Thursday, March 24, 2005


By: CliffMickelson
Greetings, (In a most Orthodox manner!)
Recently, a spate of reports have been circulated that openly suggest that Russia and/or a combination of Russian-led nations are considering the option of war with the United States.

I would check under the hood of the vehicle carrying that message before I bought it.

I find the possibility of "hot" war with Russia to be very remote, albeit in a different time and place, the Russian justification on the grounds of provocation have certainly been established over the last 15 years.

What I find more likely is the use of a stratagem every bit as effective, (In most cases) as is "hot war."

A concerted and well planned attack upon the dollar would serve notice upon Washington that the ancient polity of a balance of power is to be restored to the world. If there is any harmony of action by nations of the world to curb the hegemonism of Washington City, it will assume this shape.

War is, after all, but a child of Economics and does but sit at it's knee.


Only an attack upon Iran will suffice to justify the risk and to overcome the difficulty of creating such cooperation between the principle nations who can effect such an attack.

It became apparent some years ago with the Clinton adventure in Kosovo, that the engagement of the Slavic world on a playing field of rational and enlightened policies; policies built upon a view to the long run as the goal, was a possibility not listed on the game plan in Washington City.
I,(And frighteningly few others here in the United States) found myself very dismayed at what portents were to be read in the entrails of that administration's stunning squander of an emergent historic potentiality; the likes of which rarely present themselves in human history.

Now we begin to see the fruit of such a policy's profligate husbandry beginning to assume the deformed and thorny shape we will all shortly harvest.

In truth, it is a sad commentary to be forced to make; that myopia and rapaciousness, as once did Charybdis and Scylla, now wreck the blinded hopes of the world upon the rocks of false premise and devour the wealth of nations in an endless whirlpool of debt and bad faith.
But then, for a thousand year, such has been the short sighted policies of the Western world vis a vis their Orthodox brethren.

So I suppose we should expect nothing less of either Clinton or Bush, or for that matter, of either of the two women destined by design to be the next President.

They are all simply the cultural progeny of the Franks and the Venetians, voyaging ostensibly to Egypt, but lusting in fact, for the ruin of Constantinople.

In this way, does a man of God do the work of the infidel.



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