Wednesday, September 14, 2005



By: Cliff Mickelson
Date: Thursday, 17 August 2005

Greetings, All:

I have received a large number of emails asking about the Sun and the coming ionization of Planet Earth.

Many wish to know if there will be warning.

The answer is: Yes.....

So I repeat for the benefit of those yet unacquainted...

We are going to have plenty of warning on the warm up, (we're getting some now) ...But there will be almost no warning on the actual three day kill wave of ionization when it arrives.

That cosmic "wave" will strike suddenly in a manner similar to an ocean tsunami. However, it can be survived.

Here is what I am directed to say on that particular event:

On that one morning when the sky burns like fire and the red flames of sunrise are not extinguished but instead grow to consume the heavens; then you must go inside your homes and close all the doors and shutter all the windows.

Gather your loved ones in the center of your home and do not under any circumstances venture forth into the light that consumes.

Do not succumb to the desire to gaze out the window.

Do not in anyway look upon the magnificent horrors occurring.

For.... As it came to pass with the wife of Lot; those who do so will likely die.

For three days and three nights the planet will be purified in the ethereal furnace of an electric fire that burns across a tortured sky and writhes across the heavens.

It will be as the fire and brimstone of old.

Then the Angel of Death will pass and those who have survived his passing will know a new world. Much of that which was known before and many of those who knew it will have passed beyond the gates of heaven's fire.

But others will continue on.

As much as a third of the planet may perish. Surprisingly, few plants and animals will be apparently affected. They too will pass into a world changed forever.

More remains to be told yet that is all I have to say on the matter for now.

by Cliff Mickelson


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