Excerpt below taken from:
Naomi Klein Reveals New Details About U.S. Military Shooting of Italian War Correspondent in IraqDemocaracy Now!
Friday, March 25th, 2005
[Please note]...For full background on my commentary of the snip below, you may follow the above link to the full text of the interview.
***(Begin snip)
"and the way she explains it, she had to go through a U.S. checkpoint in order to get into the Green Zone.You can only access this road through the Green Zone. It's very, very difficult to get into theGreen Zone. When I tried to get into the Green Zone, I had to go through six checkpoints -- sixdifferent passport checks. So, the idea that the American military didn't know that they were on theroad, that they -- that didn't know about their presence is impossible, if she was, in fact, on aroad that emerged out of the Green Zone. And I think that the idea that there was a mobilecheckpoint set up for Negroponte obviously supports this claim very strongly. What Giuliana wastalking about was what she was -- the only thing she could figure out is that the people who theychecked in with in the Green Zone, the U.S. soldiers they checked in with in the Green Zone in orderto get in, didn't radio ahead to these mobile checkpoints and warn them that they were coming. Andfrom her perspective, that could have either been a mistake, or it could have been some sort of actof vengeance and anger, you know, and we know that there's a lot of anger at the idea that Italiansmay be paying very large ransoms for the release of prisoners"(end snip)
Greetings, Semantic Savants:
The above snip, excerpted from the interview, seriously concerns me.
Having previously effected to establish a premise in absolutist terminology, we now suddenly encounter conditional modifiers in a paragraph that additionally begins with a prima facia contradiction between parties, or in a worst case assumption....a lie.
This is either an accidental offering of extreme carelessness on the part of the interviewer, Naomi Klien, or is an exceptionally clever parachute.
For what ever reason, the typical intransigence of the American Military command to offer into evidence the vehicle, only compounds the already seriously compromised establishment of truth in this matter. Suffice to say that it can be expected that such public relations stupidity only bolsters the circumstantial assumptions of a level of higher complicity and/or perhaps something to hide.
Such an assumption however, is the only product to emerge from this affair that has claim to the royalty of a greater dominion over the increasing number of parties involved;... all of whom seem intent on clamoring for citizenship in the kingdom of stupidity.
So, at this point, we have an ex post facto situation in progress where all current public parties involved, (excepting Ms. Guiliana) are determinedly vying to take turns shooting themselves in the foot in order to impress the public with their version of the truth.
As an aside, therefore, the next question than must be routinely asked is:
Who benefits from the fallout resulting out of the death of this Italian intelligence official, and who stands to gain by the attempted death of this high profile Italian journalist, were it to be perpetrated in such a blatant and open manner?
Is this attack consistent with established protocol for ridding one's self of a staunch allies' high ranking intelligence agent?
And/Or ....
Is it a cost effective, plausibly deniable, and approved methodology for killing "agenda hostile" world famous journalists who are also citizens of one of a shrinking number of firm allies, considering that the same party had just been released from a captivity that involved both governments and the media attention of the world?
.....and...if we are to assume the veracity of what Ms. Klien relates as to the fact that it was a 50 caliber machine gun, (four inch) round that killed the officer and wounded Ms. Guiliana, and we are to accept that indeed, there were 3 to 4 hundred rounds that entered the car, then we must also invoke the mystery and the wonder at the work of the hand of God, who's power it was that allowed the driver to pull over, get out, and make a phone call home.
I have seen what 50 caliber rounds can do. Were I the driver of such a car, and an Atheist, I would find myself investing my time with my first phone dime, in acknowledging the existance of the divine.
We must also wonder at the marksmanship of the American soldiers and give credit to the Air Force for winning the war on the ground.
I will add that In my experience, any survivors of this kind of an attack in progress, other than that of an immediately perceived accidental or unauthorized occurrence, are usually shot when they emerge.
If for some reason they are not, then they are spread eagle'd with a M16 at the back of the head until military Intel. arrives and carts them away at once to green room "debrief." That rule applies across the board. Friendlies or no.
Considering the life threatening wound by a bullet that would knock over an adult elephant, and the shock and suddenness of events as they occurred, not to mention the time spent in the "black hole" of captivity as a hostage, one can only be impressed by Ms. Guiliana's presence of mind in the course of the situation.
I doubt highly that were I to be in the same situation that I would be able to mark such details as the stretcher, the phone call, and the order to stop the phone call, all this and more, with such accuracy of recall. (See full interview)
So it seems that the blind continue to poke the blind in the eye at this point and the only one who's vision is lost, is Truth.
We know that there was a savage and murderous attack on an innocent and unsuspecting party of three in a land where the value of life is currently suffering sever deflation.
The principle actors in this tragedy continue to remain mute and standing in the wings.
As for the sound and fury of the supporting cast of players currently strutting about on stage; due to the requirements of their pending citizenship in the kingdom of stupidity, there is little else that we truly can say we know.
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