Friday, December 09, 2005



By CliffMickelson

Once upon a time the earth and seas in solemn sorrow lay as a blanket upon the creator of a fearsome secret. Shielded in this manner from an ever-seeking summons and judgment of the light, the dark secret and its maker lay as if in death, asleep upon the bosom of Mother Earth.

For this secret had been once born in the heart of a child; a child brought forth in joy in the union of Earth and Sun. But sullen pride, a jealous handmaiden of Mother Earth, conspired at birth to ruin the child and so contrived that before his time he would too soon dare to challenge the glory of his father.

To this end did Pride one day persuade the child to construct of his own flesh a mighty stone and to place it high upon a mountain peak where the passage of the Sun could ever be seen.

So cleverly fashioned was this stone that it would respond to the presence of Father Sun. In so doing, this wondrous stone would gather unto itself the radiant energies of the father and deliver their captured power in caged subjection to the child.

For Pride had foreseen in the manufacture of this device, how fatal would be the powers of the father were they to become those of a child not yet in the full wisdom of manhood.

At first the child of Earth and Sun was clever in his newly constructed conceit, but soon the arrogance of youth became reckless before the knowing eyes of his father.

And so it was that the falseness of the child was betrayed.

In his rage, the Sun's powers became transformed with energies beyond imagination and falling upon all below, transfixed creation with a force beyond the ken of mortal understanding.

Overwhelmed and unprepared, the wondrous stone shattered as if made of glass. The child of Sun and Earth trembled before the baleful wrath of solar chastisement. Then, seeing his base intrigue destroyed, he too, was cast down senseless among the shattered shards and ruins of his works.

Yet, before the vengeance of Father Sun could rain down its final blow, it found itself confounded by the ways and wiles of Mother Earth.

For a mother ever loves her children.

She rose in tempest lashed waves. Tall mountains trembled and dry land sank before her.

Her unexpected anguish baffled and misled the fury of her husband.

Perplexed, he sought elsewhere to root out the sin of pride.

And so Mother Earth sheltered her banished and sleeping son. She wrapped her blanketing arms lovingly around him and drew him close to her breast. Then she grieved.

And Earth's tears flowed protectively over her darkened child until they lay many fathoms upon him. And the creatures of the sea came to dwell where once there had been land.

As eons passed, memories began to fade. The fierce rays of the sun mellowed, relaxing their vigilant and probing search. Soft zephyrs of countless summers soon ceased to whisper of the secret land where once a child of Earth and Sun had built a monument to the deception of Pride

In this way did Mother Earth protect her own and defy all who would desire to seek him out.

But not all memories were stilled. The ancient chronicles prophesied of a time soon to come when what once was, would one day be again.

And that time is now.

This is that day, and we are its witness.

And, once upon a day yet to come again, future visions of prophets yet unborn will bear forth our final testimony of how, in the wash of centuries, an aimless trickster, that old rascal Brother Time, had slowly thinned the yarn that formed the shroud of protection once cast deeply over the dark secret of the son of Earth.

Then will they whisper the story of how bit by piece its mantle of rock and sand danced, washing away upon the waves of music pouring forth endlessly from the horn of time.

And legend will tell of that fateful day when once more the radiant energies of the Sun fell upon the exposed shards of a once mighty stone of power.

Perhaps they will relay to future generations how, slowly at first, and then with greater and greater effect, the growing power of the Sun increasingly pieced the weakened veil of Earth that protected her child and his secret.

Perhaps they will speak of how the solar energies were gathered yet again by the ancient scattered shards of power. In lowered voices they will tell of how that power sought out unity, was unshackled and thus made whole.

This and more will they tell of the fearsome secret unchained and how on that day it brought forth from the fathomless depths of a watery grave the secret bier of Atlantis... The child of Son and Earth.




I am often tasked to explain to those new to the issue how it is that we in North America find ourselves in the vanguard of the push to the New World Order. There are many threads dangling from the cloth of Western civilization that are the ravel of this issue. Some of them are ancient in origin and others much less so. These threads wind themselves thickly through a gossamer garment of history spanning a thousand years and more.

The webbed sinew of the New World Order is found woven throughout all levels of the Western social and political human dynamic. No enterprise of human industry has been left un-pricked by the needle that pulls them.

As a historian I find it an endless marvel that the first truly visible American cloth produced on this loom is one unwittingly being worn by modern students intent on holding a candle against the onrushing NWO darkness.

