Wednesday, September 14, 2005



By: Cliff Mickelson
Date: Thursday, 17 August 2005

Greetings, All:

I have received a large number of emails asking about the Sun and the coming ionization of Planet Earth.

Many wish to know if there will be warning.

The answer is: Yes.....

So I repeat for the benefit of those yet unacquainted...

We are going to have plenty of warning on the warm up, (we're getting some now) ...But there will be almost no warning on the actual three day kill wave of ionization when it arrives.

That cosmic "wave" will strike suddenly in a manner similar to an ocean tsunami. However, it can be survived.

Here is what I am directed to say on that particular event:

On that one morning when the sky burns like fire and the red flames of sunrise are not extinguished but instead grow to consume the heavens; then you must go inside your homes and close all the doors and shutter all the windows.

Gather your loved ones in the center of your home and do not under any circumstances venture forth into the light that consumes.

Do not succumb to the desire to gaze out the window.

Do not in anyway look upon the magnificent horrors occurring.

For.... As it came to pass with the wife of Lot; those who do so will likely die.

For three days and three nights the planet will be purified in the ethereal furnace of an electric fire that burns across a tortured sky and writhes across the heavens.

It will be as the fire and brimstone of old.

Then the Angel of Death will pass and those who have survived his passing will know a new world. Much of that which was known before and many of those who knew it will have passed beyond the gates of heaven's fire.

But others will continue on.

As much as a third of the planet may perish. Surprisingly, few plants and animals will be apparently affected. They too will pass into a world changed forever.

More remains to be told yet that is all I have to say on the matter for now.

by Cliff Mickelson



by CliffMickelson

Greetings, Once and Future Krispy Kritters:

The events of the last few years, (and even decades) point inexorably in one direction....A coming ionization of planet Earth.

Like the Nile River in the late summer, the waters of energy have already begun to rise, driven by a distant and inscrutable force. Flood tide has yet to arrive, but unlike the slow and methodically increasing overcharge of energy we are dealing with now, (hence, chemtrails) the final surge will be violent and massive.

The imminence of this massive charge of energy and light is not a new event. It has happened before. Humanity possesses a dim collective memory of it. It is a "second coming of the light" of sorts, but not the kind expected by the more orthodox believers among us.

However, this described event can be found mentioned in some prophesy as well as in several different Marian Apparitions, in particular the visions of Fatima and Garabandal.

I first began to sense the arrival of this power among us some years ago. At the time I didn't have a clue as to what it was I was perceiving. Nor did I have any firm idea as to the exact nature of what it was that insisted on presenting itself before me.

Before long however, the increasing amount of unease I felt, in tandem with the persistent refusal of logical deduction to lead me anywhere else, soon gave me cause to begin to research my intuitive visions.

As my work in this area began to unfold I found myself astounded by the plethora of validating sign that made itself known.

It is safe to say at this point that we are well along in our journey into the light.

Each passing month brings more sign. As the sun continues to destabilize and cosmic blasts from sources unknown increasingly wreak their effect, the Earth and its creatures respond accordingly.

We often hear the term "vibrating" at a higher level.

Such a term is wont to be taken for being "new age" blather, but as it turns out, it is a description based in some fact.

Imagine if you will an empty skillet on an electric stove. As the stove elements transfer energy to the skillet, the skillet dissipates the energy into its surrounding medium. The transfer of heat is nothing more than a transfer of energy via excited, (or vibrating) matter. When the skillet cannot transfer energy to other sources as quickly as it receives it "vibrates" at a higher level. As the input of energy reaches flood tide, the matter that forms the skillet begins to reach critical mass. It then can be actually seen to begin noticeably vibrating on the stove top. If left to its own ends it will actually begin to jump and vibrate off the stove top or simply explode in fragments.

This is a corollary to what is happening today to earth and its sister planets.

In fact, it is the nature of what is now happening to all matter in the physical solar system. The battery that is "Electric Earth" and the subatomic matter that forms all its electric denizens is being increasingly overcharged. The Earth responds by attempting to throw off the excess energy in a host of ways. Many of them are still subtle but many others are becoming increasingly noticeable.

Hence ... those who possess the sensitivity discern that we vibrate at a higher and higher level.

Hence... global warming,

Hence....The Coming Ionization of Planet Earth!


Friday, September 09, 2005


1812 -2005...

By CliffMickelson

In the year 1812 one of the most strategically underrated battles ever fought on the North American continent took place a few miles from New Orleans.

The unsung importance of this battle was such that had Andrew Jackson lost it, he most certainly would have never become President.

