Friday, December 09, 2005



I am often tasked to explain to those new to the issue how it is that we in North America find ourselves in the vanguard of the push to the New World Order. There are many threads dangling from the cloth of Western civilization that are the ravel of this issue. Some of them are ancient in origin and others much less so. These threads wind themselves thickly through a gossamer garment of history spanning a thousand years and more.

The webbed sinew of the New World Order is found woven throughout all levels of the Western social and political human dynamic. No enterprise of human industry has been left un-pricked by the needle that pulls them.

As a historian I find it an endless marvel that the first truly visible American cloth produced on this loom is one unwittingly being worn by modern students intent on holding a candle against the onrushing NWO darkness.

Little does Horatio suspect the name of the tailor who has dressed him in black. I wager that the tailor himself would be perplexed if not deeply offended by the credit. Nonetheless, the fact remains...wittingly or not, the nature of the globalist path we walk today is irrefutably the survey of one man, Abraham Lincoln.

"Honest" Abe was a man of plain appearences and iron will. He was a great man by any measure, but it was his unfortunate fate to be a man who's hijacked good intentions coupled with his determination, political cunning, and force of personality detoured the destiny of a nation. Like the allegorical snowball rolling down hill, that nation in turn, now threatens to detour the history of the world.

Or... is that nation simply a tool climaxing a global act of consumation?

How is it that the Northern Victory in Mr. Lincoln's War was a stepping stone to globalism?

Prior to the Sumpter provocation, a large number of the northern States and their citizens were opposed to violent attempts to prevent secession. Lincoln needed a pretext to call for military solutions. (Does that old game sound familiar?)

Of course, Lincoln was a brilliant man and a consummate politician. He was much smarter than the average bear. This, combined with his simple, backwoodsy manners and sincere ways, and his lanky awkward gait and dress, gave him a common man's appeal.

These elements all combined to devolve to Lincoln an immense popularity with his partisans and to cause his opponents to fatally underestimate his caliber.

Additionally, on all the core issues, Lincoln was a sincere man who's sincerity communicated quite well.

A constituent had little gray area when making up his mind over Lincoln. You either agreed with him or not because his position appeared to be that plain and straightforward. However, as we know, he was also adept at using this persona with rather disingenuous effect on several levels.

The Northern States, being left without the South, would have fared quite well.

There is a high probability that Confederation would have never taken place in Canada and that the Northern half of the North American Continent would have amalgamated. The Northern States also claimed the far West. (California and Oregon)

Potential conflict of interest with the South still remained in the territorial Southwest. Further Southern aggrandizement at the expense of Mexico would have also been quite likely.

Conversely, if the southern states had been allowed to leave the Union peacefully, it is quite possible that within a few years, at least a few of them would have rejoined their northern neighbors. The others, barring a centralizing catalyst, may have continued on as second rate semi-sovereign powers with a loose affiliation.

The war forced the South to centralize much more than it would have otherwise. The deep distrust of central Federalist power was perhaps the prime motivation of many secessionists to begin with.

Therefore, the South was a confederacy based upon decentralization. This conundrum was fated to fail as it flew in the face of the dominate Western sociopolitical and historical trends of the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries combined.

In the end, it is ironic that the Southern raison'd' etre of decentralization was one of the prime causes of their undoing.

As is usually is the case with successful historical trends, a modern 21century reverse reactionary movement to centralization is now beginning to be subtly felt as this historical tide nears its apex of maximum flow and laps the shores of its end logic point of Global government as seen in the NWO.

I note that it can be successfully hypothesized that all movements, both political and social contain within themselves the seeds of their own destruction. These seeds are invariably germinated as their vessel reaches its full flower.

The Constitution was written is such a way that it specifically spelled out the powers to be delegated to the Federal Government. All other issues and powers not so mentioned are unquestionably described as to remain within the dominion of the sovereign states.

Prior to Mr. Lincoln's war, the majority of Americans considered their loyalties to lie first with their home State and then secondly with the collective body of States known as the States United.

Hence, when Lincoln, through the aegis of General Winfield Scott offered Robert E. Lee command of the Union armies, Lee declined, citing his primary loyalties to the Commonwealth of Virginia. The enclosed text is the body of that letter. Note the reference to the defense of his native State.


Robert E. Lee Resignation from US Army (to Winfield Scott)
Arlington, Washington City P.O.
April 20, 1861

Since my interview with you on the 18th instant I have felt that I ought not longer to retain my commission in the Army. I therefore tender my resignation, which I request you will recommend for acceptance.

It would have been presented at once, but for the struggle it has cost me to separate myself from a service to which I have devoted all the best years of my life & all the ability I possessed.

During the whole of that time, more than 30 years, I have experienced nothing but kindness from my superiors, & the most cordial friendship from my companions. To no one Genl have I been as much indebted as to yourself for uniform kindness & consideration, & it has always been my ardent desire to merit your approbation.

I shall carry with me to the grave the most grateful recollections of your kind consideration, & your name & fame will always be dear to me. Save in the defense of my native State, I never desire again to draw my sword.

Be pleased to accept my most earnest wishes for the continuance of your happiness & prosperity & believe me most truly yours

R. E. Lee

SOURCE: The Wartime Papers of R. E. Lee (New York: Bramhall House, 1961), pages 8-9.


The Sentiments of men the caliber of Robert E. Lee and others were widely if not nearly universally echoed among the common citizenry of the varied States as well.

One's loyalty was to the State of his birth and then to the States United.

Perhaps the most dramatic of visible effects wrought by the war of 1861 was the reversal of that sentiment. The long term effect of the death of regionalism and the rise to maturity of nationalism can be considered to have flowered in full form in the 20th century.

As a new century dawns, the defining rush to World Government is but the collective final end logic of this dynamic.

It remains to be seen if the auto-contained seeds of self-destruction are yet to be germinated.



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