Thursday, March 24, 2005


China unveiled a law Tuesday authorizing an attack if Taiwan moves toward >formal independence, increasing pressure on the self-ruled island while warning >other countries not to interfere. Taiwan denounced the legislation as a `blank >check to invade'' and announced war games aimed at repelling an attack.

(End snip UPI)


Greetings, My Fellow Orwellian Test Subjects!

Is it possible to see in the excerpt above, how those who establish the control of the semantic high ground are empowered to dictate the reality of perception.

What Sophist logic contained above is at hand that gives the lie to the premise seeking an illegitimate validation ...?

And... What are the internal contradictions of the paragraph excerpted above? Conclusions can be drawn from the very order of the words in this excerpt.

These are important conclusions, the likes of which are affecting you and I both at this very instant.

So.......What are those conclusions?

Let us examine the not so obvious forces at work here. Who will we see when we pull back the curtain that hides this particular wizard of Oz?

To gain perspective in doing this, we must first place the particular details of the struggle to determine the destiny of the two nations involved, (as revealed in the excerpt) off to the side. They are irrelevant. The faces will forever come and go. It is the game that will always remain the same.

Further.... It remains vitally important that everyone recognize the implications and effects of the powerful tools being employed in what is really a life and death "game."

It is also vital that the detection of the hallmarks that advertise the context and employment of such tools and techniques, become instantly discernible.

Knowing that those who use this tool, give to it a substance formed as would be the intent of a speeding arrow. It is a shaft deliberately aimed at the eye of the mind.... And, in addition, to know the importance of the detection of any such work as being a well crafted subversion; one who's essence is no less than a deadly missile launched from the bow of a competing power of a doctrine, philosophy and/or a belief system heresy.

For if by the very fact that there exists,at any given moment in time, an established state of being in the order of human affairs that we can adjudge as being "our current reality" then we do so by beholding its presence as a universal and agreed upon of contract of belief. We are therefore able to accept this contract as proof of the established existence of this construct and we thereby assigning it value as an established truth.

This construct is by it's nature the target of many arrows sent speeding forth from the bow if ill intent. To slay it's victim it must be formed of the corruption attendant to the fabricated perversion of it's antithesis.

Thus we may see that, there exists simultaneously beyond the mundane words printed upon a page of ink and paper is the pestilential lethality of a non physical and falsely planted conciet. An illusion. This phantom is the tool that enables the archer. It is then, a wraith most fatal to those who are cuckold into believing that it is in fact the substance formed of an arrow in flight.

It is into these unfortunate breasts that the missle will indeed, plunge.

We advantage ourselves in the metaphor of the arrow by giving ourselves a practical grasp of what is the difficult conception of a lethal metaphysical missile. It possesses no tangible form nor physical shape. This is remains true until it finds and strikes down those who have come to believe it exists. It is as but one among many similar instruments born out of the armory of another world.

These special darts are brought forth, nestled amongst kith and kin, in a crowded quiver possessed by the implacable and immortal prodigals of darkness and often vectored by friend and foe alike of any particular established or dominant order of human perceptions and/or socially agreed upon morality or truth.

Upon the battleground of ideas, we behold it as a peculiarly quilled shaft bearing a tell tale barb dipped in the metaphysical waters that flow out of falseness and Distortion. This is a malevolent and turgid stream that endlessly assaults the dikes that contain it. It follows a sullen course who's origin is found to lie beyond the mirage that shields the mountainous abyss of it's bitter and alkali source.

In this poisonous liquid we easily behold the medium so often assumed by the many incarnations of a Great Deceiver.

It is as one such alias; that which we call Deception, who is the author under whose aegis marches a formidable legion of often unknowing, insensible and controlled vectors. These are the first to be slain by the illusion of the arrow, becoming subsequently, the incubus for the tools most often used to further the overthrow of existing human perceptions of order and morality.

Any assassin of Truth readily accepts that the pen is mightier than the sword. Therefore, he will aim his arrow to achieve his intent by piercing heartstone and the foundations upon which his targets are predicated. This speeding illusionary feathered bolt of fabrication then, is the nature of the object which the archer launches at his quarry.

Soon to be formed from the field of the slain are those apologists who render service by claiming that the murder of Truth is not all all what it appears to be. They would have their congregation of listeners drink justification from the same waters from which they were poisened. The would hope to whet thirst among the gullible by claiming that their master's fatal undertakings are nothing more than proof of the end-logic of what is essentially an amoral creation.

It is argued further that as such, this is an exclusionary environment; that it is not subject to the artificial jurisdiction of human morality or judgment, and so, being inherently neither good nor bad, but, superior to both, Therefore is stands to reason that not only established moral precepts, but all things includingDarkness and light, Good and evil, are ones that simply "exists" in and of their own right in a timeless universality. They are simply self-evident manifestations of the process's by which the human perception of right or wrong are extracted as derivatives. They are then further reduced by rending them in the ash and lye of subjectivity. This then places all things mortal within their proper role of manufactured dependencies who's powers are the result of a universal mandate and as a result are always substantially sequential and subservient as are any effects to a cause.

In this disingenious way they seek to justify function as a form and by-product of the necessary groundwork required of all communal human equations and social contracts.

Further, it is therefore maintained that it be logically proper that human morality be cast in a role as a subset of power. It's interpretation is defined, (conveniently) as existing in a state that is subjective to perceptions of reality and that perception is, after all, ultimately to be determined in the end by the success or failure of the flight of their master's arrow.

This argument is self serving, if not hypnotic. For the very essence required in any manufacture and/or produce of the Metaphysical, remains eternally the spawn of that domain. It's genesis lies forever outside of the frontiers that sharply limit the boundaries of and the worldly power of the human mind to define the form and nature of it's own physical existence and environment.