Little does Horatio suspect the name of the tailor who has dressed him in black. I wager that the tailor himself would be perplexed if not deeply offended by the credit. Nonetheless, the fact remains...wittingly or not, the nature of the globalist path we walk today is irrefutably the survey of one man, Abraham Lincoln.

"Honest" Abe was a man of plain appearences and iron will. He was a great man by any measure, but it was his unfortunate fate to be a man who's hijacked good intentions coupled with his determination, political cunning, and force of personality detoured the destiny of a nation. Like the allegorical snowball rolling down hill, that nation in turn, now threatens to detour the history of the world.

Or... is that nation simply a tool climaxing a global act of consumation?

How is it that the Northern Victory in Mr. Lincoln's War was a stepping stone to globalism?

Prior to the Sumpter provocation, a large number of the northern States and their citizens were opposed to violent attempts to prevent secession. Lincoln needed a pretext to call for military solutions. (Does that old game sound familiar?)

Of course, Lincoln was a brilliant man and a consummate politician. He was much smarter than the average bear. This, combined with his simple, backwoodsy manners and sincere ways, and his lanky awkward gait and dress, gave him a common man's appeal.

These elements all combined to devolve to Lincoln an immense popularity with his partisans and to cause his opponents to fatally underestimate his caliber.

Additionally, on all the core issues, Lincoln was a sincere man who's sincerity communicated quite well.

A constituent had little gray area when making up his mind over Lincoln. You either agreed with him or not because his position appeared to be that plain and straightforward. However, as we know, he was also adept at using this persona with rather disingenuous effect on several levels.

The Northern States, being left without the South, would have fared quite well.

There is a high probability that Confederation would have never taken place in Canada and that the Northern half of the North American Continent would have amalgamated. The Northern States also claimed the far West. (California and Oregon)

Potential conflict of interest with the South still remained in the territorial Southwest. Further Southern aggrandizement at the expense of Mexico would have also been quite likely.

Conversely, if the southern states had been allowed to leave the Union peacefully, it is quite possible that within a few years, at least a few of them would have rejoined their northern neighbors. The others, barring a centralizing catalyst, may have continued on as second rate semi-sovereign powers with a loose affiliation.

The war forced the South to centralize much more than it would have otherwise. The deep distrust of central Federalist power was perhaps the prime motivation of many secessionists to begin with.

Therefore, the South was a confederacy based upon decentralization. This conundrum was fated to fail as it flew in the face of the dominate Western sociopolitical and historical trends of the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries combined.

In the end, it is ironic that the Southern raison'd' etre of decentralization was one of the prime causes of their undoing.

As is usually is the case with successful historical trends, a modern 21century reverse reactionary movement to centralization is now beginning to be subtly felt as this historical tide nears its apex of maximum flow and laps the shores of its end logic point of Global government as seen in the NWO.

I note that it can be successfully hypothesized that all movements, both political and social contain within themselves the seeds of their own destruction. These seeds are invariably germinated as their vessel reaches its full flower.

The Constitution was written is such a way that it specifically spelled out the powers to be delegated to the Federal Government. All other issues and powers not so mentioned are unquestionably described as to remain within the dominion of the sovereign states.

Prior to Mr. Lincoln's war, the majority of Americans considered their loyalties to lie first with their home State and then secondly with the collective body of States known as the States United.

Hence, when Lincoln, through the aegis of General Winfield Scott offered Robert E. Lee command of the Union armies, Lee declined, citing his primary loyalties to the Commonwealth of Virginia. The enclosed text is the body of that letter. Note the reference to the defense of his native State.


Robert E. Lee Resignation from US Army (to Winfield Scott)
Arlington, Washington City P.O.
April 20, 1861

Since my interview with you on the 18th instant I have felt that I ought not longer to retain my commission in the Army. I therefore tender my resignation, which I request you will recommend for acceptance.

It would have been presented at once, but for the struggle it has cost me to separate myself from a service to which I have devoted all the best years of my life & all the ability I possessed.

During the whole of that time, more than 30 years, I have experienced nothing but kindness from my superiors, & the most cordial friendship from my companions. To no one Genl have I been as much indebted as to yourself for uniform kindness & consideration, & it has always been my ardent desire to merit your approbation.

I shall carry with me to the grave the most grateful recollections of your kind consideration, & your name & fame will always be dear to me. Save in the defense of my native State, I never desire again to draw my sword.

