Monday, June 27, 2005


OK...Work with me on this one, will you NASA? I'm a bit slow, but if you don't use any words over three letters, I will eventually get the drift!

So, one more time, eh? Let me see if I can get this straight.

Am I to understand that, by your own admission, You guys at NASA don't really even know what in thunder a comet is made of for certain, is that right?

And although you tell us that you plan to slam an interplanetary artillery shell head-on into the core of comet Temple, again, by your own admission, you confess that you haven't got a clue as to what the density of the core of this particular comet is like, correct?

In your latest NASA press release you the core spongy or is it solid? Well, gimme a break, will ya?…How the heck should I know if YOU don't know?

Plus, (And here's the good part!) You rocket scientists down there in Florida are making no bones about the fact that you haven't got the foggiest idea as to how much ejecta will be thrown off this comet when you put the whammy to it, right?

I am honored that you would bother to ask us plebs a further question.... "Will it be the size of a house or the size of a football field"?
But again I must point out that unless this is some kind of a game of 57 questions....Shucks, guys!..... I ain't gotta clue!

Now you tell us publicly that you don't know if the comet will disintegrate in a spectacular flash, short circuit with a whimper and not a bang, or, if the blasted (literally) thing will just belch a little, pause for a moment, and then move on?

I think your starting to lose me here, guys!

Let's take a break for a moment from what you guys down at NASA "DON"T know, OK?

How about what you DO know?.....Ah, yes! It's right here in today's newspaper, and yesterdays newspaper and the day before yesterday's newspaper.....It says right here in black and white:


And just WHAT could NASA possibly know, you ask?

Well, if Rupert Murdock is any guide, NASA is quick to assure "We the Sheeple" that they DO know that there is NO danger whatsoever of our post-impacted comet copping a New York Road Rage attitude and making a beeline for earth in order to do a Mama Grizzly bear on all the warm and fuzzy Cub scouts at NASA.....

"Not to Worry" Say the pulchritudinous pundits at Canaveral!

Well, here's a news flash for you, boys!

I'm worried!

Yup! I know its silly, but No matter how hard I try, I just cant seem to find any comfort in knowing that there is at least something that NASA knows!

Maybe it's because I watch too much of that new hit TV show "The Credibility Factor"?..or... uh..... is it "The Fear Factor" ?...or is it BOTH those factors? Heck, I don't know....

Say! .....I'll bet that both those names were probably arrived at independently around the same time and by pure coincidence too,.... just like the name "Deep Impact"!

Who ever it was that said lightning never strikes twice in the same spot has obviously never been to movies at Cape Kennedy!

But wait! THIS JUST IN.... There is ONE other thing that NASA knows!

And that is.......

"We get ONE chance," says Michael A'Hearn, a professor of astronomy at the University of Maryland and Deep Impact principal investigator!

Yea, sure, Michael!...You and all your NASA buddies will at least get one chance....Advance warning to head for high ground!
After all, you have the equipment that we taxpayers paid for that will tell you just how much of a chance you get in order to ...."git" ...if the "impossible" suddenly became "Possible."

But, Michael....

What I want to know is....How about the rest of us? Do we get a "chance" too?

You remember us, don't you ?...The "taxation without representation" folks?

Yup! That's us!......We're those annoyingly ungrateful schlepps who dare to bitch because we didn't get a vote on whether or not we wanted to play hackie sack with a rock the size of Manhattan!

But, silly me! I keep forgetting that you know we are absolutely safe!

And, How do I know? That's easy! Because you told me so!

So, In order to be a better person I here by promise that:I'll try to be less of an ingrate in the future and focus more on just how lucky we are to be the privileged passengers who get to take NASA's word that good old Terra is 100 percent risk free from irate asteroids and that our deep impact insurance premiums will not be canceled for undue cause!

Gee...all this is because the one thing that you apparently assure us you DO know, is the post-impact ballistics and projectory of this wannabe planetoid....Never mind the fact that what you DON'T know is if there will be just a couple of giant post-impact pieces or a million medium sized post-impact pieces!

