"The Modern Attack is in its main character, materialist, and atheist, and, being atheist, it is necessarily indifferent to truth. For God is truth."
"The better dupes, the less vicious converts to the enemy, talk vaguely of "a readjustment, a new world order" but they do not define the end that they have in view."
-Hillarie Belloc ... The Great Heresies, 1938 A.D.
Greetings Once and Future Beasts of Burdon:
The Modern Attack? I never heard of it!..... What is "the Modern Attack??
Well, perhaps another acronym for the "Modern Attack" will help bring things into focus....Does this ring a bell?
The New World Order?
So...What IS the "So called NWO, or as I prefer to call it...The Modern Attack?
First and formost, the modern attack is often called a "return to Paganism"
But that description is its own poison.
"For, there exists more than one paganism. There was the noble, civilized Paganism, (Out of which we all came) of Greece and Rome. There was the barbaric Paganism of the fringe and savage European tribes, German, Slavonic etc. There is the degraded Paganism of Africa, and the alien Paganism of despair that is found in Asia."
But none of these are comparable to the "vicious" and dehumanizing, anti-reason based Paganism of the Modern Humanist Attack.
It is a cancer of our own making and one that, like the viper in the basket of figs, we have too long, fatally clutched to our collective breasts.
Being Atheist, modern Paganism repudiates human reason....And...It thrives on the contradictions implicit in its own terms. For, if one were to deny the value of human reason, that is to say, that we cannot through our reason arrive at any truth, then not even the affirmation so said can be true, and nothing is therefore worth saying!
But above all, the modern humanist Paganism is indifferent to self-contradiction. In fact, it THRIVES upon it! Like the aforementioned cancer, it perverts the values of employable contradiction and feasts upon its entrails.
There has come down to us from the Greeks, and preserved for us in our universal Catholic heritage, a certain indissoluble Trinity of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.
You cannot deny or attack one of these three without at the same time denying or attacking both the others.
Therefore, the hallmark of the advance of this mortal enemy of all that exists of our heritage is the watermark not only of a contempt for beauty, but a hatred of it, and immediately upon the heels of this, there appears a contempt and hatred for virtue!
The new Paganism is a return to slavery. It is the necessary result of denying free will when that denial goes one step beyond Calvin and denies responsibility to God as well as denies the lack of power in man.
The two-forms of slavery which are gradually appearing and will as time goes on be more and more matured under the effect of the modern attack are:
Slavery to the State and Slavery to private corporations and individuals. Here we see an advancing form of highly refined feudal servitude. A slavery based on the degradation and perversion of all the higher virtues of the heritage of western Man.
Above all, the definition of the bondage of the modern attack is its total indifference to human suffering and its deliberate indulgence in cruelty.
Lest the clamor arise that cruelty has always been a companion of man, I say that there is an intrinsic difference between cruelty as the exception and cruelty as the rule.
In the modern form of cruelty, (read, evil) men are not shocked by cruelty but instead, are indifferent to it! It is a cruelty accompanied by a contempt of justice, and a degradation and obviation of the capacity for human reason.
In the world of the Modern Humanist Attack, there will be no horror of cruelty, no universal cry of indignation, no noteworthy protests. This is because there is no longer in force the conception that man as man is something sacred.
That same force which ignores human dignity also ignores, and even feasts upon human suffering!
So it is that our children are the harvest from the seeds we have sown.... And so it is that we and those before us have brought forth to market a bitter fruit. This is the yield from the fields of evil.
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