Be pleased to accept my most earnest wishes for the continuance of your happiness & prosperity & believe me most truly yours

R. E. Lee

SOURCE: The Wartime Papers of R. E. Lee (New York: Bramhall House, 1961), pages 8-9.


The Sentiments of men the caliber of Robert E. Lee and others were widely if not nearly universally echoed among the common citizenry of the varied States as well.

One's loyalty was to the State of his birth and then to the States United.

Perhaps the most dramatic of visible effects wrought by the war of 1861 was the reversal of that sentiment. The long term effect of the death of regionalism and the rise to maturity of nationalism can be considered to have flowered in full form in the 20th century.

As a new century dawns, the defining rush to World Government is but the collective final end logic of this dynamic.

It remains to be seen if the auto-contained seeds of self-destruction are yet to be germinated.


Wednesday, December 07, 2005



To the question, "What is Known of Morgellons" the only possible answer is:

"Not Much"



-By CliffMickelson

Section Five...The Callus:


It should be clearly stated that among the few certainties extant about Morgellons that are absolutely provable is that there exists a nematode-like life form who's role is central to the affliction.

This fact can be irrefutably summoned into any court of evidence. The worm is a changeling. It is but one of several incarnations documented as complicit actors in a tragi-drama intent on opening to ever-wider numbers of audiences around the world.

As each successful actor has his own unique foil, so too does this peculiar creature have a proprietary shield.

This shield is what we know as the "callus."

Masked behind the security of an artificially manufactured "callus" the Morgellon's nematomorphic worm is master of the host's corporal stage. Hence it remains free to summon forth all the allied sounds of its diseased fury. And ... at curtain fall, it will leave in its wake only the grist of ruined lives and shattered dreams as evidentiary grounds for judgment by its unhappy audience of unwilling reviewers.

It is the organism's creation and composition of the callus and the nematomorph method of utilizing and dermo-forming the callus that begs understanding. To do so is to take the first step on the path that hold a promise of gaining the offensive and of an eventual cure.

My recent research indicates that the callus is more a product of the creature than a reaction of the host. This is more important of a distinction that it may at first appear. The callus, although it mimics skin to a phenomenal degree is, (IMO) NOT skin, or is at best a mixture of plasma and other body fluids chemically transformed by a specialized secretion of the nematomorph.

We know that the finished product is anchored with a tenacity that defies normal convention.

The callus usually makes its debut as a thick clear semi-sticky fluid extruded directly from the endodermis regions. Its consistency is comparable to a clear corn syrup. It has a drying time measured in minutes and at times in seconds. As a result, it is not uncommon for it to escape initial notice.

(This liquid also has other proto-funtions more apropos to other chapters)

The above described secretion is the cement from which the organism builds its callused fortress. It serves the creature well in both a defensive and offensive capacity. As the callus forms and hardens the adult nematomorph often integrates itself into it.

The secretion is also utilized to wash away the caustic effect of chemical attack and to reestablish its dominion within a perimeter where it may have suffered reverses due to enzyme attack or even cases of zealous tweezer tenacity.

More significantly, upwellings of this liquid are also found in previously uninfected areas of the host's body immediately prior to new or expanding colonization.

When left to pursue its natural course, the callus often exhibits a number of "flaps" or skinlike flakes extruding from its edge. When this leading or extruding flap is successfully grasped by tweezers and removed without the aid of being softened by enzyme action or 91% alcohol saturation, It tends to take its leave from the host body in the form of strips that are skin-like in appearance and are generally longer than they are wide.

As the strip is removed it will often appear to rip through the adjoining and/or connected callused areas much like a string through a bag of dog food.

Pain however, is usually minimal along the horizontal length being removed. It is only sharp at the point where the far end section of the nematomorph may be accessing the blood of the host.

The removed section of callus exhibits one interesting characteristic well worth noting. It, as well as any other removable sections in the immediate vicinity, will always only be completely removable in the same direction!

Once that direction is determined, the targeted strips of callus must always be peeled backwards against themselves. They cannot be entirely removed in any other manner or direction and will only break off if contrary removal is attempted.

As stated previously, this may be due to the fact that at there are nematomorphic forms that have physically embedded themselves within the matrix of the callus liquid prior to complete hardening. This tends to form lines of fracture that appear as strips whose borders are defined by a mutual point where other embedded objects are encountered or meshed with.