Further, had the Battle of New Orleans not been an American victory, the Imperial Whitehall government would have successfully placed a stranglehold on perhaps the most vital geographic choke point to be found anywhere in the world.

It is a matter of conjecture as to whether the British would have relinquished their prize despite the fact that the battle was fought "ex pax facto."

Today, a new "Battle of New Orleans" has produced a little noticed casualty.

Barely reported in comparison to the high profile flurry of "oil based" economic news over the impact of Katrina is the more ominous story of the loss of subsystem infrastructure.

The importance of this weave of subsystems is comparable to the importance of a cornerstone. Without it the building above it is no longer viable yet this key stone it is rarely noticed when in place and it is always taken for granted.

On July 4, 1863, Confederate general John Pemberton surrendered the bastion of Vicksburg to Major General Ulysses S. Grant. At that very moment, the Mississippi Valley passed into the hands of the North and the nation of the South passed into history.

It was for good reason that historians call the loss of Vicksburg the "death knell of the Confederacy."

General Grant and Mr. Lincoln were both well aware of the importance of the weave of economic subsystems that formed the spine of the Southern Nation.

What held true in 1812 and in 1863 is all the more true today.

Without the port of New Orleans, the produce and handicraft of the great American Midwest is placed in dire straits.

We call this upper Mississippi and Missouri basin the "heartland" of the nation. It is from this area that wealth is produced from the land and is exported to not only the rest of the nation but to the rest of the world.

Of course, substitute systems of transportation to market are available but none of them are as cheap or as efficient as river barge. This is particularly true when dealing with farm products and other high volume to low value items.

It remains to be seen as to whether or not the relatively unscathed port facilities of New Orleans can function efficiently without a supporting urban infrastructure to rest upon.

Cities are built to location. The location of New Orleans is a vital one. As a result, the city will be rebuilt. But such things take time. Nature waits for no one.

My sources report that many of the farms and industries along the lower Mississippi Valley are already reporting stress. Fall Harvest is now underway and there are few barges available for transport of produce.

Additionally, there is currently no place down river to economically offload the barges at the end of the line. Baton Rouge cannot absorb the full impact of the diverted traffic from the dysfunctional port of New Orleans.

The cost of gasoline for the combines is spelling the difference between solvency and insolvency for many of the smaller farms along the river. The dearth of barges for harvested produce may spell the difference between life and death for many other larger operations.

The point to be made here is that the true impact of Katrina and the loss of New Orleans may, at first blush, appear in the initial shock wave that blasts American consumers at the gas station.

However, the more telling impact upon hearth and home may be the fireball of an imploding subsystem infrastructure that follows hard on its heels.

Most fires are quenched with water. This type of fire however is usually fought with gallons and gallons of money.

Therefore, it may also be germane to ask just how much more paper money can Treasury inject into a system that is already mortgaged to the hilt and committed to papering over open ended foreign military expeditions?



"And so the gods condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight. They had thought with some reason that there is no more dreadful punishment than futile and hopeless labor."

-Albert Camus


Greetings, Rolling Stones Fans!

In my little area of the world, we have a horrendous immigration problem.

We are overwhelmed with illegal Mexican immigrants.

Newspapers, billboards and other forms of media written and spoken in Spanish or with Spanish subtitles have become common in the last decade.

Naturally, feelings run high in this Pacific northwest community among the established population.

Residents see themselves being increasingly displaced by cheaper labor in the workplaces and alien social habits in the neighborhoods.

It has therefore become a popular pastime among locals to engage in vituperative "alien bashing" and other forms of vocal and physical hostility.

But, due to the nature of my business, I have worked closely for many years with of the "illegal aliens" being demonized so precipitously by the mainstream community.

I know the vast majority of them to be family oriented, hard working, thrifty, generous, and kind.

In truth, most of the virtues that we current residents of America are wont to imagine we embody are in fact, found to be much more readily apparent in the lives and manners of these foreigners.

But then, we always see the tree in front of us, don't we? That's because it is planted smack dab in the middle of our intended path!.......But, do we see the forest?

So, as has been the case too many times in the past, we prove ourselves ready and willing to grab the axe and chop away at the offending tree. Yet such efforts always appear futile in retrospect somehow, don't they?

Could it be that we are leaving the root intact to sprout up and block our path once again?

My friends, you and I, AND the hungry and hard working immigrant we excoriate are all the same victims of a cynical shell game!

We are two ends being played against the middle.

Suckers...All of us!

