Monday, April 25, 2005


Thursday, December 04, 2003

It appears that there is no word more sadly abused or misused in the modern American lexicon than the word, "Democracy."At some point, we have all been a guilty of aiding and abetting in this serious corruption. Although this may at first appear a trivial concern, any perversion of a conceptual word is never a minor issue. Words are the vehicle that define both an individual's and a society's life's experiences. (AKA) -- the perception of our collective past, present, and future reality(s).In theory, we Americans live in a constitutional Republic. We do not live in a Democracy. A quick glance thorough history is all one needs to be convinced that a "Democracy" is undoubtedly the worst form of government available. I cite as examples, the hollow hubris of Athens under the demagogue Cleon, a ruinous tyrant who rode the mob to power during the Pelopenesean War. The French Revolution during the period of Robespierre, the Mountain, and the Jacobins also comes chillingly to mind. Other examples abound. In more modern times, a host of nations have claimed the moniker of "Democratic."The majority of them have been rather unpleasant places to offer a contrary opinion. The inflated abuse of the word "Democracy" has gained great currency in recent years. This pernicious trend has debased the value of the concept of "Republic."The same creeping verbal sedition has meanwhile elevated to commonly misunderstood acceptance and divinity, a political concept that is in actuality, the antithesis of that which our founding fathers bestowed upon us. Among the legion of imperfect political creations of man, Constitutional Republican institutions are the most egalitarian in practice. They are found wherever and whenever a people or a culture exhibit a prerequisite vitality, virtue, and valor. Yet, being a creature of man, a Republic is a frail vehicle. A healthy Republic, (according to Machievelli) must be periodically renewed in order to maintain it's original vitality. This "renewal" is however quite attainable. Examples of "Republican renewal" abound in both ancient and more modern times.A Democracy, (por el otro mano) is ALWAYS transitive, tyrannical, and prone to degenerate from inception. It lends itself readily to usurpation and terror. Any society that comes to believe that it is a "democratic" one, usually has a Napoleon, a Julius Caesar, or a Stalin, waiting for it in the wings. This is a matter of grave and relevant concern. The power of words are employed to sow the seeds of a society's future. That power is intrinsically neutral. It can be used for good or for ill. It is well, therefore, to remember that weeds grow more readily than do harvestable crops.The power of words both enlighten us and deceive us. Within these spoken sentinels of self awareness we are ceaselessly incarnated as faithful lover and feckless cuckold.Words enable a profound vision or facilitate a shallow illusion. Words distort or clarify how others see us. They determine how we see ourselves.These otherwise meaningless bits of sounds have the power to create a new world or to destroy our old. Words define who we are, what we are, and when (in time) we are. But foremost among the Promethian power of words (and the concepts they convey) is the awesome ability to actualize a selective reality from among the host of innumerable future potentialities. These alternate futures are the eminent domain of words. It is in this keenly opaque dimension that words forge our once and future destiny.From the fertile clay of this linguistically impregnated universe, the soul's spoken ambassador will birth our posterity. For it is also here, within this limitless galaxy of conceptions, that like a mist driven wraith, endlessly plausible worlds eternally form and fade upon the dim horizon of a thousand possible tomorrow's. ---" and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands" -- -Cliff Mickelson
Posted by: Cliff / 11:52 AM
Tuesday, December 02, 2003