Uh...Hey, Mike! ...By the way, not to change the subject or anything, but....How come I get this uneasy feeling that you NASA guys are all on the board of Directors for the Rand Corporation?


It's a good thing I'm not paranoid, because now that I have said the unspeakable "Rand" word.....

There's just a tad bit too much Synchronicity going on around here for my liking..... Deep Impact?... July 4th? Independence Day? ... Fireworks? ...This whole thing is starting to give me the Bruce, I mean the bad Willes!

What say we end on a positive note here, eh? Enough of this paranoid doom and gloom!

And that positive note is:........

Whew! I'm sure happy to hear that there is at least SOMETHING that NASA knows about this 300 million dollar project!

I suppose that a ratio of one "We know" out of a field of several dozen "We don't knows" should be good enough for Government work!

Hey, you know what?... This "positive note" concept is pretty heady stuff!

In fact, I'm feeling so positive and confident in what I now know that NASA knows, that at this point that I think I'll cash in my retirement and go buy some more US Treasury Bonds! .....NOT!


Friday, June 24, 2005




There exists a common bond in the endless circle of all Earthly human experience. This force of 'overunity' is the metaphysically based struggle constantly taking place between the powers of Good and Evil, Light and dark, Creator and Anti-Creator....or what ever tag one wishes to assign them.

This is a contest that originates in the Metaphysical realm... a portion of our physical continuum that is generally inaccessible to most normal human means of sensory detection.

Nonetheless, it has been upon occasion, accessed, sensed, or deduced often enough by a large enough number of people of all cultures and creeds to conclude that it is an intergal and connected componant of our modular stair-step reality.

We call this mysterious region, "the Metaphysical" or the "Spirit world"......The life forces abiding there are not strangers to this world, but may, (for convienience) be visualized as being located vertically and just slightly above the lateral detection horizon of the five normal, horizontal human physical senses.

For reasons unknown to mere mortals, the forces of this "realm" appear to be much less inhibited by the same strictures that blind and impede human abilities to access their own transition to other levels of reality.

It would seem that there exists a contest between the energies inhabiting this region. It is a battle whose effects are continually played out in the daily physical plane that humanity experiences as that of our "day to day" three dimensional world.


As the lamb is insensitive of the value of it's fleece in the markets of the remote and incomprehensible world of it's shepherd, so it is that it remains possible that the prize of value sought by the metaphysical world may be the harvest of that dimly sensed and intangible essence of self awareness contained within each individual human being.

This operational life 'force' is generated by the functionality of the human physical form. It is a bounty of fleece possessing a value of which it's possesors have little awareness, and even less understanding. It is this essence that which we vaguely describe as the spirit or "soul" of Man.

Set such a possibility against the historical human perceptions of the nature of the higher or more "divine" planes of existance and the possibility becomes viable that what our species has so poorly sensed through history, (but sensed, nonetheless) is that there exists at least one set of metaphysical forces who function in this world as "energy" vampires. To survive they must consume the energy of the spirit."

It is they who must eternally continue to corrupt the physical environment of the continuuem occupied by Humanity in order to stimulate the production of the peculiar type of energy generated by the mortal experiences of pain, fear, hate and/or death.

They then feed, recharge, (or sustain themselves) on the siphoned energy.

This process only works when the lamb remains ignorant of the value of it's fleece.

That highly charged human emotions and events generate an energy field of a peculiar nature is beyond debate. That the functions of such energies are often described as "feeding" is also an interesting use of semantic description found in all cultures. This may be a subconscious clue leading to causes that lie beyond more than just the meaning of the phrase at hand.

With the above in mind, it is important to remember that:

All that can be imagined is possible. The conceptions of imagination have no innate limit. Therefore, it must follow that all things are possible. What the power of unfettered human imagination can conceive can therefore be said to exist in some form at that point, in at least a conceptual universe.