Who REALLY is to blame for the fact that Jane Doe down the street just lost her job to Juanita Gomez?

Here's a news flash folks:....IT AINT JUANITA GOMEZ!

Welcome to the Hall of Mirrors!

This same paradigm applies to the current modern political process as seen in the United States.

(In fact, a case can be made for such application back through all recorded history!)

Of course Shrubie the Bush and the Boys are up to no good!

What did you expect?

The damage to their hotel room will no doubt be charged to our account. With interest compounded!

But are they the root of all evil? No, not really!

They are just modular building components, dear readers,....And replaceable ones at that!

In fact, those that attribute diabolical design to the current phantoms in power would likely be surprised to discover that the villainous objects of their opprobrium are often as clueless as the rest of us!

So, again, Who REALLY is to blame for what we see actualizing before us as the fruits of the political game?

Sadly, the problem we now face is that the system itself is hopelessly corrupt.

Bush may be good or bad, (depending upon your perspective) but he's really no better nor worse than any of his predecessors...He's just more visible, (perhaps less smart) than some of the other past pawns placed in political power.

If you look back over time you can see that the Presidents come and go and the parties switch power every few years but the general dynamic of the direction of unfolding events continues to inexorably grind ahead with little or no true deviation.

This is a pattern that can be traced back 60 years with no trouble and even farther if one is willing to dig a bit.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

Because.....There are powers above the puppets that are working the strings. It is they who are calling the shots while we in the audience enjoy the fantasy presented by the wooden characters on stage who are convincingly manipulated to be as if they are acting of their own free will!

As seen from this side of the looking glass, the hall of mirrors seems to be mindbogglingly complicated at first blush.

Relax!....That complexity is also a deliberately promulgated chimera. It's part of the act!

Once the curtain of illusion is parted, the hologram of complexity falls away and all is revealed before us as being as simple as black and white or as day and night,

Will there be light or will there be darkness?

Will we be divided against ourselves or will we not?

In the end, it all boils down to a simple question of... Who will gain the harvest of humanity.... The forces of Good or the forces of Evil?

I personally prefer to read the opening verse of Genesis as a difinitive prognostication of humanity's future destiny:

(And God said) Let there be "LIGHT" !


Thursday, September 08, 2005


"And so the gods condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight. They had thought with some reason that there is no more dreadful punishment than futile and hopeless labor."

-Albert Camus

Greetings, Rolling Stones Fans!

In my little area of the world, we have a horrendous immigration problem.

We are overwhelmed with illegal Mexican immigrants.

Newspapers, billboards and other forms of media written and spoken in Spanish or with Spanish subtitles have become common in the last decade.

Naturally, feelings run high in this Pacific northwest community among the established population.

They see themselves being increasingly displaced by cheaper labor in the workplaces and alien social habits in the neighborhoods.

It has therefore become a popular pastime among locals to engage in vituperative "alien bashing" and other forms of vocal and physical hostility.

But, due to the nature of my business I have worked closely for many years with of the "illegal aliens" being demonized so precipitously by the mainstream community.

I know the vast majority of them to family oriented, hard working, thrifty, generous, and kind. In fact, most of the virtues that we current residents of America are wont to imagine we embody are in fact to be found to be much more readily apparent in the lives and manners of these foreigners.

But then, we see the trees in front of us, don't we? That's because it is planted smack dab in our intended path!.......But, do we see the forest?

So, as has been done so many times in the past, we prove ready and willing to grab the axe and chop away at the tree. Yet such efforts always appear futile in retrospect somehow, don't they?

Could it be that we are leaving the root intact to sprout up and block our path once again?

My friends, you and I, AND the hungry and hard working immigrant we excoriate are all the same victims of a cynical shell game!

We are two ends being played against the middle.

Suckers...All of us!

Who REALLY is to blame for the fact that Jane Doe down the street just lost her job to Juanita Gomez?

Here's a news flash folks:....IT AINT JUANITIA GOMEZ!

Welcome to the Hall of Mirrors!

The same paradigm applies to the current modern political process as seen in the United States.

(In fact, a case can be made for such, back through recorded history!)

Of course Shrubie the Bush and the Boys are up to no good!

What did you expect?

The damage to their hotel room will no doubt be charged to our account. With interest compounded!

But the are they the root of all evil? No, not really!

They are just modular building components, dear readers,....And replaceable ones at that!

In fact, those that attribute diabolical design to the current phantoms in power would likely be surprised to discover that the villainous objects of their opprobrium are often as clueless as the rest of us!