by: Cliff Mickelson & CJ Mickelson----

Good intentions......Or were they so good? Upon reflection it becomes difficult to prioritize the host of opaque and patient evils spawned by Affirmative Action. The fearsome Hydra that is the humanist "Modern Attack" on the foundations of this nation (and on Greco-Roman Civilization in general) has birthed it's own likeness in this concept. It is a matter of course that the defining hallmark of Affirmative Action is it's conceptual nobility. This sibling trait it shares in common with a host of other "noble" social cancers. In theory it is but one modest opus in a sisterhood symphony of Siren song, ----but in practice, it is Medusa incarnate, an insidious monster. Executive Order 11246 created by President Lyndon Johnson in 1965 first coined the Phrase "Affirmative Action." The original order required all government contractors to ensure that applicants for employment were screened "fairly" and that employees were treated equally during employment tenure without regard to their creed, color or national origin.Later Johnson specifically expanded his order to include women.The initial concept of Affirmative Action however, soon began to metastasize. In the pseudo-socialist "feel good" world of the late sixties it found immediate favor with any and all political scoundrels in search of a refuge. It was therefore quickly adopted, canonized and added on to by the US Senate. Naturally, those eunuch political districts that we Americans still insist on calling States, were eager to be among the select correct elect. They too, codified and enshrined the great wooden horse within their walls. All too soon, though at first discreetly, this "Greek Gift" began to extract it's effect. Meanwhile, lost in a riot of righteous blindness, the inseminated nation began gestation of a completely new moral and spiritual social disorder Let us briefly examine just one of this Hydra whelps many heads:Affirmative action, despite claims to the contrary, is a vehicle of discrimination.It creates in a host of ways, that which it claims to seek to avoid. One such path leading to this invidious result is traversed by establishing an intangible fear in the mind of an employer that incapacitates judgment. The ability to make an enlightened selection when faced with choosing between candidates gifted with equal qualification but generated from different ethnic groups is neutralized. The hapless employer realizes that he is open to a multiplicity of discrimination charges based on creed, color or national origin (aka skin color) if he should choose the candidate in the situation described above who is a member of the majority or of the same ethnic group as he. In this context, an additional more subtle evil is created that attacks the concept of the rights of an individual to make an informed choice in an issue that effects his own (economic) well being and/or his right to pursue the American dream of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Instead, these rights are now usurped by the cynical politics of socially correct intimidation. In the end, in an attempt to eliminate a discriminatory social situation, we find that two new ones have been created, both of which are more subtle and much more pernicious in nature than that from which they were spawned. So, -- as it is with the "Modern Attack," --so it is with it's horrid spawn:--That from one head sprang forth two. -And from two, came forth four. The successful second labor of Hercules NOT withstanding!Cliff MickelsonCJ Mickelson
Posted by: Cliff / 12:18 PM
The only Post I know is Emily
Posted by: Cliff / 2:14 AM

Friday, April 22, 2005


In a message dated 4/22/2005 4:52:31 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Absolutely FAB article!!! You are awesome!!I'll have it posted this morning.Donald wrote:
Bankrupt Congress Passes Bankruptcy "Reform"

Greetings From My Bunker on Skid Road!


Money is a curious thing, isn't it? For most of our lives we spend it and earn it with little thought as to the true nature of what money really is.

When we have a surplus of money, we are often quick to employ it to ruin our health and shorten our lives. But, even worse, when we suffer from a lack of money, we are often prone to consider our good health and long life to be more of a curse than a blessing.

Such ... is the paradox of Money?

Hold on a minute!

This "thing" we call money?....It's really just pieces of ink stained paper or lumps of cold lifeless metal, isn't it?

So, what's the big deal?
How can intrinsically inert and powerless objects exert such influence and power over sentient and allegedly rational, living beings?

Ah, yes!....Such is the paradox of the Human condition!

And.... My dear readers, things go downhill fast from this point!

You see, money is simply a storehouse for "value of obligations receivable."

Like irrigation water stored behind a dam and reserved for summer's drought, money is a liquid reservoir of accrued power of other's obligations that we all draw upon to sustain ourselves as we pass through the parched desert of life's 3 d world.

It stands to reason therefore, that to owe an obligation is in fact, a promise to perform at some time in the future.

Further, that promise, (by its very nature) must entail the subordination (by the grantee to the grantor) of a portion of the personal power over one's own destiny.
To be the possessor of that same obligation then, is to hold or gain that power being mortgaged.

Logic then dictates that the more "obligations," or "liquidity" one amasses, (as opposed those incurred or credited) the more "power" that person or group then has to affect not only the "terra-forming" of their own path in life, but also the road of choice to be taken by those indentured to them through their obligations.

The downward spiral of the human condition, into Dante's financial Inferno, now truly picks up speed!

Moving beyond the power of money to provide us with our basic human needs, the power of money then becomes an enabler of human desires.

Ah...but here the wicket REALLY gets sticky!
Excess money tends not only to enable desire, but in the end, simply becomes an enabler of excess!

. ....And Human nature being what it is....The power of money is often abused on the individual as well as the collective level to further the extension of a myopic and self-centered, agenda by its possessors.

This agenda is usually that in which the general welfare of the rest of the world is of no consequence and one whose aim is to impose the will and selfish interests of those who posses more money, over the will and interests of those who have less money.

My wallet is bigger than your wallet, so.....You lose!

This is the path we walk as we approach Dante's main entrance.

Over the Inferno's gate, emblazoned in 24 carat gold relief, are the words:

"God may have created all men equal, but money makes some men more equal than others."