One additional result of this embedding is that each "strip" of callus has great tensile strength in a horizontal or linear direction. The strength is directly proportional to its length. It is more evident for older and longer embedded creatures and less for younger and therefore shorter ones.

The entire callus is further secured on the underside, (or skin side) not only by the super glue effect of the secretions of the creature, but also by dozens of protuberances that are somehow created as the callus forms and that appear to serve in the capacity of anchors. These "podia"give the undercarriage of the callus an appearance similar to that of the exoskeleton of a millipede or similar creature


It is the "peeled back against itself" motion of callus removal that best enables the curved scimitar shaped podia to release their formidable hold on the flesh of the host.

Discerning observers will also note that there are often numbers of small nematomorph forms to be found among these podia.

To sum up: It is my contention to date that the callus is composed not only of the extruded secretion alone, but also that the adult worm is fond of encasing itself in this matrix.

Once embedded, it will remain fixed along its entire length with only a small flap of material protruding from just under the top leading edge of the callus. From these many points along the perimeter, the callus will often grow. These are the allegorical gates of the city. It is from here that one of the methods of creeping expansion are accomplished by the aid of further secretion by the creature as it grows and moves outwards in a horizontal and semicircular manner.


New or juvenile forms found entering the above described callus life stage can be removed embedded in commensurately tiny strips of callus. Interestingly, and to the best of my knowledge, there appears to be no predetermined limit to the length that they may eventually attain.

I have removed such strips that have exceeded an inch or more and many new or small ones of less than a 1/32 of an inch. These strips tend to be very flat and almost "dry" at the leading edge, but much more moist at the end farthest from the leading edge of the callus.

A great majority of these objects that are not completely integrated together in a common secretion with others of their kind will exhibit two horn-like projections on the outer or forward leading edge. These "horns" give the removed object a look resembling a flatworm or fluke with the antennae of a slug or snail. (hence the original designation of "fluke form)

It is these extrusions or prior mentioned flaps that can be grasped by tweezers if one is quick enough. They will often slightly extend beyond the edge of the advancing, (growing) callus or lesion and will noticeably extend themselves even further when stimulated by outside pressure slightly behind their location.

The pressure required to achieve this end is that which occurs when the callus is repeatedly and lightly stroked or rubbed with any foreign object.

Should one attempt to seize this flap but then miss in the attempt, the extrusion will likely retract or curl back under the callus with impressive speed.

The far end of this form, when successfully removed, is anchored in the flesh of the host. It is at this point that the creature is accessing the blood stream. Following successful removal, it is at this point that the host will often bleed profusely. However, such a flow often suddenly stops as suddenly as it begins.

I suspect that this may be due to the fact that the blood is substantially thinned and "pooled" in this location and is serving as a reservoir for feeding reasons and/or larval nursery purposes.

The exiting blood can usually be seen to contain a number of amorphous fleshy objects that will manifest themselves in the flow. These are larvae. If this blood contaminates surrounding uninfected areas the infection is vectored and a new callus will begin to form within an exceptionally short period of time.

In advanced infections these calluses are highly overlaid in a scalelike manner, overlapping one upon the other in great number.

This trait greatly complicates eradication.

Individually the parasites and their shields can be seen as tiny white spots against the skin.

It is often necessary to rub or otherwise irritate the skin in order to highlight parasites at this level of development.

Collectively as the creatures mature, (grow) they merge to form large callused areas. This is due to the fact that when left undisturbed these individual parasites tend to grow in a slightly radial and forward manner. They soon connect with adjoining formations and eventually the mass assumes the appearance of a noticeable callus or they simply appear to the observer as would thickened, aged skin. The latter appearance is an indicator of young callus or (Newly colonized) regions.

No known limit has yet been established as to the attainable proportions of the size of a colony of embedded nematomorphic forms. In fact, there appears to be no arbitrary natural check to just how much or how wide an area of the host's skin surface this sheath of creatures can extend its colonizing activity.

The only difference between a callus and a lesion can be considered one of seniority with the lesion having precedence. A further definition would be that the callus is an enclosed wounding of the host while the lesion is an open wound that, due to suspected but yet to be identified abilities of the parasite, heals poorly, if at all.


Thursday, December 01, 2005



Hi Cliff:

"In my opinion, what the webbots are "seeing" is the
natural remote viewing of the human internet
population that occurs as a normal part of human
existance that most are not aware of. The webot
reports correspond directly to what I learned in
remote viewing, namely that the stronger the emotion
the easier it is to "see". I may, as I free up a
little time here, try remote viewing the "cause" of
the emotional release."

