Sunday, February 05, 2006



Posted By: CliffMickelson
Date: Thursday, 12 February 2004, 7:10 p.m.
Greetings, all you fond reminiscers!
Ah! ...The golden years: 2003 and 2004!
Remember them well!
These are the years that drove our dollar down!

Future students of economic history may someday point to these years as the period in which the defining potentialities that foretold the coming reality of the first half of the 21st century, emerged into full view.
It is not by accident that in 2003, China doubled its gold reserves ? adding more than 500 tons of the precious yellow metal to its central bank coffers.
China also relaxed it's gold laws, allowing ordinary citizens to acquire, transact and measure in the mythic monetary medium of Midas.

This is only the beginning.
We will soon see a similar rush to value throughout the entire region.
China's gold buying spree has already begun to spill over into adjacent nations.
The State Bank of Vietnam recently announced it is adding up to 10 tons of gold to its coffers. This will essentially triple the central bank's gold holdings and help bolster the value of Vietnam's currency, the Dong.

Even in the Western world, the move to gold has accelerated.
According to a recent Bloomberg news release, Russia, one of the top gold producers in the world, announced that it's gold reserves have hit a record high level of $79 billion!
But...What about America?
What does it all mean for poor old recently unemployed and Media befuddled Joe Six-pack?
What about his magnificently suffering 'significant other' and their remarkably undereducated offspring?
What all this really means, Joe, ol' buddy, is that your dollar is in BIG trouble.
Don't be surprised, Joe, if that peachy new Federal Reserve Note sitting in your wallet, fails to make it through the rest of the decade.
You see, Joe, these "back page news" actions by these other-worldly central banks, is actually a reflection of the true state of your homegrown and personal financial affairs!.
They give the lie to the front page fairy tale that Joe faithfully reads every morning in his newspaper.

They are a "no confidence" vote in the FRN as the world's reserve currency. They herald a move by creditor nations to hedge their bets with assets other than a mortgage on the Frank Church National Wilderness area, (AKA) US treasuries, and a comment by knowledgeable outside observers of their opinion of the present and future value of what Joe Six-pack's labor can produce.
One could also correctly view this 'move to value' dualistically; as a turning point, a major shift in the currents of world history, and/or as simply a hostile and subversive attack on the economic underpinnings and financial position of the US.
In addition to the gold stockpiling of the Eastern central banks, major forces in the Muslim world, (no friends philosophically of anything Western or Christian), are actively attempting to institute the pan-Islamic currency known as the gold Dinar.
This movement, conceived in nations such as Malaysia and Singapore, appears to be approaching a successful fruition due to the diligent guidance of excellent leaders such as Malaysia's Prime Minister, Dr. Mahathar.

It is doubtful if the US ruling class can summon forth the long term discipline and fortitude to wage this battle in the manner that it was fought in 1918, 1932-45, and again in the 1970s.
As such, this would be a situation of their own doing and the mother of all ironies.
It would be an American ruling class version of the battle of Carrhae, in which the arrogance of Crassus is betrayed by the careless indolence of his Gallic cavalry, and is dispatched by the arrows of the Parthians.
In this delicious scenario, it is "Ruling Roman Classus Americanus" who's mouth is then poured full of molten gold and who's skin is unceremoniously tanned and stretched upon a board for the savage enjoyment of an Eastern power.

What could possible bring about such a calamitous event? The answer is quite simply, the decline in the economics of the nation and the degenerate and decadent state of the materialistically drugged post W.W.II "consume-all" generation.
We in America have achieved such an advanced and refined state of rigor mortis and rot, that the sustaining nutriments effected by the uncommon valor and virtues of prior national generation(s) have all but vanished in an orgy of decadent consumerism.
This generation of Americans now seems content to wallow in a swamp of pompous ignorance, all the while, proclaiming that it is THEY alone who have created the best of all possible worlds out of the usual manure pile bequeathed them by history.
Such arrogance is the first harbinger of decline. In actuality, we coast recklessly on the momentum provided by those who came before.

What nature of justice awaits a nation filled with prodigal sons and daughters, loudly proclaiming as their own dominion, the glory and achievements of their parents and their antecedents?
It is in this state of inebriated delirium that we voraciously consume their patrimony and selfishly squander our children's inheritance.
This exquisite folly, in conjunction with, and coupled to, a deliberate, long term and patient attempt to accomplish the destruction of the cultural heritage, rewrite the history, and disarm the moral values of the ethnic groups that made this country great, may have worked their poison for too long.

We are the indolent and careless cavalry of Crassus!
To call upon the golden wealth of history one more time, I point out that:
In the Fifth century, Flavius Aetius, while reading an economic affairs report to the Emperor Valentinian, was foully poniarded by that wastrel's symbolic hand of the people.
A thousand years later, Calvin introduced a similar doctrinal dagger of slow mephitic toxin into the heart of the West that resulted, after four hundred years, in the death of God.
It appears now however, that neither Aetius nor God have left any heirs to carry on in their tradition. may ask yourself, who will save Rome from Attila this time?



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