This truth would be unfortunate enough were it limited to the dynamics of social equality. Sadly, such is not the case. The power of money, can and regularly does, reach beyond the physical world to taint the spirit as well.

To anyone with enough money it soon becomes apparent how easy it is to appropriate things, (both physical and spiritual) that belong to other people.

Money can buy, not only the neighbor's house, but also the virtue of that neighbor's husband or wife.

It's influence can buy not only the Court bench, but also the integrity of judges and other officers of the court who sit upon it ... and ... best of all... the power of money can buy you not only a seat in Congress, but also the purloined loyalty of those other lawmakers who's seat you declined to purchase!

Welcome to the Inferno!

If it is true that money is the root of all evil, then it stands to reason that the applied "effects" of the power of money will usually tend to be less than admirable.

This "applied effect" is a polite word for "Corruption."

Need proof?

Just take a trip to Washington, DC!

There, each and every day you can marvel at the ease with which money buys things that belong to other people.

Washington City is a full service Flea Market open to all bidders. In this market the only fences are the ones behind the counter.

It's a place where all things physical and spiritual, vegetable or mineral, can be obtained by the power of money. This is the place where not only the physical letter, but also the spirit of the Law, is always for sale.

Every two years, we elect a number of our fellow citizens from out of our local and regional areas. These elected citizens then become known as our "Representatives."

"Our" Representatives are then presumed to meet, or to "Congress" in a distant place called Washington DC

It is in that distant place that they are honorably charged to carry out the mandate we have given them to "represent" us, and to further extend and guard our interests and our collective welfare.

This mandate is a contract. It is an agreement among two principles that is re-established every two years between the elected and the electors.

But a funny thing happens to the select elect on their way to "Congress."

Their physical form arrives safe and sound, but the moral mandate they were charged with never seems to long survive the journey.

My guess as to how this mysterious fatality occurs is as follows:

If there is "honor" to be found among thieves, it is because honor has been stolen from its rightful owners!

Enter, the power of money.

The pathetic congressional charade known as The Bankruptcy "Reform" act is our latest case in point.

In view of what we know about money, are we surprised that Congress would be the agent to pass this so called "bankruptcy" bill?

Such legislation being passed by the people's representatives is living proof that money is the leash that walks the dog.

The current Bankruptcy "Reform" bill is a draconian and unconstitutional piece of legislation that has been sleazing around in the back rooms of Congress for some time now.

Should we assume perhaps that it is accidental that less than half a dozen years ago, the credit/banking industry just happened to write up the draft for this bill and then spent millions of dollars on high pressure lobbyists, (And Lord knows what else) to promote it?

Or is it simply that, (like the Tobacco industry) they have always been fully 100% aware of what will be the toxic long term social effects produced by an overdose of the poisonous drug they cynically push on "We the sheeple" from both cradle to grave.

Would it be unkind to suppose that way back then, they knew full well that the credit-drunk party go'ers had the keys to the car and were about to drive home?

You would think so, eh? After all, they are the bartenders at the party. with illegal drugs, they knowingly serve up a substance with the power to destroy the vitality of the nation.

What is the responsibility of the pusher of a dangerous drug or other substance who knowingly overdoses the unsuspecting and hooked junkie?

Do you think that is an unfair question? I don't.

First dose is free! Come and get it!... College Freshman? Graduating from High School? No problem!....Here, kid! Have a credit card!

Maxed out?... Don't worry, we can always raise your limit!

125 percent to value? Not a problem.

Oh, and by the way, no attention to that fine print ... it's just a formality that says simply because you allowed yourself to get hooked on something that we have told you to believe you can't kick, (try getting a good job without a credit report).....and did so at a time when the economy is really (and finally) slated to go to hell, is a truly unfortunate turn of events, but.....Surprise!....Job or no job, it's now subject to zero tolerance and is absolutely no reason to default or be late with your subsequent obligations to the pusher.

PS: Just in case you were considering leaving the country.....Don't!

The new Bankruptcy act has foreign extradition provisos for those with bills who cross the border before being tattooed "paid in full"!

Screw up, kid, and we will own your soul! (at least that's the end-plan)!'s another credit card. Go spend some money!

Meanwhile, back at the bunker, let us now pause to consider what happens to a nation when its people become economic chattel?

The new feudalism of credit/debt has replaced the former ball and chain of debtor's prison with an even more efficient bondage of plastic and paper.