So, again, Who REALLY is to blame for what we see actualizing before us as the fruits of the political game?

Sadly, the problem remains that the system itself is hopelessly corrupt. Bush may be bad, (depending upon your perspective) but he's just more visible, (perhaps less smart) than some of the other past pawns placed in political power.

If you look back over time you can see that the Presidents come and go and the parties switch power every few years but the general dynamic of the direction of unfolding events continues to inexorably grind ahead with little or no true deviation.

This is a pattern that can be traced back 60 years with little trouble and even farther if one is willing to dig a bit.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

Because.....There are powers above the puppets that are working the strings. It is they who are calling the shots while we in the audience enjoy the fantasy presented by the wooden characters on stage who are convincingly manipulated to be as if they are acting of their own free will!

As seen from this side of the looking glass, the hall of mirrors seems to be mindbogglingly complicated at first blush.

Relax!....That complexity is also a deliberately promulgated chimera. It's part of the act!

Once the curtain of illusion is parted, the hologram of complexity falls away and all is revealed before us as being as simple as black and white or as day and night,

Will there be light or will there be darkness?

Will we be divided against ourselves or will not?

In the end, it all boils down to a simple question of... Who will gain the harvest of humanity.... The forces of Good or the forces of Evil?

I personally prefer to read the opening verse of Genesis as a prognostication of humanity's future destiny:

(And God said) Let there be "LIGHT" !


Thursday, September 01, 2005



By CliffMickelson

(Begin snip by "Roaldar")

Some people are saying that High Tech Russian Weather
Warriors steered Katrina to its target: Twenty percent
of US Petroleum processing capability.

Maybe so, but why does the US not have the technology
to counter such activity? If, indeed it has the
capability, why was it not used in the battle?

-R ...(End snip)

Greetings, R:

If in fact, the Russians did steer Katrina to its target, (A possibility of which I am not completely convinced) such an undertaking would be accomplished via scalar methods.

It has been fairly well established that the Russians are, (and have been) substantially involved in Scalar as well as other more exotic forms and methods of mental and physical real-time mediums that contain implicit potential for warfare applications.

According to the sources that I have, the United States has no currently effective means of countering such technology due to a rather unfortunate mindset that even still permeates some levels of the power structure in Washington City.

As a result, American military planners have only belatedly recognized their vulnerability in this sphere and find themselves playing catch-up with a 20 year handicap.

The cause of this strategic faux pas is a most interesting one. It contains a legion of fascinating subset of lodes to be mined that are rich in the insightful ore of cultural and social science.

Reduced to a nutshell, what we may be seeing in this particular situation is one of those rare examples where the anti-mystic traditions of Western society that since the Enlightenment, have proved so conducive to some areas of social and scientific advancement have manifested themselves as a negative instead of a positive.

This is one of the historical potentialities in Western civilization possessed of a lifespan measured in millennia instead of centuries. It is one of the more important ones that emerged as a dominant reality under the auspices of the Church of Rome.

This came about for a variety of reasons, but in particular as a dynamic that found nurture and sustenance as a natural reaction against the more mystically oriented traditions of the East. The path of Chalcedonic Christianity formed of the matter of two worlds, was fated therefore to be separated into two different roads.

This split is known today as the Great Schism. It is dated as occurring in 1054 during the reign of Pope Leo IX.

(It is important to note that strong differences between the more mystic east and rationalist West had often occurred before 1054)

As a result of the Great Schism, the Eastern Orthodox nations were enabled to socially enfranchise a mysticism that was innately ingrained in ancient traditions.

This led to a much more accepting and tolerant attitude in the East towards all subjects related to this area. It is for this reason that to this very day, the public acceptance and acknowledgment of the Metaphysical realm and its varied spin-off areas of study are subjects of State sponsorship and research in the traditionally Orthodox nations of the great and lesser Russias.

Conversely, the metaphysical, mysticism, and the spiritual world in general has been progressively denigrated and reduced to ridicule and opprobrium the West.

This fertile field, sown by the seed of the Enlightenment, has enabled rationalist Science to become supreme in Western Nations.

But it has crippled research into all things tainted, (For what ever reason) with the brush of "mysticism."

Such fields of study would include all things paranormal as well as the intuitive science of Remote Viewing and the more physical science of Scalar Technology.

Such disciplines as "Remote Viewing" and "Scalar" science have therefore been ignored or seriously handicapped in the West. Progress in these areas has only come about as a response to undeniable advances being made in the more mystically oriented and therefore specifically tolerant east.