The Metaphysical remains always, the inscrutable domain from which are drawn the intangible waters that nurture the human experience. They flow downstream to us through time and space, flooding into the human construct, giving life and sustenance to those who inhabit it's further reaches.

In this way does the intangible become transformed as life and death tangibles. This process alone is the human enabler. It is a unique transubstantiation by which the medium of the chalice wherein the water is held, becomes the miracle of the wine.

Within this mystery of transformation is found the enigma that defines the riddle of the human experience.

It remains to be affirmed that the worldly embodiments of the power of the human mind over in's own reality is the exclusive and special dominion possessed by the spirit of man.

Hence we understand the otherworldly nature of the soul.

Man's single most distinguishing achievement raising him above the clay is constantly exhibited in the aforementioned transubstantiation of the metaphysics of the "Idea" into the functional tangibility of physical form and substance.


The energy given out from the mating of two unlikely worlds in the crucible of human constructs is a life giving sustenance coveted by one of those world's less physical embodiments. It is also a part and demonstration of an energy most greatly feared by the same. Therefore, the world of Man is to be gingerly farmed in a controlled environment of darkness by forms that fear the light.

Thus, Earth is the farm who's bounty is the harvest of souls. The essence of the spirit is the target and the goal of the husbandry of darkness and deception. The aim is the control of the creative spiritual electrolysis by which the elements from another world are combined with those of this. Here, the synthesis of the metaphysical power of the light is joined together in the fires of the physical and forged into unity within the soul of Man. Knowing it's peril, Evil seeks to sustain itself upon this nutrient by a cautious agenda of control and manipulation. It too, will score it's overtures in the Metaphysical to be orchestrated and performed in this.

These are technique not unlike that of the deliberate farmer. His crop is the negative energies of grief, pain, hate and fear. This is the harvest that he will sustain himself upon. It stands to reason therefore that for this dark farmer, in order to survive, he must insure that his crop will never realize the value of their own produce or the nature and power of light that it alone is gifted to produce.

The slave must never know that he is many and that his masters are few, or that it is he himself who forges the chains used to bind him in darkness.

So it is that truth is corrupted by falsity, and the parasite of darkness shields itself from exposure to the fatal remedy of light. In the battle for the minds of men lies the eternal struggle to control all earthly creation resulting out of the meld and divinity of a formlessness of another world, with the substance of the physical plane and the form comprising the momentary order of the human world.

As a leech seeks the lifeblood, so too, the diversion, control and consumption of this defining human product is the sole object coveted by the assassins of the spirit who awaits in the shadow.

But all is not lost. For the archer's dark aim to succeed, he must labor under the limit of peculiar requirements.He is aware that to slay Achilles, he too, must dip his arrow in the waters of the River Styx. This is because all that lies within the constraints of the physical order of the human world, actually exists as a "effect." It is brought forth out of a cause, as is an end forged from out of a means.

This "effect" is in fact, a well crafted illusion. It suffers to endure this reality as would a mortal child conceived of the intercourse between the gods and man.

All that which humanity creates is originally of material derived out of the light. As a result, as would a bastard child of kings, Man, through the affirmation of spirit, has claim to the succor of blood and the patrimony of divinity. In this we begin to see the first truth that we must know to stand in the light ... that the Godhead is indeed the source of all things. Good is the first born of twins, born into this world out of the same womb as evil.

It is Man's legitimate claim to a royal kinship, not to mention the potential terror of the discovery and subsequent invocation of his origin out of the Godhead by humanity in general, that forces deferment by evil to the metaphysical requirements of any illusion it may propose to bring forth.

Evil may only subvert good on a chess board of equal opportunity under divine law. These are rules where filial obligations are required by the king to be acknowledged by the royal pieces but are only demanded of the pawns should they prove themselves worthy of reaching the King's row.

It is in this rarefied universal game, played out on the chess board of imperceptibility of form, that the war for the control of human destiny and ultimately the soul, is most fiercely waged.

And so...To destroy the corporal child conceived of an ethereal form, (to which he is kin) darkness is obliged to shape his arrow out of the unity of a common matter hewn from the opaque and inscrutable province of the gods.

In this way, the archer's metaphysical bow speeds it's arrow of non existent illusion formed out of a common clay of origin.

As it is with the product of the light, the intangible formlessness of darkness is compelled to seek to be enabled through the union of it's shapeless essence with the tangible form created by human belief. Only in this way may it slay the moral substance of the targeted human reality and succeed in the hijack of the soul.

It is the corruption and theft of the divinity of Man that is the object of the game. Only by devouring that nectar which is made possible by the Godhead and brought into this world by the imprisoned soul from within the containment of it's mortal vessel of transient flesh and blood, can all that owes fealty to darkness continue to sustain itself.
This is the reason evil eternally seeks dominion and diversion of that corporal creation that houses the soul of man.


Herein lies the reason and the importance of the struggle for the ultimate control of any and all intangible fabrications of the mind. It bears an importance revealed by the vitrol of the attacks upon it by those already lost to darkness, as being illusions of an illusionary war over a non-existant conception. But, in fact, the struggle is anything but imaginary. It is an apocalyptic combat to control and determine the perceptions and therefore the port of destination of any and all human vessels sailing on the riverine waterways of their mortal world. The success or failure of the struggle between two princes determines who will harvest the passengers on board ship, and the treasure they produce. This is the prize of one world that is sought to be gained by the next.

Within the inconceivability of that world, a sphere spinning itself out beyond the measured toll of time are found the infinity fields of Elysium, a place where now the Titans clash.

Yet the din of battle is often only dimly sensed for it lies far beyond the pale reach of Man's five feeble, earthbound senses. It is in this distant dreamless place that all that was, all that is, and all that will be, shall someday once again, come to pass.



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