In the last days of the Roman Republic, when the oppression of special interest capital had finally destroyed the economic and moral vitality of the Roman people, the dispossessed and debt ridden plebs were wont to say that:

"Rome owned the world but the Roman people owned only the earth that stained their clothes."

History teaches many valuable lessons. It is interesting to note that the fatal decline of most great Republics; the decay of the personal freedoms and values of their citizenry; and the reduction to inefficiency and mediocrity of their formerly great institutions; have always been presaged by the successful financial indenture of the many by the few.

The rattle of the chains of debt grow loud as yet another nation delivers itself into feudal slavery.

As for the guy that you honorably contracted with to protect and represent you?

Forget it!

He just found out he's a dog on a short leash.

So..... any of you debtors living in the Land of the sliding Fee and the Home of the variable 50 Year Mortgage are hereby advised against the naive expectation that your freely elected, "representative" is honor bound to your best interest.

This caveat can also be extended to cover other irrelevant details such as recourse to your "Government, by the people, for the people, blah, bah, bah, (blacksheep) ( , etc.)"

Consider it quaint, and highly presumptuous to expect that those we have bound to ourselves by honorable social contract, or those institutions we engage and charge as the guardians of our best interest, would intervene or even consider refereeing in matters between debtor and creditor.

Enabled desire now reaps the harvest of financial excess.


Any official intervention that may occur can be expected to be selectively invoked in direct proportion to whom ever has the most money.

And...That ain't you, bub!

Therefore, the National guard is only called out to protect the sovereign people when:

a) It can be found within 12,000 miles of home


b) Mr. Pullman needs someone to shoot striking rail yard workers in Chicago.

Yes, my friends, it looks like we're in a real pickle. The thorny path leading to the inferno of our current national decline into debt slavery and imperial internationalist State-Corporate tyranny appears to end just up ahead in a dilemma of complex ... or is that...A complex dilemma?


Not surprisingly, as is the case with most such problems, the answer as to how we got ourselves compounded in this Waco complex is really quite simple.....

(Drum roll, please!)

And the answer is....

The Devil IS the details in the emerging NWO of the 21st century!

Yup! That's the long and the short of it!

Courtesy of the folks you elected!

So, in the future, I suggest you take a closer look at the social contract you thought you signed with your elected Representative..

Oh, ....Be sure to read the "exclusionary" proviso!

That's the addendum where you will find your name mentioned!

The new and improved "rewritten" fine print now says that both contracting parties, (to be referred to herein as Legislative and Internationalist Corporate) do hereby agree, compact, and acknowledge, jointly and severally, to mutually break your bones to make their bread.

I'll bet you'll never guess who's coming to dinner at your house!

The dinner invitation reads:

Welcome to the real 3d world. An exciting "made for TV" mini-series about a feeding frenzy disorder where (they) the criminally guilty, always get to punish (You) the deliberately deceived victim of a cleverly inflicted, exploitable, personal veniality, for being party to the collective national transgression of enabling them, (the criminals) to take advantage of (you) the victim....

Caveat Emptor, ya' dummy!

But, wait! There is a special treat being served for dessert!

And....It's you!

But wait!...There's more!...should you decide to pass up the invite and reach to turn off the wide screen TV you just bought on credit.....You, AND your fancy TV, will both cease to exist!

But, enough of this gloom and doom stuff, eh?

We must ask ourselves.... Is there a way out of this hot corner of hell on earth?

You bet your over leveraged jackboots, there is!

You and all your descendants can escape the increasingly unappealing civilian sector by become lifers in the Army!

Think I'm kidding? Nope! It's all part of the plan!

Crack those history books one more time and you will see.

Join the Legions, fight and die to further the interests of the moneyed masters of the State...Don't laugh.... It's a good deal!....You get free board and room, plus free travel benefits to all remote corners of the globe!

After all, times are only slated to get tougher! What else can a poor plebe do?

And ... it beats the hell out being starved and taxed to death as a civilian back home in the Imperial National Socialist Soviet Free Democratic People's Republic of Rome!

So, I say: "As long as I don't have to buy the sword....Bring on the Parthians!

Now, THERE'S a "social contract" for you!


Tuesday, April 19, 2005



by: CliffMickelson

“In a pluralistic society the secularity of the state allows for communication between the different spiritual dimensions and the nation,’ the Pope added. ‘The church and the state, therefore, are not rivals but partners: In healthy dialogue with each other they can encourage integral human development and social harmony.’”