Conversely, impossibility only exists as a benchmark expression of the level of human enlightenment or, to put it another way, as an indicator of the self-limiting definitions of any particular individual.

If the construct of the metaphysical energy parasite or vampire, is an accurate one, then the energy vampire's "need" is also their weakness.

It remains immutable that any vital need is commensurate to fatal weakness.

The first indication one may have of this is the pervasive historical portrayal of the two primary forces of the metaphysical.....The power of the "Light" can and often does remain "passive." "Darkness" or "Evil" must always be proactive in one form or another.

One may therefore deduct from the simple physics and logistics of military offense and defense that Evil is always inherently less powerful and more at risk (disadvantaged) than are the forces we call ... "Good."

Evil can only triumph and/or gain it's objective if it is enabled to do so by the successful employment of subterfuge, stealth, and subversion A direct frontal assault against defenses whose integrity has not be subjected to advance undermining would be a likely disaster. Further, the intrigues of Evil can only be enabled by the overt or unknowing quiescence of the human gatekeeper who contains the coveted "object, or energy" it seeks.

Hence the eternal inferiority of Evil vs. Good.

The ancient analogy of the flock of sheep, and the endless struggle between the wolf and the shepherd takes on new meaning when seen in this context.

We must now follow this construct down an end-logic path that takes us to the destination point where it is proven as irrefutably true that "Love" does (in fact) conquer all,..... that good is inherently stronger than evil, and that there is nothing to fear but fear itself.

Limited as we are within the horizontal parameters of this 3d plane, the true understanding of the vertical nature of the human connection to the metaphysical remains frustratingly speculative.

It is cloaked in the same invisibility that shielded the world of microbes and other "tiny beasties" before Antonie van Leeuwenhoek' microscope was popularized in the late Seventeenth Century.

Nonetheless, the world of microbes existed long before the microscope enabled it's discovery and exploration by human Science. The world of the metaphysical awaits a similar advance by Man. Then it too, like the pre-optic world of the "tiny beastie" may open it's currently opaque and closed doors to the world of Man.

Because we cannot yet define the Metaphysical realm where dwell the embodiment of Good and Evil, It remains a perception that is subject to the unshielded darts of faithless cynicism. This too shall someday pass. Until that time, it remains as subjectively removed from the current strictures of pragmatic scientific "proof" as is the world of the Metaphysical to which such proofs may someday apply.

Nonetheless, it provides a new/old construct that explains why we must return to the past in order to understand the future.

It would seem that the farther away from our house of origins we attempt to travel, the closer we find that we are to the home we thought we were leaving.

The experiences of human realties within it's sensed portion of the universe is truly a circle....

And for Good or for Evil.... One ring does in fact, bind them all, each to its own.

We alone are empowered to make that choice.

Thus, we achieve a theoretical key to unlock the identity as well as the seemingly incomprehensible mystery as to the "why" of both ancient and modern historical manipulations of humanity. Evil, as it befalls us, is the effect, not the cause. It is used like a woodworkers tool to shape the manipulations and subversions that divert and corrupt not only individuals, but also groups of people, leaders of nations, as well as nations and philosophies in their collective entirety.

We experience all such "otherworldly" forces as powerful yet subtle energies that we dimly recognize as the product of intrigues effected by powers that are beyond our general understanding or sensibilities. Yet, they are still vaguely felt by our 3d senses and become identifiable as ones that are called either "Good"....or.... "Evil."

The corruption evil seeks to engender is often difficult to identify on a personal or individual level. This is because it seeks to pave the road to hell with good intentions, (Using the Judas Goat to mislead the flock, as it were)

However, it's agenda becomes much more visible from an overview or by putting together disparate pieces of the ongoing picture. Thus we can avoid being blinded to the forest, by the appearance of trees.

After all, even Adolph Hitler truly loved little children!

One ring to bind them all.......And in the darkness keep them?


Monday, June 20, 2005

Click here: Inside Cover Story


Greetings, Geese Guarding For Gauls!

