by: CliffMickelson
“In a pluralistic society the secularity of the state allows for communication between the different spiritual dimensions and the nation,’ the Pope added. ‘The church and the state, therefore, are not rivals but partners: In healthy dialogue with each other they can encourage integral human development and social harmony.’”
Cardinal J. Ratzinger
Greetings, Novus ordo tempus terminus:
Welcome to the final End Times:
You witness before your eyes, the qualification of the Temporal victory of the Modernist, Humanist, NWO!
The Dark now dims the Light.
The Election of Cardinal Ratzinger to the Chair of St. Peter, represents the final triumph of the Humanist and Modernist attack upon the theological foundations of the Western Church of Rome,...and by extension, the entire philosophic social order that built the Western world.
Herr Ratzinger, a church theologian and subscriber of a formerly excoriated dogma, is a principle architect of the doctrinal coup-de-etat, who's tenets had been originally rooted out and cast into the wilderness by Pope Pius the Xl in the early part of the 20th century.
The purges of Pope Pius expunged most but not all of the poison of Humanist modernism from the "Corpus Christi Mundialis."
In the years following the death of Pius XI, a slow re-infiltration of this element began to occur.
Vatican II codified the rehabilitation of the resurgent neo-Masonic subversions.
In a direct and irrefutable connection to the destruction and end of time, it came to pass that the third prophesy of Fatima was therefore, of necessity, vigorously suppressed by the Holy See following the public fainting of Pope Paul VI as he read the sealed text before the assembled Princes of the Church in 1963.
The entire pre-1958 patrimony of the Church concerning the nature of her relationship with the state is now obviated.
And I quote:
"The secular state, one of the principal evils of modernity, is hailed by the Vicar of Christ as a protection of religious freedom andfreedom of conscience."
The quotes of Cardinal Ratzinger taken from the Zenit report prove that he is trying to imply, however obscurely, that the popes of the past had kept Catholics in a ghetto by forcing an unnecessary confrontation with the currents of the modern world. This absurd premise ignores entirely, perhaps deliberately, the root source of the problems of modernity: Protestantism. The fact that many that Catholics succumbed to the ethos of secularism and materialism and various political ideologies in the Nineteenth Century is attributable as one of the long-term manifestations of the effects of the overthrow of the Social Reign of Christ begun by Martin Luther, expedited by Freemasonry and their various anti-Catholic allies, and brought to a conclusion by the work of the American and French Revolutionaries and their successors throughout the world."
The apparent failure of Pope John Paul to reform and reinvigorate the Church and to correct the errors of Vatican II, were doomed to failure as a result of the close monitoring of watchdogs such as Cardinal Ratzinger and other modernists who have been deliberate in their approach to the halls of power.
John Paul, Though a good man, was attempting to rebuild a house on a foundation that had already been compromised. This will be the sad tragedy of the judgment of history upon his tenure.
Now, we see the final prophesies coming to pass. Indeed, this is a black day for the Church as the black veil of the dark side finally seizes the Chair of Saint Peter.
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