Thursday, March 22, 2007


By: CliffMickelson

Over the last several years I have exhaustively examined the issue of illegal and legal immigration ...I have done so from BOTH sides of the border. Conclusion? This issue is not self-sustaining nor is it independent. It does NOT stand alone. This issue is a subset and a modular component in a much larger cultural vortex that is currently opening up under the feet of all North Americans.

The expatriation of peoples is a descriptive modifier that precedes the greater long term integration that is in the process of redefining the nature of the North American Continent.
While I understand and sympathize with the angst that drives the common concerns on illegal immigration in both the United States and Canada, the subject in and of itself is a dead letter. the "immigration" barn door is being closed long after the horse has left.

Unbeknown to many residents of the US,(And Canada) this particular door is swinging both ways. AND...It contains elements that work to the advantage of all parties. The growing number of Canadians and Americans to be found living in Mexico number in the millions. The number of Canadians living in the United States has long been legion! The labor shortage in the western Canadian provinces has recently grown to such crisis proportions that the Government of Alberta is actively recruiting labor in Mexico!

Indeed, it is now safe to assume that there is no longer an effective door left on this continental barn for us to close.

The issue at hand is therefore no longer "immigration" but is instead "Continental cultural and economic integration"

We must keep in mind that the forces of nationalist patriotism do not define, nor will they ever more than fleetingly control, the issue of trans-border human migration, legal or otherwise. This is historical fact. It is a phenomena that holds particularly true for Empires of any stripe. Its dynamics often transcend such political definitions and are applicable, back through time, to all extended tribal groups as well as city or nation states.

We, in North America are, whether we like it or not, witnesses to the final stages of an emergent geographical and historical potentiality; one fueled by the most compelling and absolute of forces to ever drive the political destinies of nations;.... the implacable demands of historical and macro-global Economics.

Viewed from this perspective, (And barring the end of the world as we know it) ...the North American Union becomes a historical inevitability. In one form or another, dear readers....It WILL come to pass.

Canada, the United States, Quebec, and Mexico are irredeemably joined at the hip. We don't necessarily have to like it, but... The sooner we understand and accept that fact the sooner we can turn its looming fulfillment to our united advantage.

This type of "fusion" is not simply a regional phenomena. It is Global in application and in scope. The traditional nation-state is fated to become (some would argue..already is) a secondary player in an emerging world of ever larger supra-national political and economic power blocks.
So...What we should really be concerned about at this time is not a revanchist, irredentist and/or neo-nationalist Apartheid attempt to reverse the inexorable march of history and economics. Such an undertaking is already doomed to failure. And...Its failed effects will only serve to create unfortunate anomalies and perversions in the social fabric of what will someday be.

Instead we should be focused on whom shall CONTROL the direction of that which is to come....Will our collective destinies be controlled by positive populist forces favorable to, or negative plutocratic forces hostile to.... the interests of the united peoples of North America?

Like languages, only dying cultures remain static for long. There currently exists a window of opportunity within the restrictions of this newly determined historical potentiality. Herein the common people of all four merging nationalist cultures have the power to make or to abandon that most crucial of self determining decisions.

In all nascent historical potentialities there is both opportunity AND danger. "We The People" must avoid the futility and danger of chasing our own tails.


The tipping point in the integration of North America is long past. Instead we must hasten to seize the onrushing opportunity offered to us in any seeming trial of change or adversity. We must not shun or deny it.

It is imperative that we abandon the false security and siren-song of a self-inflicted jingoism in order that we may advantage historical opportunity fully. By doing so we will preclude the ample dangers implicit in avoiding the responsibility of directing our own future from within the parameters allowable to us by the same historical forces.

There are elitist and powerful groups at work across the planet who's sole concern is to keep the common people in a "reactive" mode while they lay the groundwork for the future slavery of all mankind. They would seize the moment if we do not.

This then is the issue we must urgently address. We must do so within the framework of the already-cast mold of the world that will be our collective tomorrow, not the world that was our collective yesterday.
-Cliff Mickelson


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