How soon we, the tadpoles, forget that the frog is willingly boiled by slowly raising the temperature of the water.


The "Story" of importance in the story enclosed below is not contained in the prima facia message formed by the words assembled to make it up.

The ruby red apple is not the poison, only its vessel.

Therefore, poison's presence, (and that of its merchant) will cleverly escape the notice of many folks who's pre-anticipated approval or disproval, wrath or disquiet, shock or indifference, may or may not be raised by the words that their eyes present before them.

The reaction is already in the script. It is the sound and the fury. It will strut about the stage in its moment of fame and then be led away to be of no consequence in the wings.

This is the slight of hand by which the clarity of the eye of the mind is deceived by the fog of words navigated by its two temporal progeny.

It's no accident. It is standard proceedure. It happens all the time.

And ... like the metastasis of a fatal disease, the poison remains secure from detection within the attraction of its vessel.

Few will do more than attempt to wash the fatal fruit before it is consumed.

Even Fewer will pause to wonder over the bitter mission contained in the seed of such a sweet summer fruit.

Suffice to say that herein one may gaze into the revelation of the common impending doom that awaits those who dine with the Cyclops.

Ruby red apples are on the menue for today, advertising the confidence displayed by the further daylight advance of the Nihilist, Humanist, Modernist Attack.

This "force" is often described by the catch-all phrase "NWO" its energies and powers appear to often reach beyond the physical world of humanity and into the universe of the metaphysical.

Yet, in fact, the genisis of their origination is the reverse.

This is the Story behind the Story herein. Consider it as you would your own epitath would that you were to witness it before your death, being written by the very hand that now further evolves a desperate confidence in its growing power.

This is the strategy. Having escaped prior detection....Now it is time to overtly seek and exploit the breeches already inflicted in the underpinnings of the fortress walls of Western philosophical morality.

And so....

In the pursuit of gaining the End of Time, have these creatures of the night, Trolls and Orks all, laboured long and hard in the bowels of the earth.

It is they who are before us investing our city. It is they who are charged to sap and undermine the pilings and foundations that buttress these formidable heights now serving as their master's only impediment.

Slowly yet inexorably, the siege lines continue to draw ever closer to the prize. Around the clock the trolls labor in the mines, chipping away, one piece at a time, at the earthen and stone ramparts that bar their master's progress into the city...The allegorical City of God, AKA the essence that IS the soul of man.

And now ... at high noon....The massive siege columns form, stretching endlessly back into the night.t

The shadows of darkness, having occluded the sun, no longer fear to emerge into the light.



PS: If you want to get a good laugh, check out the adds this story contains!
It looks to me like the fox is already running the henhouse! LOL!



Tuesday, May 31, 2005 10:31 a.m. EDT
Networks OK TV Condom Ads on Prime Time
If you don't want your kids watching condom commercials, stay away from the WB network after 9 p.m. tonight, and NBC after 10.
Story Continues Below

While airing condom commercials is not against the law, networks have so far been unwilling to permit ads for condoms because they fear a "backlash family-values advocates," reports the New York Post.
Condom ads that did run were relegated to late nights when children were assumed to be asleep.
Until now.
Church & Dwight, which makes Trojan condoms, has negotiated a new ad campaign with NBC and the WB, and said it is making a pitch to other networks for more ads.
With a market estimated to be $400 million nationwide, it's not difficult to see why condom makers covet the heretofore inaccesible prime time market.
"I expect there will be people who do feel a need to react negatively because we're discussing sexuality," Jim Daniels, vice president of marketing for Trojan told the Post. "I hope most people will see this and acknowledge that these are responsible and appropriate discussion points."
Radio listeners are familiar with "Trojan Man," the baritone-voiced hero who appears just as the canoodling starts to heat up, and supplies the lovers with Trojan condoms.
But the TV spots will differ from the humor-laced radio ads in that Trojan will try to emphasize responsible behavior - i.e. safe sex.
"This is not an easy thing to get right," Daniels told the Post. "You can start sounding like a health class or too sophomoric."
The ads will detail statistics regarding sexually transmitted diseases that won't necessarily put the viewer in a playful, amorous mood, and in a nod to those who may not take too kindly to sex out of wedlock, the commercials even mention giving abstinence a try.

