusion, chaos, and uncertainty. A living house of mirrors.

Which mirror gives us the real reflection? I sense something is unfolding at this moment, but it remains annoyingly indistinct.
For the first time in a long time I can't pin point it. It is so nebulous as to make me question my own intuition....

And ... as an intuitive, that REALLY bothers me!

It's a feeling similar to being under a heavy blanket with not enough oxygen.... Any lack of certainty may be perhaps because, for some reason, or insome way, I am being blocked ... or it may be that the emergent event is apotentiality that is so massive or such a huge "trigger" for other events that I have yet been unable to subconsciously assimilate it in it's entirety, (i.e. The assassination of Duke Ferdinand of Austria) .... I don't know, butI can say that I don't like it! Not one bit!

To make matters worse, if we make it through this window and none ofthe vying potentialities actualize, then there is still a window inOctober and one in Dec.

The same fog covers those time periods as well. IMO, that's not a good sign. It looks like it's going to be a bumpy ride.
Therefore, it's time to talk to Prudence.... Prudence says: Itnever hurts to do the Boy Scout.....Prepare to hunker in the bunker! the meantime:

Keep an eye on the Sun.


The coming ionization of Planet Earth is proceeding apace. It's advance effects are causing the social world of humans to spin increasingly out of control.

Look for crazy and irrational behaviors to multiply and proliferate on national and international levels as individual and group-human emotions and behaviors are triggered to greater and greater levels of response.

Expect subconscious anticipatory energies to increasingly become sympathetic and attempt unsuccessfully to harmonize to the surfeit of ionized energy building everywhere in our solar system. Like a battery that is being overcharged we will soon enough see it manifest its imminent emergence in all matter and in all life forms on Planet Earth

I will be detailing this potentiality at length in a soon to be published article.

Oh yes!... I almost forgot to mention...An attempt to deflect the coming ionization of Planet earth is the primary mission of Chemtrails. That is why it is a global project...One that is allowed to trump national sovereignty over national airspace by most of the world's governments.

It is the Earth that is at risk.
