Greetings, Once And Future Masters Of Your Own Fate:
It is a given that the "implications" of the substance contained and revealed within the context of the Web Bot technology are of the profoundest nature. (As I am sure you are all aware)
As a result of this, we shall soon see it proven that the Web Bots are in fact an accidental discovery of a means to electronically amplify the innate ability of all human beings, both individually and collectively, to not only discern the flow of potential future realities, but to select, shape and to "force" them as well.
The Web Bots have illuminated a broader spectrum of the human experience than is, (has generally been) normally visible. It casts light upon that river of potentialities whereon the destiny of mankind floats.
The true value of the Bots will prove to be that they will submit into evidence that humanity need no longer float helplessly upon the metaphysical current of emerging historical potentialities, but can, in fact, master them and learn to steer a course upon them, where as before, humans were consigned by their own ignorance to drift as flotsam upon the river of their own destiny, subject to the most outrageous and unseemly caprice of fickle gods.
The Web Bots can teach us to master nothing less than the arrogance of the servant that has grown to be our master.
For that metaphysical power and flow of events, sensed and detected by the Bots is one which we have, for too long, allowed to master our collective destiny as a species. The irony remains that this power is, (and has always been) our own creation.
This revolutionary Web Bot defined amplification, personified within the matrix of the Web Bot technology, is in line with the theory of emergent Vs dominant potentialities that I have so often referred to in my past work on this subject.
Its nature may be viewed in a way as a sort of "competition" between a host of potential alternate realities in a realm just above the 3 d senses of man.
It is the metaphysical historical flow..., each of these potential realities are future extensions of humanity into a timeless and shapeless void....they emerge as reflections, endlessly vying with the other at any given moment for the metaphysical (human derived) energies needed to actualize as the dominant potentiality of the moment that will be experienced by its unwitting human creators.
It is important to realize that emergent success in this matter is determined by a variety of 'present" and ongoing energies and factors, all of which, however, are defined and predicated upon the collective moments of "precedent" historical potentialities that have already successfully actualized.
Everything that will happen, therefore is taking place "now." There is no time, (per se) in this context. Only the present moment exists and will always exist.
There is, nonetheless, an important caveat to the above....Only upon very Rare occasion will come that wrenching, upheaval that turns the world of humans upside down and inside out... The random emergence of such exceptionally rare "chaos" occurrences are what I term "mutant" potentialities.
These are the cross currents and rip tides in the metaphysical fabric of time and space that even such as a Harry Seldon could not anticipate.
These mutant, chaos, potentialities are assigned to do their work within a much larger than normal, (so large as to be an "incomprehensible" ) pattern of repetitious order; one that vastly exceeds the flow currently detected by the Web Bots.
Of course, there remains so much more of this rabbit hole yet to be plumbed. I suppose the question we should ask ourselves at this point is.. Who will take the red pill, and who will take the blue?