-Nancy B


"I have seen the enemy and they is us!"
-Lil Abner

Greetings, Nancy:

Yes, I agree. This is exactly what the Web Bots are relaying...AND, with the above quote from Al Capp still reverently ringing in our currently tinnitus-plagued ears, let us give pause to consider that the computer/Internet is simply acting as an accidentally discovered amplifier.

It serves to bring that remote and enigmatic phenomena into view and gives it a level of a wider audibility.

In their present state the Bots remain a fairly crude tool but nonetheless, a tool with a "future"!

(How's that for a bad pun?)

To put the function of the Web Bots into perspective, we may reasonably compare the phenomena they have uncovered to that of the dilemma experienced by an acoustic guitar player who, lost in the din of the band, suddenly discovers the miracle of amplification!

Now, thanks to this new "amplification" technology he gains incredible powers that translate into "lead" guitar capabilities; whereas before, both he and the listener had to strain to hear the guitar's feeble melody.

Eventually, when we learn to refine current Web Bot technology, we will be able to fine tune and then direct the vibrating strings that thread through such formerly enigmatic human energies and abilities. They can then serve us in an orchestrated and concerted direction.

Ergo: Having once emerged from the dark chrysalis of the cave and discovering the glory of sunlight, our logical next step is to put that sunlight through a magnifying glass in order to burn our!...I mean, harness it's power and burn someone ELSE's fingers!

Yes my friends, lacking the supervision of an adult, such an undertaking is a bit risky for a pyro and pyre prone species such as ours.

But Man rarely is a faithful husband to Prudence in these hectic end-of-days, days, eh?

Instead, our hero invariably chooses to recklessly divorce his virtuous maid for the seductive allure of an unconquered Siren.

Eschewing all domestic rationality, he can be counted on to espouse in her place a Sybille who's song of his own destruction wafts out to all lusting wastrels on a poisonous zephyr of dark-side ill-intent or.... just plain bad choices, usually compounded by a breezy dose of stunning stupidity.

Geez...What a dork!


As usual, our feckless and ear- wax free modern-day Odysseus can be faithfully relied upon to ever fail to note that the source of his malevolent melody conveniently always emanates from just beyond technology's visible horizon

So...Will we burn down our own home sweet home while trying to hold a candle against the rage of the night?


But in the meantime, let's try to imagine a spin-off technology that can create or actualize the mental energies and force-of-will of those who input it!

Is this the power of prayer run amuck?

Or is it simply an opportunity for yet another Sylph Lord to obtain search and destroy capabilities?

If history is any guide, it is a safe bet that dark-side interests are already working on proprietary ways to hijack yet another universal human patrimony.

As Mr. Tesla found to his chagrin, those who fail to learn from the past often end up working for George Westinghouse.

The good news here is that the pioneering technology of the Web Bots is currently mining only the very top surface of the metaphysical mother lode.

The real ascended bonanza still lies buried below and waiting to reward the perserverent prospector.

By the way, when last seen it was rumored to be about six feet down. So start digging!

Naturally, the proximity and potential disinterment of such a long buried power must be a source of endless, fevered panic to the laboring slaves of night.

These unfortunate members of the Earth's ruling elite been charged with convincing We the Sheeple that the promised land of hope and liberation will forever remain just a few miles north of Tijuana.

To continue on as slave-kings they must toil "sans cesse" to persuade us that only a lunatic would chance a wade across the corpse polluted River Jordan to the shores of El Dorado beckoning to us "Un poco mas alla!"

Location? (Probably somewhere near Marin County)

Now, some food for thought:

These newly amplified "extrasensory" potentialities of the Human species are but one piece of the overall puzzle of our species collective 3d experience.

AWOL for countless eons, this mystery sourced DNA circuitry and its intangible product has been consigned by TPB to dwell SOL as a spiritual MIA on the barren and un-amplified DMZ that borders Terra Incognita Metaphysica....(TIM)? (Whew!)

So, my initially overwhelmed avatars.....What shall we lovers of other-worldly music finally hear when the technology becomes available to further amplify, interpret, and then integrate, the voluminous symphony of all the complementary and similar powers that certainly exist in other species along side those of ours ?

The warm and fuzzy folk wisdom of Lil Abner to the side, I am ever convinced that there is no such thing as a "dumb" animal!

Will pay-backs be a mean bitch?

If so....What is the penalty for having repeatedly bit the hand that fed you?




