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Greetings, Geese Guarding For Gauls!
How soon we, the tadpoles, forget that the frog is willingly boiled by slowly raising the temperature of the water.
The "Story" of importance in the story enclosed below is not contained in the prima facia message formed by the words assembled to make it up.
The ruby red apple is not the poison, only its vessel.
Therefore, poison's presence, (and that of its merchant) will cleverly escape the notice of many folks who's pre-anticipated approval or disproval, wrath or disquiet, shock or indifference, may or may not be raised by the words that their eyes present before them.
The reaction is already in the script. It is the sound and the fury. It will strut about the stage in its moment of fame and then be led away to be of no consequence in the wings.
This is the slight of hand by which the clarity of the eye of the mind is deceived by the fog of words navigated by its two temporal progeny.
It's no accident. It is standard proceedure. It happens all the time.
And ... like the metastasis of a fatal disease, the poison remains secure from detection within the attraction of its vessel.
Few will do more than attempt to wash the fatal fruit before it is consumed.
Even Fewer will pause to wonder over the bitter mission contained in the seed of such a sweet summer fruit.
Suffice to say that herein one may gaze into the revelation of the common impending doom that awaits those who dine with the Cyclops.
Ruby red apples are on the menue for today, advertising the confidence displayed by the further daylight advance of the Nihilist, Humanist, Modernist Attack.
This "force" is often described by the catch-all phrase "NWO" its energies and powers appear to often reach beyond the physical world of humanity and into the universe of the metaphysical.
Yet, in fact, the genisis of their origination is the reverse.
This is the Story behind the Story herein. Consider it as you would your own epitath would that you were to witness it before your death, being written by the very hand that now further evolves a desperate confidence in its growing power.
This is the strategy. Having escaped prior detection....Now it is time to overtly seek and exploit the breeches already inflicted in the underpinnings of the fortress walls of Western philosophical morality.
And so....
In the pursuit of gaining the End of Time, have these creatures of the night, Trolls and Orks all, laboured long and hard in the bowels of the earth.
It is they who are before us investing our city. It is they who are charged to sap and undermine the pilings and foundations that buttress these formidable heights now serving as their master's only impediment.
Slowly yet inexorably, the siege lines continue to draw ever closer to the prize. Around the clock the trolls labor in the mines, chipping away, one piece at a time, at the earthen and stone ramparts that bar their master's progress into the city...The allegorical City of God, AKA the essence that IS the soul of man.
And now ... at high noon....The massive siege columns form, stretching endlessly back into the night.t
The shadows of darkness, having occluded the sun, no longer fear to emerge into the light.
PS: If you want to get a good laugh, check out the adds this story contains!
It looks to me like the fox is already running the henhouse! LOL!
Tuesday, May 31, 2005 10:31 a.m. EDT
Networks OK TV Condom Ads on Prime Time
If you don't want your kids watching condom commercials, stay away from the WB network after 9 p.m. tonight, and NBC after 10.
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While airing condom commercials is not against the law, networks have so far been unwilling to permit ads for condoms because they fear a "backlash family-values advocates," reports the New York Post.
Condom ads that did run were relegated to late nights when children were assumed to be asleep.
Until now.
Church & Dwight, which makes Trojan condoms, has negotiated a new ad campaign with NBC and the WB, and said it is making a pitch to other networks for more ads.
With a market estimated to be $400 million nationwide, it's not difficult to see why condom makers covet the heretofore inaccesible prime time market.
"I expect there will be people who do feel a need to react negatively because we're discussing sexuality," Jim Daniels, vice president of marketing for Trojan told the Post. "I hope most people will see this and acknowledge that these are responsible and appropriate discussion points."
Radio listeners are familiar with "Trojan Man," the baritone-voiced hero who appears just as the canoodling starts to heat up, and supplies the lovers with Trojan condoms.
But the TV spots will differ from the humor-laced radio ads in that Trojan will try to emphasize responsible behavior - i.e. safe sex.
"This is not an easy thing to get right," Daniels told the Post. "You can start sounding like a health class or too sophomoric."
The ads will detail statistics regarding sexually transmitted diseases that won't necessarily put the viewer in a playful, amorous mood, and in a nod to those who may not take too kindly to sex out of wedlock, the commercials even mention giving abstinence a try.
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