As the inexorable and vibrant national momentum of Quebec moves it's native French speaking peoples towards a destiny that was interupted 246 years ago on the Plains of Abraham, the question is often asked:
"What is to become of the rest of Canada"?
The answer may lie in examining the nature of what passes today as the self image and national identity of those north of the 49th parallel who are not native French speakers.
It may well prove decisive that English Canadians have always been provided with a curious tendency to process their national identity as a product of endless low level reactions to their southern cousins.
The roots of this (modern day) artificial and negative state of being go back,(In part) to the loyalist attitude of the Tories who relocated to Canada following the events of 1776 in the 13 other English colonies.
This originally valid political and economic attitude of a displaced social strata was co-opted long ago by the ruling class in Ontario, for use as the politics of fear in order to forge a tool of internal imperialism. That legacy began in earnest in 1867.
This tool of "fear" was then poorly, and somewhat later, welded onto a high sounding moral premise known as the "Quebec" Option/connection.
This awkward construction was in truth, simply the means used by the capitalist class based in York (Toronto) to gain an end. This end served not only the self interest of the Ontario ruling class, but was additionally what was desired by their masters in London. That "end" was the monopoly exercise of a colonialist home grown economic protectionism and monopoly via the aegis of the traditional moneyed powers controlling Ontario.
This class was Canada's first true group of NWO internationalists. They viewed the rest of the country, (especially the West) not as a potentially great and viable nation, but as simply their own private golden goose. This class had, (and still has) no loyalty to Canada, but they cynically use the concept as brainwash, to further their agenda.
This is the group who as always served at the behest of the capitalist in London. As such, they had one all consuming fear, and that was the nightmare of being overwhelmed by the far greater and more powerful moneyed class of Wall Street, who if not kept cleverly and discreetly at bay, would possibly deprive them of the golden geese that comprised their kingdom.
But all good things must end eventually. The predestined failure of the Quebec option to define a successful identity for English speaking Canadians was, (On the surface) the failure of a magnificent concept. In truth, it was a magnificent concept that cloaked the reality of much less magnificent motives.
It was, by it's very nature, doomed to fail. It was never a sincere national desire on the part of either the French or the English. It was instead an artificial construct designed to rationalize and institutionalize the traditional cultural, political and economic imperialism emanating from the back rooms of power in Ontario.
The reason that this experiment has already failed in all but name, are legion. A few of the reasons are even traceable right back to John MacDonald. I won't go into them at this point.
It generally fails to occur to Provincial citizens west of the Red River that the historic axis of Ontario/Quebec has been the nexus long used by the Ontario establishment to dominate, colonize, and economically reduce to feudal possessions, the culture, resources and people of the Provinces of the West.
This internal imperialism has been enabled by the clever and never ending magnification manipulation of a constant environment of low key fear. This environment is conveniently predicated on the artificial sustaining of two centuries of traditional Tory hostility to the United States.
Since Confederation, the old guard Ontario establishment has skillfully used this tool to great effect. For one hundred years they held the West in what can only be described as feudal bondage. Nonetheless, beginning with the discovery of how to viably refine the Athabasca tar sands and continuing on in a host of other ways, the West has been enabled to assert itself.
In doing so, it has slowly dawned on nervous Westerners that they do not need Ontario. However, they still have yet to realize that Ontario does need THEM!
And....that Ontario has always used Quebec as a foil, vis a vis the United States, to maintain its hold over the rest of the country.
Now the ropes on the grappling hooks that Establishment Ontario has used to impose it's will upon the people of Quebec have begun to fray. When they finally sever, Ontario will have a big problem out West.
We shall see what becomes of Canada. The problem may really be no problem at all. For two hundred and fifty years, the lines of political, economic and cultural reality have run north and south. Not east and west.
In the end, that reality has always proven to be the historic determinant in human affairs that matters the most.
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