Cardinal J. Ratzinger


Greetings, Novus ordo tempus terminus:


Welcome to the final End Times:

You witness before your eyes, the qualification of the Temporal victory of the Modernist, Humanist, NWO!

The Dark now dims the Light.

The Election of Cardinal Ratzinger to the Chair of St. Peter, represents the final triumph of the Humanist and Modernist attack upon the theological foundations of the Western Church of Rome,...and by extension, the entire philosophic social order that built the Western world.

Herr Ratzinger, a church theologian and subscriber of a formerly excoriated dogma, is a principle architect of the doctrinal coup-de-etat, who's tenets had been originally rooted out and cast into the wilderness by Pope Pius the Xl in the early part of the 20th century.

The purges of Pope Pius expunged most but not all of the poison of Humanist modernism from the "Corpus Christi Mundialis."

In the years following the death of Pius XI, a slow re-infiltration of this element began to occur.

Vatican II codified the rehabilitation of the resurgent neo-Masonic subversions.

In a direct and irrefutable connection to the destruction and end of time, it came to pass that the third prophesy of Fatima was therefore, of necessity, vigorously suppressed by the Holy See following the public fainting of Pope Paul VI as he read the sealed text before the assembled Princes of the Church in 1963.

The entire pre-1958 patrimony of the Church concerning the nature of her relationship with the state is now obviated.

And I quote:

"The secular state, one of the principal evils of modernity, is hailed by the Vicar of Christ as a protection of religious freedom andfreedom of conscience."

The quotes of Cardinal Ratzinger taken from the Zenit report prove that he is trying to imply, however obscurely, that the popes of the past had kept Catholics in a ghetto by forcing an unnecessary confrontation with the currents of the modern world. This absurd premise ignores entirely, perhaps deliberately, the root source of the problems of modernity: Protestantism. The fact that many that Catholics succumbed to the ethos of secularism and materialism and various political ideologies in the Nineteenth Century is attributable as one of the long-term manifestations of the effects of the overthrow of the Social Reign of Christ begun by Martin Luther, expedited by Freemasonry and their various anti-Catholic allies, and brought to a conclusion by the work of the American and French Revolutionaries and their successors throughout the world."
The apparent failure of Pope John Paul to reform and reinvigorate the Church and to correct the errors of Vatican II, were doomed to failure as a result of the close monitoring of watchdogs such as Cardinal Ratzinger and other modernists who have been deliberate in their approach to the halls of power.
John Paul, Though a good man, was attempting to rebuild a house on a foundation that had already been compromised. This will be the sad tragedy of the judgment of history upon his tenure.
Now, we see the final prophesies coming to pass. Indeed, this is a black day for the Church as the black veil of the dark side finally seizes the Chair of Saint Peter.


Friday, April 15, 2005


: Greetings, Guardians of Moral Fiber!

: It's a sad day for enemies of superstar turpitude!

: It seems as though our formerly rock-solid celestial pal, Mr. : Polaris, (AKA the North Star)is slipping one too many shots : of Schnapps into his hot Cocoa.

: Back in December I busted our boozy buddy for wobbling across : the evening firmament without a license. For a brief period : thereafter, it seemed as though he had successfully kicked : the erratic error of his formerly evil ways and had whipped : the wobble!

: But sadly, that was then and this is now...the intoxicating : desire to dip a sip of zip from out of the little dipper : has apparently nipped his former steadfast resolve.

: And so...Last night, once again, my trusty laser pointer : zeroed in on empty space for most of the evening!

: Polaris bailed out of position, moving from north west to : north east by nearly a degree and a half over the course of : 5 hours. At 1:30 AM, I re-calibrated the laser and less : than an hour later Polaris was once again AWOL!

: Calls to the local pub, (where all the stars hang out) were : not returned.
: At that point, clouds moved in and the evening was consigned : to the hooky history books.

: If the overcast takes a hike this evening, I plan to be out : there once again with my laser gun!
: And....This time I have a diabolical plan in place!
: Before it gets too dark I'll put up a few "Road Work : Ahead" signs!

: You see... There is a method to my madness!....Fines are : double in a work zone!
: And ... you can bet your lucky stars that this time I'll write : our busted booze hound a DUI ticket as long as your arm.

: Gee...What a great way to make a fast buck, eh? Learn from the : best, I always say...And besides...

: That's how they pay all the bills in my county!
: -CliffMickelson