Greetings, providers of fleece:
The informed reader is by now, well aware that some months back the Federal Reserve announced an end to the reporting of M3.
For those readers as yet uninitiated to the Byzantine world of international fiat banking I provide the following brief synopsis.
"M3 is the broadest definition of the money supply: It includes coins, currency, checking accounts, money market funds, time deposits and institutional money market accounts.
The M3 does a better job of showing long-term trends by central bankers than either M1 or M2. "
M3 was officially laid to rest on March 20, 2006. Now, less than two weeks later, ominous, but as of yet unsubstantiated rumors concerning M3 are circulating within the groups I work with. The gist of these rumors are that with M3 officially "off-line" and no longer being reported, that the Federal Reserve has begun placing HUGE orders for cash. Huge, as in "Trillions"!
If true, this will naturally cause a massive inflation of the economy.
I have discussed in the past how massive inflation is just about the only way left for the US government to work its way out of the debt morass it has created.
Of course this "debt float" will be done on the backs of the American taxpayers. Massive currency printing =massive inflation=a tax on you and I.
Further, if this report is true, and if word of such inflationary printing activities leak out to the more savvy high level international investors, etc., there will be a massive dump of the dollar on a global scale!
No doubt, this plan (to inflate the currency) has been in the works for some time and hence the deliberate premeditated demise of M3.
Is this reported initiation of Weimar style inflation truly the case? I have no true clue as of yet because, without the benchmark of M3 reporting, the true nature of the issue is obscured.
Obviously, our masters choose to tell us nothing. No surprise there....However, judging from the direction that all the pieces of the puzzle point, my educated guess is that some percentage of this scenario is likely the case. In the end, there is no other way out of the jungle for the ponzi scheme of fiat currency. So... We shall soon see. In the meantime, dear readers, it may be prudent to apportion a modest increment of your rapidly devaluing income into silver and gold as well as basic foodstuffs and commodities.
Uncle Cliffy says: ...An ounce of silver today may well be worth a pound of dollars tomorrow!
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