Friday, June 03, 2005


*** a complete list of his articles

Greetings, "Truth Seekers:"

Well, for the record, I am not going, "Thumbs up, or thumbs down" on this particular Vialls article because to do so credibly would require more research than I currently have time for.

However, if memory serves me correctly, I recall that there were several other earthquakes in the 8 + range within just a few months of the one that produced the tsunami.

I believe one of them was near the epicenter of the "Tsunami" quake, one near South Australia and one other "Great" Quake was near Antarctica.

I remember that there was much talk in the Internet media because 4 Great quakes occurring in such a short time frame was so highly unusual.

I did not see any mention of these quakes in Joe's article. Perhaps, since they failed to produce a genocidal Muslim killing wave, they were natural events and do not warrant Joe's attention.

Therefore I will content myself with noting that so far in the last several years, Joe has claimed that the Americans have exploded nearly half a dozen nuclear devices around the world, generally for the benefit of Israel.

This makes good press and builds a readership base, but is an excessive obsession with nuclear detonations on Joe's part that even I find hard to swallow.

In fact, although they may exist, I have yet to find an example of a high profile disaster, either natural or man made, (such as terrorist bombings) that Joe has not attributed to being the work of the American government.... Who, according to Joe, always jumps to pull the nuclear trigger each and every time Tel-Aviv says "Clear"!

Now all of you reading this know that I am no friend of the criminal forces behind the cabal currently running this nation into the ground. Neither am I prone to make excuses for them. However, I note a curious lack of balance in Joe's work.

Though not as hysterical in tone as is John Kaminski, Joe exhibits the a great deal of the same left wing self-loathing that is the universal common denominator of the guilt ridden, spoiled rotten, middle class Anglo Saxon, English speaking post-world war II generations.

To wit:

"We, (and all other's who share similiar culture or heritage) are bad, sinful, and unclean, and therefore everyone else is the noble and oppressed victim of our Way Bad sinfulness."

Sorry, I don't buy it.

The perpetration of this aforementioned lousy self-image complex is used almost exclusively as a psychological warfare tool by the more cynical propagandists of the far left in order to further their always oppressive agendas.

A People reduced and convinced to buying into and believing such guilt and mental self-degradation is a People already enslaved in all but fact.

If you look for it at all, you will start to see this guilt/shame technique being used everywhere.

It is the same technique used to discredit and silence those who would oppose the rewriting of American history in order to falsely shame, dilute, or minimize the affirmation and validation of the particular cultural heritage and virtues that built the nation.

Case in point, the renaming of the Jefferson Davis Highway, here in Washington State, or the phony hullabaloo over the Confederate battle flag, or the excessive and pathetic hand wringing over how the white man killed the Indians.

It is seldom mentioned that the Indians were doing an excellent job of killing each other on their own prior to Columbus, and after the white man arrived, it was usually Indian scouts that led the White war parties through the wilderness.

Most of the Army of Cortez was made up of Indian Auxiliaries who were more than eager to take a crack at the Aztecs.

General Crook would never have been able to track down the Mescalero Apaches without the aid of Indian scouts.

It happened. Get over it.

Again, I have yet to see an article from Joe that pins a tail on anyone besides the Israelis and the Americans, (and in decending order from there upon any English speaking nation) for any and all acts of diabolical murder and mayhem that may or may not occur.

At this point, it seems that everyone gets to go to heaven except the formerly named objects of Joe's attention. I am relieved to know as a result, that there is no sin of consequence, now or in the past, that stains the hands of Moscow, Beijing, or for that matter, any other person, place, or thing in the world, including the Sudan and Zimbabwe as well as half a dozen other murderous regimes in Africa and south Asia.