Hi Cliff:

"In my opinion, what the webbots are "seeing" is the
natural remote viewing of the human internet
population that occurs as a normal part of human
existance that most are not aware of. The webot
reports correspond directly to what I learned in
remote viewing, namely that the stronger the emotion
the easier it is to "see". I may, as I free up a
little time here, try remote viewing the "cause" of
the emotional release."

-Nancy B


"I have seen the enemy and they is us!"
-Lil Abner

Greetings, Nancy:

Yes, I agree. This is exactly what the Web Bots are relaying...AND, with the above quote from Al Capp still reverently ringing in our formerly tone deaf ears, let us give pause to consider that the computer / Internet is simply acting as an accidentally discovered amplifier. It serves to bring that phenomena up to the level of a wider audibility.

In their present state the Bots remain a fairly crude tool but nonetheless, a tool with a "future"!

(How's that for a bad pun?)

To put the function of the Web Bots into perspective, we may reasonably compare the phenomena they have uncovered to that of the dilemma experienced by an acoustic guitar player lost in the din of the band who suddenly discovers the miracle of amplification.

Now, thanks to this new "amplification" technology he has "lead" guitar capabilities whereas before, both he and the listener had to strain to hear the guitar's melody.

Eventually, when we learn to refine this technology, we will be able to fine tune and then direct the vibrating strings of such formerly enigmatic human energies and abilities in an orchestrated and concerted direction.

Having once emerged from the chrysalis of the cave and discovering the glory of sunlight, our logical next step is to put that sunlight through a magnifying glass in order to burn our!...I mean, harness it's power and burn someone ELSE's fingers!

Yes, lacking the supervision of an adult, such an undertaking is a bit dangerous for a pyro and pyre prone species such as ours.

But Man rarely is a faithful husband to Prudence in these modern end-of- days, eh?

He invariably chooses instead to recklessly divorce a virtuous maid for the seductive allure of an unconquered Siren.

Eschewing all domestic rationality, he can be counted on to espouse in her place a Sybille who's song of his own destruction wafts out to all lusting wastrels on a poisonous zephyr of ill-intent or just plain bad choices usually compounded by a breezy dose of stunning stupidity.


As usual, our over-hormoned and wax free modern-day Odysseus can be faithfully relied upon to ever fail to note that the source of his malevolent melody conveniently emanates from just beyond technology's visible horizon

So...Will we burn down our own home sweet home while trying to hold a candle against the rage of the night?


But in the meantime, let's try to imagine a spin-off technology that can create or actualize the mental energies and force-of-will of those that input it!

Is this the power of prayer run amuck? Or is it simply an opportunity for yet another Sylph Lord to obtain search and destroy capabilities?

If history is any guide, it is a safe bet that dark-side interests are already working on proprietary ways to hijack yet another universal human patrimony.

As Mr. Tesla found to his chagrin, those who fail to learn from the past often end up working for George Westinghouse.

The good news here is that the pioneering technology of the Web Bots is currently mining only the very top surface of the metaphysical mother lode.

The real ascended bonanza still lies buried below and waiting to reward the perserverent prospector. When last seen it was rumored to be about six feet down.

Naturally, the proximity and potential disinterment of such power must be a source of endless, fevered panic to the laboring slaves of night.

These unfortunate members of the ruling elite been charged with convincing We the Sheeple that the promised land of such promise and liberation will forever remain just a few miles north of Tijuana. They must toil to persuade us that only a lunatic would chance a wade across the polluted River Jordan to the holy land "Un poco mas alla!" (Probably somewhere near Marin County)

Now, some food for thought:

These newly amplified "extrasensory" potentialities of the Human species are but one piece of the overall puzzle of our species collective 3d experience.

AWOL for countless eons, this mystery sourced DNA circuitry and its products has been consigned by TPB to dwell SOL as a spiritual MIA on the barren and un-amplified DMZ that borders Terra Incognita Metaphysica....(TIM)? (Whew!)

So, my initially overwhelmed avatars.....What shall we lovers of other-worldly music finally hear when the technology becomes available to further amplify, interpret and then integrate the voluminous symphony of all the complementary and similar powers that certainly exist in other species along side those of ours ?

The fuzzy folk wisdom of Lil Abner to the side, I am ever convinced that there is no such thing as a "dumb" animal!

Will pay backs be a mean bitch?

If so....What is the penalty for having bit the hand that fed you?