Only the running dog Americans and the infernal Zionists,..... living in Israel, a nation whose population numbers less that 6.5 million, and of whom over 14 percent are Muslims, All of whom live in a country that you can see across on a clear day;.... A postage stamp entity, surrounded by a region that takes up nearly a seventh of the land mass of the world and contains nearly a billion Muslims, of which more that 200 million are Semitic (kin) Arabs, ......are proven adept at being the root of all evil.

The argument over Zionism and it's finger on the American Nuclear trigger to the side, I submit for Joe's consideration, that if in fact, the Bible codes are correct, then it can be argued that the Jews truly ARE The Chosen People, charged many thousands of years ago with carrying forward to the rest of humanity, the coded message of a God like entity, then..... it follows that the historically endless tragedies, slaughters, Diaspora's, genocide's, and constant attacks upon them with the purpose of destroying them as a people since time immemorial, must be the work of ......Who do you suppose? As Joe says in his article, "We must ask...Who would benefit"?...

So, Joe.....Any Guesses?



Thursday, June 02, 2005


Greetings, Hunters Hunted by the Hunted:

We have heard some of the names many times. Other new names just seem to pop up out of no where like weeds in the garden.

The Bilderbergs, The FreeMasons, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Rothschilds, The Rockefellers, etc, etc.

On and on it goes. It's enough to make a person throw up their hands and go running for the Aspirin bottle... So many groups, and each of them with their own dedicated investigators bent on exposing them.

And.... Each investigator ready and willing to swear that it is their group and their group alone that is the root of all evil in the 3d world.

Like blind men describing an elephant, each of these detectives sincerely believes they have a grasp on the true essence of the NWO incarnate. And like the same blind men, they are both wrong and right.

You see...

This is a BIG elephant!

What each of the blind men hold in their hands is but a part of the greater whole. Each holds pieces of the five pointed star that, when assembled, completes the picture that serves the darkness and is... the Global Elite.

It is important to remember when discussing the concept of the Global Elite and/or the physical, or earthly manifestations of the Modern Attack, AKA the New World Order, that these are labels that describe a multiplicity of hosts, all of whom function at a multiplicity of levels.

No army, good or evil, is made up of just one corps, or one division or one brigade. So it is with the Global Elite.

The term describes a fellowship of evil that is like a star made up of five, (plus) points... And in further analogy, a broken point only serves to generates a new starfish.

This multiplicity of form translates as an ability that tends to mislead many well meaning folks, who, for what ever reason, limit their focus exclusively on one point of the star, to the exclusion of the others.

Again, the blind men describing the elephant!

Unfortunately, the current lack of composite explanatory overview on this subject tends to confuse and deflect the interest of those who are newcomers or are not yet fully aquatinted with the issue.

It gives out the general appearance that no coherent analysis exists to explain why it is that at any given moment there are half a dozen potential organizations, all of whom are being labeled by as many or more opposition groups as being NWO.

Naturally this hurts the credibility of those who do indeed have a piece of the elephant!


It often gives the impression that the entire subject is one for the nut house.

It is not. It is deadly serious. The Laity confusion is a deliberate manufacture designed to do exactly what it does. Throw the hounds off the scent by leaving tracks in all directions.

However, bear in mind that the tracks all exist past this plane and exit into the dark side of the metaphysical.

This is the key to understanding the function of forces that operate from a base of reference that originates from outside of the physical plane in which most human senses are oriented. I repeat, this is the key.

And most importantly.... A careful examination of the evidentiary prints of the quarry will further ominously reveal that the tracks do not point away from those who hunt them, but instead point towards them.... Hence, form that was phantom, is now presently form, extant ... as something wicked has already this way come!

To further compound the fog that is manipulated to swirl in around and obscure the clear understanding of the calamity that oppresses humanity these so many eons, the hounds that the hunters sent forth to the chase soon enough, no longer bay, and often as not, those that return to us are invariably the hounds of hell.
